Bad People Don't Exist

History is like a dream. We can learn nothing from the past. At least historians know the difference between what is made up or invented and historical fact which requires research or they'd never get out of their chairs to do any.
Historians dont make history... well haha, actually they do. They make it up and write it out, but I meant they aren't the ones being written about. They arent even the ones doing the fact checking, anthropologists, geologist, etc are.
Well geology works with the exact same method. Why don't you apply your skepticism there?
It may be nitpicking, but for me, as long as you accept that your ideas of evil and Good are subjective to you personally, we are in agreement. I find things evil and wrong, but I would never be presumptuous enough to say its objectively truthful, its not. Its painted by the veil of my experiences, everyone is. As long as you accept that, its all good.

truth exists
but truth can be denied
...and I always thought truth spoke for itself.
truth exists
but truth can be denied

I think you would have a spectacularly hard time supporting this assertion. In science [that is based on empiricism, which is todays standard], it is the assumption that there exsists some objective truth that can be observed. However, it is only an assuption which leads to consistent results, it has not actually been demonstrated. Any argument I can think of to demonstrate that there is objective truth relies on the Law of parsimony [or occam's razor], which is itself an assumption.
I think truth is rather present, as opposed to being subjective; a form of that which is real. I feel truth is revealed to those seeking it, and thus speaks for itself. However, truth may not speak to everyone. Truth would consist of many truths. Thus, it would seem like a journey of sorts to find the truth.

Jesus said He was the Truth, and no man could come unto the Father but through Him. I see this truth as a challenge to live my life according to the many truths I have learned and been taught, with the ultimate goal at the end of the journey. Have I thus become part of the truth?
I am probably a little late into this and trust me, I am not reading 13 pages worth of posts (I have read a few pages). Yet, I have been completely fascinated lately by the "prison shows" on Netflix so I have pretty much watched everything from Prison wives to solitary confinement. As I first began watching, I could see things they would say that would cause a trigger reaction in me. For example, they'd say something like, "We are treated like we don't matter." And I would counter-reply with, "Well, what do you expect?" (And yes, I realize you are thinking- why is she talking to the tv show). I am a student of human behavior and I am fascinated with why people do what they do or how do people think what they think? I am intrigued by the fact that 1- prisoners can see no empathy on the part of the person they victimized (even if the correlation was pointed out to them) and 2- why we allow a sort of anonymity to prisoners especially those that are predators and violent criminals.

I have been planning out a sort of prison reform for my own curiosity that would increase the productivity of prisoners, completely make prisons undesirable places to want to go to, a reform of prison mentality, a program that would assist prisoners that are non-violent and non-predatory to wipe out first offenses so that they can indeed get jobs and not have to return to criminal behavior to survive, increase the idea that we need to tailor the punishment to the crime and begin letting the criminals SEE what they have done and have to answer to the victim in hopes that it would increase their empathy and therefore change their own mind about their behavior, and bring more self-sufficiency to the prison system in means of doing away with non-essentials.

If we refuse to accept the idea that bad people do not exist then we are not seeing that people have a choice whether to be good or bad. Every day we make decisions to define our paths. Yes, society sometimes creates the "bad" in people by treating them inhumane and giving them what they perceive as no choice but we still choose. If someone goes out of their way to lie, scam, and then hurt you- I am sorry but that person is "bad" and I can assure I have first hand experience of someone that CHOSE to LIE, CHOSE to put his hands on me even though I did nothing to him, and then sat on the stand and lie about it ALL. Although his lies were futile and he was sentenced but in HIS mind- HE was in the RIGHT and I was WRONG because I did not "do as he said" or didn't do it according to HIS standards. So you can decide- is he bad or just perceived as bad. In the eyes of the law, he is not bad but a criminal with a criminal mentality. In my eyes, he is a very bad person and I do pray and I have forgiven, I just pray to God he does change so NO one else ever has to be victimized by him ever again.

