- Enneagram
- 954 so/sx
I wouldn't trust any of you with scissors.
Good move
I wouldn't trust any of you with scissors.
Man, I wish this worked for me... I run an average of 25 miles a week and I still whack myself in the face with a stapler.I am careful now. Much more careful than in the past.
Physical activity helps. Do stuff that improves balance, coordination and endurance on a daily basis.
I ride a bicycle, hike, walk through snow and ice, dance, do yard work. It all helps.
Take care of your body!
I swear.. Paper cuts hurt so much worse than being cut with a knife!ehm on topic...
I've a big S on my chest when it comes to knives in the kitchen (and this is of course nerdly exaggertated) but when it comes to paper ..cutting myself by accident.. is a thing.
(one could argue that is pure skill)
I swear.. Paper cuts hurt so much worse than being cut with a knife!
I wonder if INFJs or INTJs relate to this. I am often clumsy when I am interacting with the external environment. I injure myself at times, sometimes serious. I wonder if you all can relate to this.
I can, without doubt, relate. Through my life I tend to demonstrate extreme clumsiness as well as, in contradiction, moments of lucid dexterity. So, as a child I injured myself so often at one point doctors wanted to get the social services involved, and would have done so were it not for the many witnesses to my numerous absurd acts—falling down stairs, off chairs, through a manhole (that one nearly cost me my life!) and thereby breaking bones, bruising myself, etc. Even today, wine glasses rarely survive a year and I am always stubbing my toes on furniture. On the other hand, as a child I once saved a freind from falling into a rocky river when I was the furthest person away from him in the group; I have dodged incoming projectiles without being conciously aware of them and not too irregularly catch objects midair that people have knocked.
I love how you describe this inbetween of this..
and this..
^^ legit summary
Oh, I realized that.. I often "find" bruises and I'm not really sure where.. how.. when... xD
I am often clumsy when I am interacting with the external environment.
You're not the only one, I trip and stumble on a daily basis, I often find bruises on my legs and arms and have no idea how I hurt myself. Once I tripped over a chair and apologized.I wonder if INFJs or INTJs relate to this. I am often clumsy when I am interacting with the external environment. I injure myself at times, sometimes serious. I wonder if you all can relate to this.