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I'm talking about romantic love, built on mutuality or partnership. I'm a cynic, and not a romantic. Hanging onto hope for someone who has betrayed you only enables them to betray you more.Or you could call it hope.
Neither of which, mind you, are very rational. But I would think that there are situations wherein second chances are possible... If you love someone, you would like them to show their very best, and give them the opportunity to demonstrate that they can learn and grow from their mistakes. And you would be ready to forgive them. I wouldn't be so quick to wave that off as a non-genuine feeling.
But again, I think it entirely depends on the situation. Such as how many times this person has betrayed one's trust, or how deep of a line they've cut into the relationship with their actions. It also depends on the depth of one's feelings, and the nature of their relationship.
Would you stop loving your child just because you don't know where he goes on Saturday nights, and you're not entirely sure he's going to keep to his promise not to shoot up heroin? That's a big betrayal of trust. Does that mean you stop loving them? That there's not hope that he can turn the tide, and that you're relationship can be whole again? I think trust is VERY important, but its not always a conditional factor when it comes to love.
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