Fire is actually the element of intuition so you'd expect fire.. ;DYou know I have a prediction most INFJs dont have much "fire" in them. I think they would have more water and air.
Jung’s functions correspond to the elements in astrology: Fire-Intuition; Earth-Sensation; Air-Thinking; and Water-Feeling
I have a grand trine in fire signs (wether you use sidereal or tropical zodiac...but neptune is involved so no trine if using vedic or traditional western interpretation ).
I'm actually a peculiarity for an ex astro part time enthusiast (I dabbled for a decade) because I use sidereal zodiac, which means that the signs of the zodiac are more defined by the actual constellations in the sky, rather than the symbolic changing of the seasons. The reason is I have one of those charts where the most commonly used system (tropical zodiac and placidus houses) actually makes me out to be the hot shot super CEO corporate tycoon or world's most awesome secretary who's mostly into relationships and moneymaking. I related to the aspect descriptions but the house and sign descriptions left me scratching my head.
(Very) long story short I was given a fixed stars report as a present. Fixed stars, leading me to see saw between vedic astrology, and western sidereal. I also use the sign as house system. ;D
I voted Taurus on this poll, because that's my western Tropical sun sign (2nd house), but if you use Vedic and Western sidereal I'm an Aries (5th house), and I relate much more to that.
I have my moon conjunct Spica which is a star in the constellation of Virgo (=Tropical libra, Vedic Libra, Western sidereal Virgo) and mars, jupiter, north node conjunct Regulus in the constellation of Leo. In western tropical jupiter in Virgo.

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