Bump stocks for guns


London murder rate beats New York for month as stabbings surge.

London became a bit more like New York City in February, but it's not a distinction to be proud of.


Huh. Must be all those guns that London and the UK has. @James ?

Or it could be that you didn't fully read the article. In both the months quoted London had one more fatality than New York.

Also it's against the back drop of a huge drop in the murder rates since 1990 in NYC.

Also? New York is still ten ahead of London for the year.

Including January, London still has fewer murders so far this year — 45 against 55 — and its total in 2017 was also lower. But the gap has narrowed in recent years.

London murder rate beats New York for month as stabbings surge.

London became a bit more like New York City in February, but it's not a distinction to be proud of.

The city of Big Ben and the tube that sits on the Thames River overtook New York in murders for the first time in modern history as the British capital dealt with a surge in knife attacks.


Huh. Must be all those guns that London and the UK has. @James ?

Or it could be that you didn't fully read the article. In both the months quoted London had one more fatality than New York.

Also it's against the back drop of a huge drop in the murder rates since 1990 in NYC.

Also? New York is still ten ahead of London for the year.

Including January, London still has fewer murders so far this year — 45 against 55 — and its total in 2017 was also lower. But the gap has narrowed in recent years.

@Eventhorizon is the reader and author of fake news. Try using some critical thinking, EH.

Its not fake news. The picture was CLEARLY labeled.

OK. "Fake news" has come a long way since it was used at the White House in a sentence.

Wasn't singling out your post. Still laughing about the use of the term. I like it.
The shearing of the sheep.
Or it could be that you didn't fully read the article. In both the months quoted London had one more fatality than New York.

Also it's against the back drop of a huge drop in the murder rates since 1990 in NYC.

Also? New York is still ten ahead of London for the year.

Including January, London still has fewer murders so far this year — 45 against 55 — and its total in 2017 was also lower. But the gap has narrowed in recent years.
Thats not the point. Why havent you guys banned knives since they kill people?
@Eventhorizon is the reader and author of fake news. Try using some critical thinking, EH.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed? You are right, I read fake news and have to bear it every day. CNN is one of my stops.
Thats not the point. Why havent you guys banned knives since they kill people?

Since alcohol, cigarettes, cheese and sugar kill more people, I don't think banning knives would help.

I've never said America should ban all guns. So I don't understand why you're trying to drag me into this. There's really no comparison between the UK and America.

Canada is far more comparable.

Edit. Life expectancy is roughly similar in all 3 countries.

I think in America, the real goal should be to remove guns from criminals, and the mentally unstable.
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Since alcohol, cigarettes, cheese and sugar kill more people, I don't think banning knives would help.

I've never said America should ban all guns. So I don't understand why you're trying to drag me into this. There's really no comparison between the UK and America.

Canada is far more comparable.

Edit. Life expectancy is rough similar in all 3 countries.

I think in America, the real goal should be to remove guns from criminals, and the mentally unstable.
Just trying to make a point and dragged you in because its in your backyard.
Nothing more.
I don't think whoever this is understands that events can have more than one cause. Mental health is not the only reason why these things happen but it is worthy of discussion. Also you can be in favor of free mental health Care and not universal health care.

By the way, I'm for single payer health care but that doesn't change my seeing this tweet as foolish
I don't think whoever this is understands that events can have more than one cause. Mental health is not the only reason why these things happen but it is worthy of discussion. Also you can be in favor of free mental health Care and not universal health care.

By the way, I'm for single payer health care but that doesn't change my seeing this tweet as foolish

It’s only pointing out the silliness of those who blame gun violence on mental health without addressing any of the other reasons as to “why”.
And...if they are so sure that it is this singular issue - then they are also sitting around with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing about mental health issues while simultaneously blaming it.
It’s only pointing out the silliness of those who blame gun violence on mental health without addressing any of the other reasons as to “why”.
And...if they are so sure that it is this singular issue - then they are also sitting around with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing about mental health issues while simultaneously blaming it.
Well liberals could just propose mental health reform there and then to permanently Rob them of a talking point. Instead they just say " you're trying to distract everyone" which might be true but if they are then fuck 'em, call thier bluff and make them either vote to kill thier talking point or explain why they won't vote for reform.
Well liberals could just propose mental health reform there and then to permanently Rob them of a talking point. Instead they just say " you're trying to distract everyone" which might be true but if they are then fuck 'em, call thier bluff and make them either vote to kill thier talking point or explain why they won't vote for reform.

