bernie's an infj, hence, the integrity.

I imagine that he got better expressing warmth over time, but I assure you, this guy is not an extraverted feeler or even a dominant feeler.

He called a kid dumb for Christ's sake, he debates with them like adults.

This is so funny. Bernie is a NT type of some sort. He wants to analysis everything and he can't relate to people on a personal level (no Fe).
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Bernie is aiming to make medicare universal, if you are paying federal income taxes you are already paying for medicare, if it is expanded you will be paying more, nobody is talking about "free health insurance".
the rabid right
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Bernie is aiming to make medicare universal, if you are paying federal income taxes you are already paying for medicare, if it is expanded you will be paying more, nobody is talking about "free health insurance".
the rabid right
And... I'm missing it... how does this relate to his MBTI type?
it directly relates to his integrity as the post I was addressing touts the idea that Bernie is ingenuous in suggesting that healthcare can be free.
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I don’t think we can assume MBTI archetypes simply based on integrity or caring about humans.

Personally, I think 99% of politicians are sociopaths or very least in the cluster B category.

Even the ones who tout caring and helping humans. To me it’s just a platform for power, votes, and recognition. They all find niche issues to ensure future followers. All of it, every single bit of it is lip service.

The only difference is weather they are covert (Obama) or overt (Trump).
If humanity built an AI and into this we pour all our cruelty, our malice, and our will to dominate all life, would it be any different than a modern day politician?

Would it be INTJ? :m197:

INTJ lmao!

I bet it would be the same as any politician. However, it would lack the tact, charm, and pretty words politicians and other manipulative people would use.
That would cause more of a revolt against it as it would only reason to tell us how worthless and incapable we are rather than building on our ego and believing it has our best intentions in mind.

It would be an interesting experiment though! Too bad I don’ know programming.
i picture the typical politician as an estp - most everything's negotiable.

i only know one intj well. he's a good psychologist. he's hypnotized me (to help me achieve my goals) a few times- got to be a little sensitive to the feelings of others to do that. yes, he made the occasional relationship gaffe. the thing i like best about intj's is their being undaunted by tough challenges.
I imagine that he got better expressing warmth over time, but I assure you, this guy is not an extraverted feeler or even a dominant feeler.

He called a kid dumb for Christ's sake, he debates with them like adults.

This is brilliant.
"When I was a young person, what we learned, is that black people smell." :tearsofjoy:
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Fe has nothing to do with caring "about society" thats more of a Te thing (order, hierarchy, stucture, quantity, etc.). Fe is more about etiquette, caring about what "feels good" in general. Fe is about equanimity even false equivalency. "Political Correctness" for its own sake would be Fe, IMO.

You don't say.