Baby the stars shine bright...

Weird. Found this video while walking off some 2am ibs - probably connected :D I’m totally rusty on the maths so I can’t follow this well - but it sounds like it needs a mathematically continuous space to be true. A lot of physics is starting to consider space to be discrete/pixelated at Planck level. It would probably say a much about the nature of physical space if it really is manifesting in reality :sunglasses:
Posting this as a thank you for all those catch-up likes :)

What a lovely video John! Thank you so much for sharing! It’s incredibly interesting how many indigenous groups, including the Australians, use inticrate stories in relavance to astronomy. The morning and evening star story were very fascinating!

Again, thank you for sharing! Much love! :)
What a lovely video John! Thank you so much for sharing! It’s incredibly interesting how many indigenous groups, including the Australians, use inticrate stories in relavance to astronomy. The morning and evening star story were very fascinating!

Again, thank you for sharing! Much love! :)

I'm glad you liked it Jenny
- the old myths are far more poetic than modern science aren't they. I've always loved the idea of dreamtime since I first heard about it. I wouldn't want to give up what we have now though - that Mars landing recently :sunglasses:, and some of the images they bring back from the big telescopes, not to mention the weird theories :sunglasses::sunglasses:. I wonder if the guys who invented quantum mechanics were in their own sort of dream time :D
@Lady Jolanda

A quick thank you - I've found another moon sea and beach picture just for you


Also this fascinating video from a satellite orbiting the moon. Watch in full screen - if you scroll around the timeline you can find sequences of the earth rising and setting :sunglasses:


Feeling an extreme existential crisis in the midst.
The more I think about these things the stranger it seems that we can actually appreciate them a little. Like it says in the video, how many marvels are there that are forever out of our reach? It’s weird and disturbing, but I find it exhilarating as well - I’d find it intolerable to be caught inside a world with hard boundaries. Thanks for posting this Jenny - I found it very enjoyable.
I was looking on Pinterest to find myself a nice new wallpaper for my iPhone; ended up finding this beautiful photo and reminded me of @James... made me really think and contemplate about the whole meaning of life and the purpose of this human experience. It’s funny, sometimes I see James’ posts on some threads and always appreciated the thoughts and wisdom he shared towards others. And then my heart hurts again seeing how great of a human being he was.

I wish I had the opportunity to know him more than just a few months because I have a great feeling he and I would’ve been great friends and shared our perspective and deep admiration for the stars.

Anyways, hope you are flying in the cosmos my friend @James

Fascinating announcement earlier today.


The image of the black hole as captured by eight telescopes on Earth
  • Sarah Knapton
10 APRIL 2019 • 3:08 PM

A black hole surrounded by swirling ring of fire has been pictured by scientists for the first time in an image described as ‘the gates of hell, at the end of space and time.’

The phenomenon which has never been observed before shows superheated matter being pulled towards the event horizon after which nothing can escape.
Another article says that it’s in the middle of a nearby galaxy 55 Million light years away. Funny how the concept of nearby changes with scale lol.
Fascinating announcement earlier today.


The image of the black hole as captured by eight telescopes on Earth
  • Sarah Knapton
10 APRIL 2019 • 3:08 PM

A black hole surrounded by swirling ring of fire has been pictured by scientists for the first time in an image described as ‘the gates of hell, at the end of space and time.’

The phenomenon which has never been observed before shows superheated matter being pulled towards the event horizon after which nothing can escape.
Another article says that it’s in the middle of a nearby galaxy 55 Million light years away. Funny how the concept of nearby changes with scale lol.

I was just about to quickly post about this before starting my day and log off the forum! It’s amazing isn’t it? If only Einstein and Hawking were around to see this discovery. It’s even more beautiful than I imagined it to be.

Really happy to have witnessed seeing this photo in my lifetime.