Bump stocks for guns

You’ve been eating shit stew for a long time it seems...surprised you can still taste it.

I get it.
You don’t like me or my messaging.
Get your pal to lock me out of the thread then, Mr. Open Mind.

You don’t look at facts or tenable arguments presented, and you cannot talk to people who you disagree with with any measure of respect or without throwing underhanded insults at them.
You can keep your “News flashes” and “here’s a hint” and “guess what’s” that painfully seek to show some semblance of mental superiority over me or anyone else you attempt to speak to...it’s all insincere and only self-serving arrogance.

You don’t want a real discussion because that would mean you would have to seriously consider and try to see things from another viewpoint than your own...it’s much easier to make fun of them as mentally inferior and dismiss anything you shallowly disagree with, never taking that time to seriously dig into the facts or what a person is trying to say - it’s a waste of your time yes?

“News flash” - public thread.
Not yours.
You let your opinions define who you are.
Now who is starting crap with whom?

Go eat your shit stew.
Id really prefer not. Thats the whole reason I started talking about shit stew. I dont like it.
One day you need to sit down and take a serious look at your posts. If I tell you or point it out, youll dismiss it. I invite you to scrutinize them though.
Id really prefer not. Thats the whole reason I started talking about shit stew. I dont like it.
One day you need to sit down and take a serious look at your posts. If I tell you or point it out, youll dismiss it. I invite you to scrutinize them though.
Once again...keep calling the kettle black.
Don’t tell me what to do (you don’t have that right...wah-wah) and I won’t tell you what to do.
You are not even close to the smartest person on this forum and neither am I...but at least I don’t secretly think I am.
I self-scrutinize all the time.
It’s called self-reflection and every day I purposefully practice.
I will never say I have it all figured out, can you say the same?
(You’ve got it more figured out than me though right?)
Look in the mirror and repeat your post back to yourself.
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We need a Gardens & Guns program for immigrants
Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. ... After being granted a charter by the State of New York on November 17, 1871, the NRA was founded.

Had a right to go back that far. That was when it all began. Wolly-world, you listen to too much jibberish.

Arms industry includes, but is not limited to: copied from wiklipedia

Land-based weapon[edit]
This category includes everything from light arms to heavy artillery, and the majority of producers are small. Many are located in third world countries. International trade in handguns, machine guns, tanks, armored personnel carriers, and other relatively inexpensive weapons is substantial. There is relatively little regulation at the international level, and as a result, many weapons fall into the hands of organized crime, rebel forces, terrorists, or regimes under sanctions.[10]

Small arms[edit]
Main article: Small arms trade
The Control Arms Campaign, founded by Amnesty International, Oxfam, and the International Action Network on Small Arms, estimated in 2003 that there are over 639 million small arms in circulation, and that over 1,135 companies based in more than 98 different countries manufacture small arms as well as their various components and ammunition.[11]

Aerospace systems[edit]

A T-45 Goshawk on the assembly line at McDonnell Douglas.
Main article: Aerospace manufacturer
Encompassing military aircraft (both land-based and naval aviation), conventional missiles, and military satellites, this is the most technologically advanced sector of the market. It is also the least competitive from an economic standpoint, with a handful of companies dominating the entire market. The top clients and major producers are virtually all located in the western world and Russia, with the United States easily in first place. Prominent aerospace firms include Rolls Royce, BAE, Dassault Aviation, Sukhoi, Mikoyan, EADS, Leonardo, Thales Group, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Boeing. There are also several multinational consortia mostly involved in the manufacturing of fighter jets, such as the Eurofighter. The largest military contract in history, signed in October 2001, involved the development of the Joint Strike Fighter.[10]

Naval systems[edit]
Some of the world's great powers maintain substantial naval forces to provide a global presence, with the largest nations possessing aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and advanced anti-air defense systems. The vast majority of military ships are conventionally powered, but some are nuclear-powered. There is also a large global market in second-hand naval vessels, generally purchased by developing countries from Western governments.[10]

Cybersecurity industry
Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. ... After being granted a charter by the State of New York on November 17, 1871, the NRA was founded.

Had a right to go back that far. That was when it all began. Wolly-world, you listen to too much jibberish.

But.... This IS jibberish.
The NRA is about defending our rights concerning small arms. Wolly, allow me to spin it like this: I don't and cannot own, if I could afford, defense systems, surface-to-air missiles, fighter jets, satellites, aircraft carriers, battleships, 20MM weapons, 16" guns mounted on our ships, radar technology, nuclear devices, unmanned aerial devices that shoot missiles and take pictures, armies, fighters within each group to include the seals and Specops, satellites.....are the billions getting any smaller?
Guns, through civilian and military hands, have saved the day many a time. They are for specific purposes and there is always someone that will abuse the intent of something. Blaming what they use is, if I may, unsubstantiated. They use car bombs and airplanes. They use gas and chemical weapons. Wear your protection shirt for something we all must fight, like hunger and disease. There is and always will be an arms race in the world. There are those that fuel it. Talk to them.

