Bump stocks for guns

So... how 'bout them bump stocks for guns!?
regulate them under the National firearms act of 1934 and repeal the Hughes amendment of the NFA. That mean they will be registered, serialized and subject to a 6-8 month background check process that if found to be maliciously lying on can lead to $100,000 fine or up to 10 years in jail and is a felony
At least 3 killed 20 injured after van plows through crowd in Muenster, Germany

Time to ban vans! Vans kill people!!!!!
At least 3 killed 20 injured after van plows through crowd in Muenster, Germany

Time to ban vans! Vans kill people!!!!!
Beating the dead horse of arguments.
Vans are made for transportation, guns are made to KILL.
That is the difference...you don't use your gun to open your beer do you?
(Wouldn't put it past you)
False equivalency...apples and oranges.

Guess what we do do though?
We required those driving the van to take drivers education.
Take both a written and practical test...even a vision test.
Register federally in the form of a license.
Proof of insurance is required to register your car...so you must buy insurance and you must register your vehicle besides your own registration/license to drive.
Every set amount of years you have to renew your license.
We take away the licenses of those who misuse their vehicles.

You wanna compare the two...then let's treat them the same.
Thanks, NRA!


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - An effort by Democratic lawmakers to ban bump stocks in Tennessee has failed.

Bump stocks are devices that allow semi-automatic rifles to mimic the rapid fire of machine guns.

Some Tennessee Senate leaders had come out in support of President Donald Trump's push to ban bump stocks after a gunman used the devices to kill 58 people and injure more than 500 others in Las Vegas in October.

The proposal didn't generate enough Republican backers to pass. Two companion bills failed to make it out of committees this week.

The main sponsors of the legislation in Tennessee were Sen. Lee Harris of Memphis and Rep. Dwayne Thompson of Cordova

What cowards.