Book Club???

I think it sounds like quite the process. Why don't we just see if we already have a rough consensus on genre in this thread before we take the time to put up a genre poll and tack on the formality of taking an extra day or two to have everyone make up their minds?

I vote for Fantasy (historical, romantic, epic, superhero, I don't particularly care which).
Sounds good!

Fantasy for me!
Spacecowgirl, PJ, MF, NAI, Arby? What are your picks for genre?
Spacecowgirl, PJ, MF, NAI, Arby? What are your picks for genre?


I don't care about the theme, whatever works for me. Fiction that isn't chick drama is good enough for me.

If I HAVE to pick one, I could go for a horror or psychological thriller.
I don't care about the theme, whatever works for me. Fiction that isn't chick drama is good enough for me.

What, according to you, is "chick drama"? And does it exclude your desperate and secret love for Scottie McMullet books?

If I HAVE to pick one, I could go for a horror or psychological thriller.

Well no, you don't have to pick one...but it does make you easier to dominate... :P
For genre? I'll go for just about any fiction. Seriously. As long as it's smart and doesn't insult my intelligence (*shifty eyes at Mulletman*)

ETA: Favorites are award winners, though, in any genre. But especially science fiction and fantasy.
4 for fantasy
1 horror
1 thriller
1 science fiction

Recap so far
Epic space-odyssey-bildungsroman.

I'm fine with what ever we choose.
What, according to you, is "chick drama"? And does it exclude your desperate and secret love for Scottie McMullet books?

Well no, you don't have to pick one...but it does make you easier to dominate... :P


my love for mcmullet falls into the realm of man-crush.

Wait I am being dominated? Do I have to pay??
I'm in. McMullets, chic-drama, whatever, I'll read it.
unless anyone objects, I am going to call the genre voted for as Sci/fi Fantasy?
So can we start recommending books for the poll? And if I may suggest... perhaps we should limit one recommended book per individual, so we don't have too long of a list to wade through and so everyone thinks really carefully about their recommendations.
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So can we start recommending books for the poll? And if I may suggest... perhaps we should limit one recommended book per individual, so we don't have too long of a list to wade through and so everyone thinks really carefully about their recommendations.

yes I think its safe to say Fantasy wins.

One book suggestion per person
Must be a book you havnt read
Must provide a description
Must eat cookies,
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