Bump stocks for guns

None of the people you are writing off as puppets are duplicates. You stirred up a hornet’s nest again so you will get stung alot. Don’t whine about it. If anything you ought to get infracted for starting to juggle all these threads again, starting new bs ones (illegal immigrants was such a blatant bait and switch) and giving such lazy responses i.e. “No.” to others’ earnest responses to your intentionally provocative statements. It’s textbook trolling. Why do you keep going off the rails like this every few months anyway?
All really good points.
Funny @Wyote liking all the posts going after me when the information I provided is factually true and can be proven such just by looking.
But its more important to prop up the aggressor when they attack a target you want to attack isnt it?

You don't even understand what you don't understand

Get infracted for creating discussion topics just because people dont want them to be discussed?

Yea it's very scary when people send reports to try and get people infracted for discussing what they want to discuss.
Very manipulative when somebody does that sort of thing.

I'm terrified. I might start calling this sort of behavior terrorism.
Hey guys, look what came in the mail yesterday!

I was sure that pic would be worth 100 likes.
$5 bucks says the NRA shoebox
(which is in terrible shape I might add for something you paid for and just got) comes with a rail mounted battle axe!


Maybe one of these babies!


Possibly a gun mount for another gun?




They come in black too for your girlfriend...


A handgun ice-cube tray?


Maybe some of this super legal looking ammo?


I have to admit, I would be totally jealous if it was something cool like this tactical helmet...


Or maybe the “school shooter 5000”?


My best guess though is that it's just a bunch of...
(hot cinnamon!!)

I don’t have (or need) multiple accounts to “pat myself on the back” or give myself likes.
I will let the admins verify that if anyone feels they are being deceived by anything other than their own crazy.
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See, this is why nothing is ever resolved.

For you personally, yeah you're right lol.
Lots of things are resolved by lots of reasonable people.
For you personally, yeah you're right lol.
Lots of things are resolved by lots of reasonable people.
I make the effort to talk to people. Not my fault if they dont like what they hear. The truth can burn.
Actually it's entirely your fault
So glad you take the time to tell me these things but dont actually take the time to tell me how I am wrong about anything you hate me for.
So glad you take the time to tell me these things but dont actually take the time to tell me how I am wrong about anything you hate me for.

1. I don't hate you, but you persistently try to make me look bad which I do not appreciate
2. I always tell you exactly what the issue is, but you don't absorb it
3. I'm glad you're glad