I don’t know what the whole of “liberals” think about mental health, but our gun violence issues are clearly deeper and more involved than just mental health needing a fix.
And there certainly are people who singularly blame mental health for the problem without addressing any of the other embedded reasons in our society (some on this very forum), there are those who do try to distract with it while ignoring that it’s way too easy to get a gun of any type instantly provided you have the cash.
Imho, people are pushing for mental health reforms but also pushing reforms for the other reasons why this type of shit continues to go on.
The problem is a lack of consensus concerning those reasons “why”...which is still very much a debated topic.
There is no denying that there is a group that wants to only blame mental health while ignoring the other systemic issues contributing to the problem.
It’s going to take people admitting that anyone can go on Craigslist and come home with whatever type of gun they want (provided they have the funds) without a background check, age check, ID check, or waiting period is also an issue.
Which some flat out refuse to admit is a contributing factor as well as others.
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I don’t know what the whole of “liberals” think about mental health, but our gun violence issues are clearly deeper and more involved than just mental health needing a fix.
And there certainly are people who singularly blame mental health for the problem without addressing any of the other embedded reasons in our society (some on this very forum), there are those who do try to distract with it while ignoring that it’s way too easy to get a gun of any type instantly provided you have the cash.
Imho, people are pushing for mental health reforms but also pushing reforms for the other reasons why this type of shit continues to go on.
The problem is a lack of consensus concerning those reasons “why”...which is still very much a debated topic.
There is no denying that there is a group that wants to only blame mental health while ignoring the other systemic issues contributing to the problem.
It’s going to take people admitting that anyone can go on Craigslist and come home with whatever type of gun they want (provided they have the funds) without a background check, age check, ID check, or waiting period.
Still don't see why taking care of mental health doesn't help. I think the left just wants a total victory over the gun nuts and won't accept peripheral solutions because they might take the pressure off the American public by reducing the frequency of these kinds of events.

There is plenty of political posturing and sanctimonious drivel on both sides of the isle. It's sad the we relish crushing our rivals more than saving our citizens. This debate is becoming increasingly unproductive and unhealthy.
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Still don't see why taking care of mental health doesn't help. I think the left just wants a total victory over the gun nuts and don't accept peripheral solutions because they might take the pressure off the American public by reducing the frequency of these kinds of events.

There is plenty of political posturing and sanctimonious drivel on both sides of the isle. It's sad the we relish crushing our rivals more than saving our citizens. This debate is becoming increasingly unproductive and unhealthy.
Total victory over "the gun nuts."
Your so bright I have to use a flashlight.
Still don't see why taking care of mental health doesn't help. I think the left just wants a total victory over the gun nuts and don't accept peripheral solutions because they might take the pressure off the American public by reducing the frequency of these kinds of events.

There is plenty of political posturing and sanctimonious drivel on both sides of the isle. It's sad the we relish crushing our rivals more than saving our citizens. This debate is becoming increasingly unproductive and unhealthy.

I agree with you.
I can only speak for myself...I don’t want to take anyone’s guns away.
There are certain types of guns and gun accessories that are more than the general public needs to have access to imho.
Mental health IS part of the issue, but not the only issue to be addressed...that is more the point I am trying to make.
There are those who want to make it the singular issue and not address the proliferation of guns and in particular things like bump stocks and trigger cranks, etc.
They don’t want to address background checks, mandatory training, or other contributing factors though along with it when they clearly have a component at play.
They don’t want to talk about gun show loopholes and are more worried that their names will end up on some governmental list that will later be used against them when the jack booted soldiers come to confiscate everyone’s arms.
I think both sides need to wake the fuck up and look at the picture in a more holistic way instead of ignoring factual problems they don’t like for their own personal or political reasons.
We have gun control and gun violence problems here in the US...to only blame mental health is to wear horse-blinders.
People need to address as many factors that play a part as they can.