Can you tell someone's personality based on their hand writing?

Can you tell something about my personality based on only this? (Pretend you know nothing else about me, and some of you actually don't. Some may not even know my MBTI type) It's not an ideal sample.

However...this might be fun...

WARNING: I haven't done graphology in a long time and certainly never online or with a meh please take this with a ginormous grain of salt...


Based on letter slant there is a slight indication of extroversion. However that could also just be the compliance factor, as you were around others, but your emotions were ruling your head at the time.

Letter size indicates a lack of concentration in the moment. Also a temperament that is artistic and imaginative with a fantasizing nature.

Distance between words is indicative of a need for space between yourself and others. Margin sizes corroborate this.

Your caps indicate reservation or inhibition, also diplomacy.

The connecting strokes reveal a kind, sympathetic individual who is a good listener and desires to avoid conflict. At times you are flexible, careless or lazy. You may have been experiencing depression or a deep sympathy for someone whose pain you took on. Perhaps it is someone you feel is helpless to assist themselves, although I suspect this is a common emotion for you.

You might be procrastinating about something or perhaps you are just naturally a cautious person and/or hate deciding. Sometimes you may feel inferior, and you tend to squander your resources. You may have been experiencing hesitation in your thoughts or feeling insecure. You seem to have a preference for solitude and are likely to be introverted or isolationist. You may be modest. Despite emotional trauma, you retain your idealism.

You tend towards shyness generally, are single or divorced, like aesthetics, and may be withdrawn. You wrap a cloak of secrecy around yourself, and give the impression you're standing alone; independent.

I would guess you to be a fluid thinker, open and honest, sometimes inaccurate. Very likely to possess literary ability and verbal fluency.

Due to displaced pressure and irregularly sized letters, you were possibly moody at the time of this writing. Your mind was more focused on intellectual or abstract ideas rather than tangibles.

You seem to have been just killing time as you wrote this, preoccupied even, desiring non-involvement or separated from reality.

You seem to have been impatient.

You may have been sad in regards to something from the past. Whatever it gave it serious thought or were feeling it intensely.


Contemplating something related to the past that directly involves your future. Not positive that it's about a relationship...but I want to say that it is. I don't know if this has happened yet. Tend to say not.

Based on this "analysis" only, not knowing you at all...I would have predicted that you were INFP.

So that's what I got...does it seem too general? Or completely wrong?
Not that it matters...I warned you ahead of time I was rusty.

Besides, you gets it FREE! :)
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@dream echo

Wooooow. All this is true. (Except for the INFP part, I'm INFJ.)
Then again, sceptics would say that the information was general and broad.
But, I don't really think it was. And all ofit is true.

It was very interesting to read. Thank you for taking the time! :)

"Despite emotional trauma, you retain your idealism." ---> Eerie.

And how can you tell I'm single from this? How would my writing be different if I were to be in a relationship?

And that last part about contemplating about a relationship... yeah. spot on. Then again, that's a common thing for people to be thinking about I guess.
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i write severally crooked with a right slant so I have to flip the paper to the right and crook my head to the right when I write to make it straight. I only noticed I did this when someone pointed it out a couple of years ago, I have been doing it this way my entire life.
I was sitting in Music class today and realized that the way I write stuff down is different from how others seem to do it. Everyone has a different style and different hand writing for sure, but it seems like most people at least try to write stuff down neatly and leave it at that. Well, not me...

Can you tell something about my personality based on only this? (Pretend you know nothing else about me, and some of you actually don't. Some may not even know my MBTI type)

More info:
- I always doodle
- I always circle/underline stuff that I think is extra important to remember
- I was writing down stuff that had to do with my class but was also trying to count my credits and when I will be able to graduate. And some other stuff.
- Everything is always very disorganized when I write it down. That goes for most other aspects of my life as well, but not my mind. Everything is always perfectly organized inside my head.
- I was pretty bored in this class, and that maybe is the reason for the excessive doodleing.
- I don't like clean, crisp pages. My notebooks are all wrinkly and dirty and stuff. I think I get melancholic whenever I have to turn the page because I know I will make the new sheet of paper unperfect by writing stuff on it.

Hehe, also having trouble with CSN??:p
Hehe...also having trouble with CSN?:p

Haha... Yes! Well, kinda wrote it down just so I would remember to email them.