Can we PLEASE talk about Racism?

I'm not going to spend time to get to know everyone on an individual level before I decide how to treat them. If you fit into a box based on your looks or behavior then I will react accordingly. Looks mean something (I shouldn't have to explain that behavior really means something) and if you look like a Gangster Deciple or even what I imagine a gangster disciple to look like then that how you get treated. I have no desire to get to know evyone or even most people.

How the government should treat people is a different matter and when I'm on the clock then I change my behavior to fit my context.

If if you think it's shitty, so what?
Racism is symptomatic of a larger, systemic problem - just as excruciating headaches can be symptomatic of brain tumors (I believe I've made this analogy on here once before). People are usually focused on the wrong thing.

Personally, I won't have a "discussion" about racism unless it's part and parcel of a discussion on socioeconomics, greed and how American culture is generally narcissistic and morally bankrupt. That's the substrate upon which racism flourishes. And yet it's something most people seem to miss. They argue about symptomatic bullshit in endless circles whilst remaining oblivious to the fact they're like two dogs who have been conditioned to rip each other apart for the gain of others.
Racism is symptomatic of a larger, systemic problem...... American culture is generally narcissistic and morally bankrupt. That's the substrate upon which racism flourishes. And yet it's something most people seem to miss. They argue about symptomatic bullshit in endless circles whilst remaining oblivious to the fact they're like two dogs who have been conditioned to rip each other apart for the gain of others.


This x 10000000000
Racism is symptomatic of a larger, systemic problem - just as excruciating headaches can be symptomatic of brain tumors (I believe I've made this analogy on here once before). People are usually focused on the wrong thing.

Personally, I won't have a "discussion" about racism unless it's part and parcel of a discussion on socioeconomics, greed and how American culture is generally narcissistic and morally bankrupt. That's the substrate upon which racism flourishes. And yet it's something most people seem to miss. They argue about symptomatic bullshit in endless circles whilst remaining oblivious to the fact they're like two dogs who have been conditioned to rip each other apart for the gain of others.
Please see the post directly above yours about our fucked socioeconomics…I agree, let’s talk about it then.
I think we are coming to a crux here in the US…with the regulations regarding elections and sponsors allowing endless amounts of cash to flow…with our votes being Gerrrymandered -

Both sides are guilty of it though the Republicans have purposefully disenfranchised the Black vote here in the US.
Meanwhile, we have some fucking idiot Congresspeople trying to sabotage a nuclear peace deal with Iran.
Iran actually responded by telling them they have violated international law and may be guilty treason….hahahaha.

I DO believe that all this bullshit combined with the fact we have the MOST imprisoned society in the world, the wealth inequality here growing to disgusting levels I believe will either topple over or will get toppled once pushed too far.
We shall see I suppose?
Privatizing Public Housing: The "Genocide of Poor People"


The John F. Kennedy Towers of San Francisco's Fillmore neighborhood.
Rental Assistance Demonstration could mean fewer bedbugs, more dependable elevators and other fixes to problems that plague the city's 6,000-plus public housing units.
But some tenants and housing rights activists are worried the program is just another step toward dismantling public housing altogether.
I truly do understand why you believe that and trust me, I am angry about our prison system. However, I do not believe it is solely based on racism. I live in a primarily black neighborhood and the police drive through my neighborhood every day. I've lived here over a decade. My home has been christened with lead and I've witnessed prostitutes being dropped off in front of my house late at night. My husband grew up in a neighborhood where dead bodies were found in the park across the street from his house. Yet, neither of us have ever seen police just randomly stopping the numerous black people walking around just to harass them.

Racism does exist today, but not on the scale people want to believe based on the media hype. Prejudices exist and rightfully so. Living in my neighborhood, you can bet I have to make constant prejudice assumptions in order to make sure I keep my family safe. Most of the people around me would never, ever harm our family in any way, but there are certain people who, if not held back by the threat of jail/prison time, would do my family a great deal of harm. With the multitude of kids in this neighborhood with absent fathers, there are quite a few older teenage kids I never turn my back to. Am I wrong for being prejudice towards them? Should I ask them to babysit my kids? Be honest.

As an INFJ, I have strongly desired to reach out to these kids and have tried. I have found elementary and middle school kids are reachable, but high school and older are a very tough reach. Very tough. Police know this, too, and it is NOT their fault these kids almost always have absent fathers and choose to run with the wrong crowd, doing things to harm others, and going to jail for it as a result. I'm not a fan of our current prison system, especially the war on drugs, but I'm not going to say there is an injustice somewhere when there is none. The injustice lies squarely in the hands of families who have dropped the ball in raising their children to respect themselves and others. There is hardly any racism in that when it's their own people doing it to them.