And to finish my point, the more I watched the shows, the more empathy I began to feel for some of the people there. The solitary confinement was probably the worst show of all. Even as an introvert, I would be devastated to be stuck in a place like that and have NO human contact for years. The problem is this, our justice system is crap and what we've been doing is not working. More people tend to be going "bad" and then justifying their actions by splitting hairs. It can't be both ways, it can't be good and bad, nor right and wrong, it is not always black and white but we can't say people are not bad but then get mad when something "bad" happens to us that was caused by another human being that had free-will and a mind to think about the choices they were about to make. So to sum it up, we can't justify anything. We are known by our fruits, and we can't justify that in any manner.
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[MENTION=5917]abeautifulheartandmind[/MENTION] I have been there...I share your pain...I was lucky enough however, to have it be my first I knew what to look for later. There are many people it seems who don't share our kindness and empathy for others...people who will take advantage of every weakness you show...or wait in the shadows for you to be unexpecting. There are BAD people out there...EVIL people. My definition of EVIL is someone who can harm another human being or animal without ANY remorse. I can tell in a persons eyes whether they are kind or not now...the eyes don't lie
[MENTION=5917]abeautifulheartandmind[/MENTION] I have been there...I share your pain...I was lucky enough however, to have it be my first I knew what to look for later. There are many people it seems who don't share our kindness and empathy for others...people who will take advantage of every weakness you show...or wait in the shadows for you to be unexpecting. There are BAD people out there...EVIL people. My definition of EVIL is someone who can harm another human being or animal without ANY remorse. I can tell in a persons eyes whether they are kind or not now...the eyes don't lie

This was my last relationship and I had already been in a few bad ones (more so just psychological and emotionally abusive) but this was malicious, it was like he knew me better than I did. I seriously never believed people could be so evil. Now, if anyone even crosses my boundary line then I am like, ummm, noooo... I am slowly but surely learning to trust my gut. What good is a gut instinct if you doubt yourself and give everyone else the benefit of the doubt? The worse part about this one is he was still driving by my house up until he was finally sentenced and warn. He did it for a psychological thrill that he was breaking the law- yea, what an outlaw! LOL. So yes, I realized the first time he ever put his hands on me that he had evil in his eyes and I won't forget that look nor will I allow any person ever to treat me like he did. Thanks for sharing with me. :)
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This was my last relationship and I had already been in a few bad ones (more so just psychological and emotionally abusive) but this was malicious, it was like he knew me better than I did. I seriously never believed people could be so evil. Now, if anyone even crosses my boundary line then I am like, ummm, noooo... I am slowly but surely learning to trust my gut. What good is a gut instinct if you doubt yourself and give everyone else the benefit of the doubt? The worse part about this one is he was still driving by my house up until he was finally sentenced and warn. He did it for a psychological thrill that he was breaking the law- yea, what an outlaw! LOL. So yes, I realized the first time he ever put his hands on me that he had evil in his eyes and I won't forget that look nor will I allow any person ever to treat me like he did. Thanks for sharing with me. :)

I've been there too. I must have been living in a bubble because I didn't experience it until my late 20s. I thought I had a lock on life. I thought I knew what was going on. I couldn't have been more wrong.

He would get an erection thinking about killing people; it was fun to him. If he could get away with it, I would be dead.
There are no such things as bad people

There are no liars

There are no murderers

There are no thieves

The only thing you are is human. everything else, you do

you can change that at any time by doing something different

you are very stupid.
Sometimes I want to thumb up posts for their comical value, but am afraid it would be misinterpreted.
I agree that one cannot be inherently 'good' or 'bad', because those words imply an objective and black/white morality that can be ascribed to individuals, and 'good' and 'bad' are subjective qualities. But people who have been convicted of murder, for example, can objectively be called "murderers" because it is objective that they have murdered people.
I would also add that the core of MBTI is based upon the generalization and categorization of personalties. It's not dehumanizing to say "Hey, you're an ESTP".
There are no such things as bad people

There are no liars

There are no murderers

There are no thieves

The only thing you are is human. everything else, you do

you can change that at any time by doing something different


Nope, I'd say there's bad people, there's evil and there's evil people too.

No one is born evil or bad, they sure can get that way, they do enough evil or bad things and they become habituated to it and dont even realise that's what they're doing anymore. They find a dozen ways of rationalising it all, usually corresponding to feelings of inferiority.