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Things I keep mum about because they make meUgh... Christian nationalism.... it makes Christ look so great to the world![]()

Things I keep mum about because they make meUgh... Christian nationalism.... it makes Christ look so great to the world![]()
Things I keep mum about because they make me![]()
Same here. It makes me sick with disgust - sullying the name of Christ with their temporary agendas. Christ talked about people like that. I think he ended his warning against those people with, "Depart from me, I never knew you". They'd do well to spend more time looking at the person and work of Christ.
And further where His Kingdom actually is and that it's already established. It pisses me off mostly because they think they, a human being, are required to do something for God to succeed. It's nonsense to think that Christ would declare "It is finished" and not have actually finished.
PS: Theonomists....
"Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor." 1 Peter 2:17
This is terrible. This is so terrible. This is how we become a Theocracy! This is BAD for everyone especially gay men!
Right? Scripture is very clear that God places who he wills in leadership/government. People getting all upset who's in leadership and what they might do equates to questioning the will of God and a complete lack of trust in him and his sovereignty.
Like your sig says:
This is how we become? Then where the hell did we start? Unless I'm remembering my U.S. history wrong, our nation started out with a heavy slant towards religion that has only recently started to become uplifted. Half way Covenants were practically needed to JUST get into office if you weren't off the right religion. I'm also somewhat disappointed, does anyone purpose to start any action to remove the laws (they are just mostly there for old times sake, just need the initiative to move 'em so people can't abuse 'em) it IS bad. Just complaining it doesn't help though. In order words, I agree with Afrelen.
I am not surprised that seven states have this in their constitutions. There are ridiculous laws still on the books from hundreds of years ago that haven't been removed due to the time, effort and money it would take to do it. What shocks me is that someone actually thought to use that against someone. As if this man was the first person in the state of North Carolina to choose a "solemn affirmation". It's absurd, really and they most likely won't be able to remove him from his seat. However, like it was stated in the video, it will likely get caught up in litigation for quite some time. All of this time, money, and effort could have easily been avoided if the state of North Carolina had bothered to remove and unconstitutional law from their books... one that I would assume was not being enforced until some religious fanatic decided to stir up a little trouble by cracking open a book.
Really? I know SJs, or at least ISTJs, tend to uphold tradition, but of the ones that I know very few are actually religious and most would be just as appalled by this as the next atheist. I have actually found that the NFs I know are more likely to have faith than the SJs. I know it's off topic, but I really don't think you can push this off on the SJ majority. In fact, you cant pin it on a majority at all. If you could this would be happening every day in all of the seven states that were mentioned, and it's not.
Shouldn't thesists be banned as well then? And possible agnostics as they can't make up their minds anyway
(Being agnostic is fun though, it makes so many people angry)
Well politicians are all liars and Atheists are generally assholes so I would rather have a liar than a lying asshole in charge of things.
Atheists are hated way, way more than gay men are.
LOL Rachel Maddow what a dreadful awful terrible show.![]()
Luckily, I'm not an Atheist, I'm a Satanist.
Well politicians are all liars and Atheists are generally assholes so I would rather have a liar than a lying asshole in charge of things.
So was DevilDoll. What makes your experience representative of the majority, while hers can be disregarded?Then you don't know many SJ's. If they are religious they are extreme in nature.
Yes none Religious SJs look also down on people for being Atheist / Agnostic . And yes I'm speaking from experience here.
A barely relevant note on this: I find the atheist-hatred much less bothersome than homophobia. The former is just hatred for an opinion, and if the atheist "found Jesus," he'd be welcomed as a brother. Not so for a gay man. He cannot change his orientation, and regardless of his beliefs, he will be shunned. It has nothing to do with rational arguments, only visceral repulsion hiding behind scriptural interpretation.
Why do you say that?
Are those mutually exclusive?
Why do you think that atheists are "generally assholes"?
So was DevilDoll. What makes your experience representative of the majority, while hers can be disregarded?
She is free of course to think whatever she thinks to be true.
But knowing enough SJ's I can say that SJ's tend to have this problem.
I agree that SJs tend to be more dogmatic. You claimed considerably more than that, however, while DevilDoll was careful to limit her statements according to her experience. I don't know why you consider your experience sufficient to conclude that all religious SJs are extremists, or that those nonreligious SJs still look down upon atheists and agnostics.
Dogmatism aside, I don't think SJs as a group should be blamed for a centuries-old constitutional article, nor should they be blamed for the fact that a few nutjobs in North Carolina are trying to use said article to prevent an atheist from serving.
On the topic of athiests....I've have athiests attempt to tell me that Buddhism isn't a religion and they are a Buddhist, yet still an athiest. They denied that buddhism believes in multiple gods, this atheist didn't make sense. So it's possibly for the best.