There isn't an easy answer to this problem when most people are complacent to watch TV, browse the internet, consume worthless stuff, and otherwise just not give two carps about the people around them. It saddens me, but unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about it, because the powers that be will squash anyone who tries, unless the whole nation rises up against them. Good luck with that. :(

I can see what you've been saying in your posts and they are measured and reasonable

I also agree with you that we have to spot patterns and act accordingly as part of everyday survival whilst at the same time trying to live within the spirit of equality and so on

I thought though that i'd just say something about the aspect you've mentioned here about many kids from poor backgrounds growing up without dads (ie male role models who have their best interests at heart)

I think there are reasons for that dissintegration of the family unit and i think there are also problems that stem from poverty

So if people are poor it can put greater pressure on relationships

So I think that fatherlessness is a symptom of some other things that are going on within our society

If we wanted to try and solve some of those problems then one answer would be to try and alleviate poverty because then families and communities are more stable, they have less crime, the kids get a good education and there is less of the desperation, hopelessness and cynicism that can stem from poverty

This would of course mean making a more equal society

We are seeing a massive gap open up between the wealthiest people in society and the poorest. With all the banking and political scandals we are learning that the super wealthy did not get super wealthy through fair means but rather through systemic criminality

As more and more people are driven into poverty we will see more and more social problems arise in society, so if we want safer communities then we need to balance out the wealth in society more.

This means enforcing the laws that already exist like RICO anti-trust laws to break up the so called 'too big to fail' corporations. We need to tackle the criminality at the top of society because that is stealing the wealth from the bottom of society causing criminality there too grow from the resulting desperation and cynicism

We should in short understand that the poverty and criminality at the bottom of society is a direct result of the criminality of the super rich at the top of society
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You are.

I hope you deeply contemplate the implications of your conclusions and your thought processes from your emotional reactions to this incident. If you give up on your ethical integrity, then YOU LOSE. You lost to your aggressors, and they did more to you than just violate your physical boundaries. They will continue to violate your reasoning daily.
There is no call to chastise and patronize a woman who lives in fear after being raped. Shame on you
I'm wholly unqualified to comment on this issue, but I'm going to anyways because of free-speech or whatever.

Maybe we're just wired to group with people that we recognize our own appearance in? That's certainly the case when it comes to our physical attraction to others. Maybe racism is inescapable as a whole, but a problem that can be logically solved?
We have all heard the song about how children are our future, and it's true, I guess. How about we start there? At least not let them inherit our short-comings more than they have to? Teach them to fear spiders instead of other people, for instance?

One of my favorite jokes was that it's interesting how football fans hate each other. Why don't they all team up and hate on tennis? They can totally take out tennis! Instead it's just divided, pedantic bullshit that separates us all. Forever and ever.
I'm wholly unqualified to comment on this issue, but I'm going to anyways because of free-speech or whatever.

Maybe we're just wired to group with people that we recognize our own appearance in? That's certainly the case when it comes to our physical attraction to others. Maybe racism is inescapable as a whole, but a problem that can be logically solved?
We have all heard the song about how children are our future, and it's true, I guess. How about we start there? At least not let them inherit our short-comings more than they have to? Teach them to fear spiders instead of other people, for instance?

One of my favorite jokes was that it's interesting how football fans hate each other. Why don't they all team up and hate on tennis? They can totally take out tennis! Instead it's just divided, pedantic bullshit that separates us all. Forever and ever.

'Divide and rule' is the name of the game
There is no call to chastise and patronize a woman who lives in fear after being raped. Shame on you
It's the kind of thoughts she took on that were the same kind of racism that made those perps make it about race in the first place as well. I don't care how hurt or scarred someone is. They have the potential to AT LEAST rebuild their thinking patterns so that others aren't hurt (in the exact same way they were hurt in a twist of irony and continued defeat). Not everyone is willing to say things like I do, but sometimes saying things that way can get certain types of people's minds to start opening when other methods otherwise wouldn't.
When one gets attacked by an animal, like a dog, they tend to develop a phobia of those dogs. It's not a hatred necessarily but it is a very strong negative trigger that tends to center around the source of the trauma.

I imagine someone being raped by one with a particular set of features may involuntarily feel the phobia arise. It has nothing to do with the individual but by someone or something fitting part of the circumstances of the trauma.

Like all phobias, this is something that has to be worked through with CBT and perhaps some exposure therapy... One has to learn that not all dogs are bad, just as not all people who fit a physical profile are bad. It just happened to be a particular incident that bore a phobic "just in case" response.
I don't care how hurt or scarred someone is.
Like all phobias, this is something that has to be worked through
Do not see at all the equivalence....Rape does permanent damage. The poster who was brave enough to share her pain was treated horribly.

This forum has a far more sympathetic history.
Do not see at all the equivalence....Rape does permanent damage. The poster who was brave enough to share her pain was treated horribly.

This forum has a far more sympathetic history.

You're mistaken. People are fully capable of healing, both physically and mentally. We can all discuss the extent and duration of which, but it does not extend indefinitely. Those who believe it does will come to find that, eventually, nobody cares any longer.
There is no call to chastise and patronize a woman who lives in fear after being raped. Shame on you
I don't care how hurt or scarred someone is. They have to rebuild their thinking patterns. Not everyone is willing to say things like I do, but saying things that way can get people's minds to start opening .
Yeah! Shame on you! [MENTION=5441]RandomSoul[/MENTION] The NIF knows of which she speaks!
Wow…this thread has gotten intense.
Let’s all be friends!
Wow…this thread has gotten intense.
Let’s all be friends!

Agreed. Let's not attack someone. To err is human; to forgive, divine.