bernie's an infj, hence, the integrity.

In my opinion, I think there's entirely too much projection that INFJs are the ideal personality for president in this thread. No different than most people's political beliefs that are entirely missing the point. Which are, "he/she's just like me and he/she gets me so they have my vote!". There are far more better reasons to vote for someone than what they say or the agenda they carry to get themselves into office. Whether you can relate to them on a deeper level or not. And I'm sorry but, to assume INFJs have the most integrity and make for ideal presidents can sound a bit egotistic and narrow-minded (not trying to say you are).

However, I do acknowledge that Bernie has essentially been the same and that speaks volumes especially for a politician. So, I'm not necessarily doubting his integrity but he's still a politician that should be analyzed thoroughly before casting a vote. And to stay on-topic, I also don't believe he's an INFJ thus far. We only know what's shown to us so we shouldn't assume he's anything especially with how the media does things.
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I just saw this.
Had to share it because Curb Your Enthusiasm meets Bernie is just the best idea.
Oh boy Bernie!
Do I get a guess?

ENTJ -- he has too much of a plan.

He has a well developed sense of how to help others, probably known many people downtrodden by a broken system over his life, starting at a young age.

I mean, he’s been in politics for a long time, I am sure any type can have ideas and plans if given enough time
kanye west is infj.
Still don't think Bernie is an INFJ. In person he is a lot different than he seems in the media, too. He is calm and serious (which is more like an INFJ would be, but I still don't think he is one). He didn't get emotional. He calmly explained his plans and how they would work. I'm familiar with his ideas, so it was actually kind of boring, but also necessary because he is painted as the guy with big ideas that have no structure and he had to explain the structure.
Ben and Jerry were there and Ben was much more emotional and animated. Ben also brought up some things Bernie did in Vermont that I had forgotten about and that the media doesn't currently cover. It was kind of funny because aren't rallies meant to psyche people up and get the entire crowd excited? Ben was dancing, passionate, gave out free ice cream... Ben Cohen for president! (J/K)
Bernie ENTP and he doesn’t “ONLY” work, and have no hobbies, that’s just the image his press team wants to project. , he’s super into being a good grandpa. There are videos of him pretending to be a zombie to make his grandkids laugh, he giggles when Larry David imitates him to his face. He totally has a playful side. He’s super into his family. He’s a step dad of three kids that he treats as if they were his bio-kids....I can’t understand why people are angry that Bernie never played dirty. if he becomes the corruption he’s fighting then what’s the point? We like Bernie because he has integrity. Bernies ideas are popular, he’s made waves he doesn’t need to be president to change the game in this country, he just needs to keep being true to himself. Also I know first hand how much a campaign team can completely twist the image of someone to suit their agenda. Bernies team made many mistakes.
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