It's not like the British were coming back after the war of independence. Nor were they under threat of any other invading force.
In fact, the former colonies themselves were the aggressors in 1812.
The NRA is about defending our rights concerning small arms. Wolly, allow me to spin it like this: I don't and cannot own, if I could afford, defense systems, surface-to-air missiles, fighter jets, satellites, aircraft carriers, battleships, 20MM weapons, 16" guns mounted on our ships, radar technology, nuclear devices, unmanned aerial devices that shoot missiles and take pictures, armies, fighters within each group to include the seals and Specops, satellites.....are the billions getting any smaller?
Guns, through civilian and military hands, have saved the day many a time. They are for specific purposes and there is always someone that will abuse the intent of something. Blaming what they use is, if I may, unsubstantiated. They use car bombs and airplanes. They use gas and chemical weapons. Wear your protection shirt for something we all must fight, like hunger and disease. There is and always will be an arms race in the world. There are those that fuel it. Talk to them.
The NRA used to be about marksmanship, promoting gun safety, and even pushing for laws to do just that.
That is why as you stated we don't own large arms.
Now they are the lackeys of those who make crap-tons of money through the sale of more and more guns here in the US.
The past NRA would have been against the current NRA.
It was them after all that lobbied to successfully make the Thompson machine gun an illegal gun to own - with phrases such as - there is no need for such a weapon to be in the hands of civilians.
The same is being said now about assault rifles, yet this time money talks I guess, while people continue to shoot up places.
And yes others guns can be used, other methods can be employed...but you know the damage from such ammo, does way more trauma to a human body than others.
And that is ignoring how perversely simple it is to go buy a gun 24/7 on Craigslist provided you have the cash...ID, or background checks, waiting period be damned.
The NRA of yesteryear would have crapped their pants in opposition.
YOUR picture reminds me of the Beatles.
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It's not like the British were coming back after the war of independence. Nor were they under threat of any other invading force.
In fact, the former colonies themselves were the aggressors in 1812.
Not the point. They had the insight to know that with time things change. They knew where they had come from, what they experienced and wanted to make sure the citizens could defend themselves from a goverment that would inevitably get out of control. One of the first things a country does before enslaving the population is take thier ability to defend themselves away. Its happened time and time again through history. Enter liberal law makers who want to enslave the population using scattered gun violence to whip up their drones.
Enter liberal law makers who want to enslave the population using scattered gun violence to whip up their drones.

Proof please.
That means facts not opinions.
The NRA used to be about marksmanship, promoting gun safety, and even pushing for laws to do just that.
That is why as you stated we don't own large arms.
Now they are the lackeys of those who make crap-tons of money through the sale of more and more guns here in the US.
The past NRA would have been against the current NRA.
It was them after all that lobbied to successfully make the Thompson machine gun an illegal gun to own - with phrases such as - there is no need for such a weapon to be in the hands of civilians.
The same is being said now about assault rifles, yet this time money talks I guess, while people continue to shoot up places.
And yes others guns can be used, other methods can be employed....but you know the damage from such ammo, does way more trauma to a human body than others
And that is ignoring how perversely simple it is to go buy a gun 24/7 on Craigslist provided you have the cash...ID, or background checks, waiting period be damned.
The NRA of yesteryear would have crapped their pants in opposition.
Really? What yesteryear NRA would have had issue with todays NRA? Seriously? What year did that begin? Dont get me wrong, I am not overly happy with how the NRA does business but I would like to know what year you think they changed. Also you started saying something about ammo though the post you quoted was about guns as is the thread. So when you say "..but you know the damage from such ammo, does way more trauma to a human body than others" can you elaborate because honestly I dont think you have a clue what you are talking about. But please, prove me wrong.
Proof please.
That means facts not opinions.
Pretty obvious if you follow the news. As Ive said, liberal law makers want to take guns away which is the first step of controling a country's population.
Pretty obvious if you follow the news. As Ive said, liberal law makers want to take guns away which is the first step of controling a country's population.

Taking our guns away won't do much. You need to find some way to drastically reduce the size of an incumbents winning coilition. The military won't do shit if their wealth depends on the freedom of its citizens -- which is the case in America at the moment. No amount of pressure from government will change this. In fact, an incumbent that doesn't realise that 'freedom' is the only way to secure the wealth and status of his ''henchmen" will be deposed swiftly.

What I don't think you realise is that in a democracy, a rulers wealth and status depends on the productivity of his citizens. And no one is more productive when they're free to do what they want. This is no speculation, this is psychology 101.
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Pointing your fingers at our leaders now?
The NRA is about defending our rights concerning small arms. Wolly, allow me to spin it like this: I don't and cannot own, if I could afford, defense systems, surface-to-air missiles, fighter jets, satellites, aircraft carriers, battleships, 20MM weapons, 16" guns mounted on our ships, radar technology, nuclear devices, unmanned aerial devices that shoot missiles and take pictures, armies, fighters within each group to include the seals and Specops, satellites.....are the billions getting any smaller?
Guns, through civilian and military hands, have saved the day many a time. They are for specific purposes and there is always someone that will abuse the intent of something. Blaming what they use is, if I may, unsubstantiated. They use car bombs and airplanes. They use gas and chemical weapons. Wear your protection shirt for something we all must fight, like hunger and disease. There is and always will be an arms race in the world. There are those that fuel it. Talk to them.

Again, what are you talking about? The arms industry is run locally. They produce their products in USA. It doesn't matter how much they sell overseas, local laws and regulations affect their bottom line. Further, the defense industry collectively spent over $126,000,000 on lobbying activities last year. That's a lot of money! Still not convinced? Further still -- and this is the strongest piece of evidence -- the entire defence industry market capitalisation is over 250 billion. That's a LOT of money, and a lot of motivation to ensure that shareholders feel safe about their investment.

You can believe that this about the constitution. Because as it turns out, it partially is. But to pretend that the Defense Industry has no motivation to increase or even preserve profits is just nonsense.
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Run locally? Worldwide? You are right: I run it, but I'm broke. Spoiler