Book Club???

... so are we going with a theme at all? Because, y'know, I forsee this poll being a total flop should everyone start with their favourites.


J/K, how intensive are the reading requirements for this? Is it fairly laid back or aggressive?
*deep breath*

Tdht - uh...theme?...errr *tries to hide her book clubby ignorance*

Nai - uh...undecided...still discussing or lost in translation or something...
OK...So we should vote on a theme first.

Or genre?

Next how long do we want to give everyone the chance to read the book, weekly discussions? monthly?

suggestions are welcome..needed, and appreciated...*nervously bites all her fingernails off*

That offends my orderly, J-nessness. Prepare to defend yourself in a scheduled and perfectly organized duel.

J/K, how intensive are the reading requirements for this? Is it fairly laid back or aggressive?

I hope it's laid-back. The last thing I want is to have this feeling like a school project. That being said, as much as I would like to have fun and enjoy myself, I'd also like to learn something.
Theme: Mind-blowing awesomeness.
That offends my orderly, J-nessness. Prepare to defend yourself in a scheduled and perfectly organized duel.

I hope it's laid-back. The last thing I want is to have this feeling like a school project. That being said, as much as I would like to have fun and enjoy myself, I'd also like to learn something.

OK...attempt 1 and rules and regs...

A theme will be chosen from a list of suggested topics
EG: Classic, self discovery, horror, ect.

We will say 100 pages a week for discussions. Easy enough.

Anyone can participate
Anyone can join in the middle providing they participate in older discussions
Anyone can drop out if they decide the book is not for them

This is not meant to be a chore, or a hassle. I want this to work for everyone
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*deep breath*

Tdht - uh...theme?...errr *tries to hide her book clubby ignorance*

Well, it's not really some protocol of a book-club, because heaven knows, I've never belonged to a book club before. But I imagine that if we're going to settle on a book without being constrained by the problems that personal biases might cause (such as those introduced by voting), it might be a good idea to establish perimeters that put us outside our comfort zone.

That being said, you're absolutely right to mention some sort of schedule. I suggest that 100 pages per week isn't too rigorous of a demand, so if the book or novel has 300, it should take us three weeks to complete. When we start discussions is up to us, although I think that posting our thoughts at the end of every week might keep those of us prone to procrastination more on track and less likely to abandon the project because we got overwhelmed.

I say 3 weeks is a good time to get through a book. Good pacing.

Are book discussion questions going to be posted? Are there questions we can try to answer every week to keep us going or motivated?
Well, it's not really some protocol of a book-club, because heaven knows, I've never belonged to a book club before. But I imagine that if we're going to settle on a book without being constrained by the problems that personal biases might cause (such as those introduced by voting), it might be a good idea to establish perimeters that put us outside our comfort zone.

That being said, you're absolutely right to mention some sort of schedule. I suggest that 100 pages per week isn't too rigorous of a demand, so if the book or novel has 300, it should take us three weeks to complete. When we start discussions is up to us, although I think that posting our thoughts at the end of every week might keep those of us prone to procrastination more on track and less likely to abandon the project because we got overwhelmed.


Yes this is wonderful I will change the rules post I just did....I can handle 100 pages a week. Hell I read 3-4 as it is.
Ok we need to narrow this down

I would like to know on a vote,

Fic, or non fic
I say 3 weeks is a good time to get through a book. Good pacing.

Are book discussion questions going to be posted? Are there questions we can try to answer every week to keep us going or motivated?

we can do that. if I am hosting the first one I can ask questions once I finish my 100 words, others can feel free to ask as well.
I vote Non fiction

I think there will be more to discuss after reading a non fiction book
I vote fic . . .
OK...attempt 1 and rules and regs...

A theme will be chosen from a list of suggested topics
EG: Classic, self discovery, horror, ect.

We will say 100 pages a week for discussions.
A discussion thread will be started for the entire book, but we will have weekly discussions as we reach 100 pages.

questions will be posed to the group by the host.
Further questions can be asked in discussion by the rest of the group as well.

Anyone can participate
Anyone can join in the middle providing they participate in older discussions
Anyone can drop out if they decide the book is not for them

This is not meant to be a chore, or a hassle. I want this to work for everyone

editing as I go
I vote fiction, I think non-fiction would be easier for some to digest after the club has been well established.
I'm a lot more picky with my non-fiction books than I am with my fiction books (author bias and all), so I vote fiction.