- INFPishy
If love is indeed accepting anothers joy and pain as your own. Then trust is not a requisite of love, especially a love that is unconditional.
If love is indeed accepting anothers joy and pain as your own. Then trust is not a requisite of love, especially a love that is unconditional.
For some of you, love is dependent on trust. I know, as an INFJ, we are suspicious of all affection and find normal and nice people untrustworthy and clingy. So, if you cannot trust, does that mean you cannot fall in love?
If love is indeed accepting anothers joy and pain as your own. Then trust is not a requisite of love, especially if said love that is unconditional.
Think of a child of yours. You may not trust him or her to make the right decisions all the time (walking alone at night, or perhaps having a boyfriend) but this does not mean that you may not sacrifice part of your own happiness willingly, and therefore gain that happiness back knowing that they are not in pain.
Calling a deeply felt view of the world most likely based on painful experiences immature might not be entirely fair. I don't know your friend, but the word "immature" implies dismissal. I'm guessing that her view of the world made her safer in some of her formative situations. It might be that it is not necessary in every context, but if it has worked successfully for her in the past, it may be a hard-won strategy. If it is flawed or doesn't apply in another context, that is quite different from being "immature" which means a lack of experience or examination.I don't know, to me that's immature. That kind of view demonstrates some very strong fear of dishonesty.
You can love somebody without trusting them.
You can trust somebody without loving them.
I'll elaborate later.
It depends on what. If you can't trust them to not cheat on you, then not it's not love. But if it's something minor like taking out the trash, then yes.
A very painful topic for me right now...
I have a friend, INFJ by the way, who is very dear to me, and she claims in order to love somebody you shouldn't ever trust them. She says trust equals some kind of blindness within which you couldn't pursue the level of deep understanding required for true love. Moreover, according to her trust is almost "evil", you would trust only someone that you hate. (I know, crazy) ... Because, apparently, trusting someone means putting unbearable burden on their shoulders - expectations that they will invariably violate. Almost as if you put them to test that will get them to inevitable failure. At this point I try to explain that when you love you also can forgive - and if your trust is violated you won't immediately swing to frustration, you can still keep your love AND trust. But she says that's not true. She really believes the only way to love people is to never trust them and accept to view them as unreliable by default. (in order to not get angry with their mistakes) ....
I don't know, to me that's immature. That kind of view demonstrates some very strong fear of dishonesty. I pity her. I wonder sometimes is it because she herself can be manipulative that she completely lacks any desire to trust? I know I'm not to be trusted on many occasions, for example, but it's never deliberate - if I try to organize and plan a scam it rarely ever works, I can't pretend when I know what I'm doing. And so I also trust other people. Somehow I project myself on them, and I expect them to be as myself. I assume my friend is doing the same thing, and I pity her even more, because I think both type of actions (deliberate manipulation and distrust) are only hurting her. I know she loves people sincerely, but the issues of trust... I think form some weakness of her.
My opinion is that love and trust could be independent. I would never agree with the radical claim that love exists only with distrust, and trust means lack of love. On the contrary - even if that's not a rule, I think in most cases love and trust go together. Only in general, logically speaking, they are just not related.
I have trusted the most when I've loved the most. I'm able to give my life in somebody's hands (and that's not exaggeration) to do with it whatever they decide; sometimes I've given everything I own in the hands of another, without any contracts or such things - I hate documents. I've also felt the same kind of trust offered to me, as a sign of love, and it increased my love.
The topic is painful, because for ENFP it's of vital importance to be trusted. If I'm not trusted, I already feel guilty (note, that doesn't mean there's actual reason) - because the feeling of the other human is so strongly reflected in me; I start questioning myself, doubting myself all the time. That's worse to me than any real punishment.
In my family there was love and trust, and I'm used to that. I can't survive very long in extremely distrustful environments.
Note: To me trust does not mean that you believe everything someone says (that would harm your own rationality), but that you believe in their good intentions. Sometimes they could even lie to you - then if you trust them, you assume they did it in a moment of weakness. And you try to help them. Also, if I know someone is lying to me, I would usually tell them directly that I know. I wouldn't play mind games and "test" the depths of their dishonesty. I see this as unnecessary cruelty that hurts both sides in the end. It's usually obvious that someone has problems, if they go to the extent to lie on purpose. It has happened to me too, and normally that means I'm in some serious trouble or distress.
I'm actually surprised that this thread has this much length. For me it is a simple NO! How can you have one with out the other? How can anyone think that you can? Especially for INFJ's the answer, if you are truthful, is always no. I think other types defline "trust" differently than us. Therefore, you are into a whole other layer of definition. Each type of person has their own definition of "trust". I think everyone wants trust in love. It just depends on what your your definition of trust is. I know what mine is. It doesn't even need to be spoken to one who understands.