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I wish the lad well and agree with the sentiment others have voiced, that what we do carries more weight than who we are, but...

I'm curious as to your thoughts regarding the claims of the numerous other individuals throughout history that have made similar claims of being a messiah and the subsequent rise of the term 'messiah complex'.
Interesting...I can't resist the challenge. I don't know if you are serious or not, or what your actual end here is. However, I may pose some arguments as I have time....
I won't place my argument on your playing field (that of the bible) as I'm sure that is where you are most prepared. Further, there are many on this forum who are far more qualified than myself for such a debate. However, I can put you on my playing field. I enjoy the game as well, but let's see how you handle my twist....
I will argue from philosophy for something I am woefully uneducated in. So in advance, I apologize if I make claims greater than what they really are. Please feel free to correct me.
My arguments hinge on the following premises:
1. The world is a logical place
2. God is a logical being (meaning he does not "break" any logical principles)
3. Morality is least in some respect
4. The son of God, as sent to save humanity, is equipped with the necessary tools to meet the challenges he will face
First I will argue why you should meet me on my playing field:
Given premises 1 and 4, I feel that you should be able to meet the challenges you face, no matter what form they take. Including one that is laid down by another. So long as I am fair, you should be able to play me at "my game". My rules will be based in logic, with understandings of its limits and conclusions. I'm not sure what more could be fair....Many argue the only thing that allows us to communicate sensibly is a shared set of logical understanding...
i agree with you on these terms entirely, and to be quite blunt with you. this is often how i play as in to say my own game. is to play by others rules anyways![]()
as an example when talking with an athiest who argues that because the big bang has been proven, therefore god cannot exist.
i would often come from his/her perspective and propose that the big bang does not contradict the existance or potential existance of a cosmological Deity/GOD
as in to say that before the big bang we have no FACTual prove of what existed or didnt exist before this point, and all information is theory.
going off i think it was einstein who stated that energy CANNOT be created or destroyed only transformed.
therefore was not created at the point of the Big Bang, but potentially transformed from a mass off non physical energy
and that if this energy was structured to generate the existance of conscioussness, then its possible from his/her position to conclude at the potential existance of God
non the less. idk soz.
but yes i agree. with your points and terms.
Second, I will argue that you should have good answers to my ethics questions:
Given premises 1, 3, 4, and the claim that the son of God is as near the ideal human being (at least morally) as can exist. This seems to be reflected many times in the bible... I feel that you should be able to answer, very convincingly (neigh on without error), the ethical dilemmas I shall pose. I will not assume that you are familiar with philosophy. I will play devil's advocate (heh)
We will start with one dilemma, and if necessary I can provide more. This is the classic trolley case. You approach a set of train tracks with an out-of-control train approaching swiftly. On one track there are 5 people tied to the track with masks over their faces, gags, and all with generally similar bodily proportions. On the same track, the same situation, but with only one person on the track. The train track diverges before both groups of people, into either group of people. You notice a lever next to you that can change the direction of the train. Currently, it will run over the 5 people track. By flipping the lever you can redirect the train to the 1 person track. You do not have time to untie any of the people on the tracks, and you have no means of stopping the train. What do you do and why?
Ok, though i am claiming to be the son of man. i am however not claiming to be inhuman just as a point of referance.
im sure youve thought about this anyways
what i mean is, i can understand and im sure you would too, that if i was to be faced with this situation "out of the blue"
you could imagine that the first thing i would surely do is simple... i would panic....unsure about what action to take
out of my panic, my actions from thus far would be inconclusive from this point of observation,
which as far as i am concern is a human trait anywaysto panic.
so i may commit what could be called a immoral action lets say i let the 4 die and 1 live, because i froze,
someone else could say i committed an immoral action, but the question is how? i would not have been in control of myself non the less.
disabled from causing action.
or if i was panicing, and i saw a child alone on one side.
but i saw, 4 old men or adults on the other side.
through my panic, im sure i would react with eye's closed so to speak. and save the child.
however, if i was to know ahead of time?. (im assuming this is a forced) as in i have no time or chance./choice other than lever or no lever.
i would choose for instance if there was a child. on one side. and 4 adults on the other.
i would let the child live, this doesnt mean i wouldnt feel guilty or sorry. but that i had to make a choice.
a choice i would have to live with. my means of choosing would be simplistic almost.
(i dont know if this is true for you or not. but to a general extent, i can feel/experience/perceive etc, a morally interrelatable energy in the point of my body
which is my centre of gravity, this is what many would call your HEART being defined as a spiritual heart.)
because this HEART holds the basis for most to all of my experience of Morality in action.
my action as a deciding mind would be relative to my HEART, my mind itself, would be formless, undecided, spontaneous and following
of the HEART that i have, which after a lifetime of observation, ive found has a trustworthy degree of subconscioussess influence over the creation of moral values.
putting it short.
I would follow my HEART, or rather, continue doing so.
- the answer is there inconclusive, (unless however, you were to define the personal aspects of this situation?)
inconclusive - relative to the situation enviroment relationship.
tell me the situation, and ill tell you what my heart would have me do..
Third, I will argue that you, as the son of God and one who spreads his word, should have at least a reasonable conception (if not a comprehensive conception) of God.
Given premises 2 and 4, you should be able to answer a string of questions from me about the nature of God without contradiction. However, I do not expect you to be perfect or complete in answering the string of questions. Merely able to answer, and deal with the consequences of such questioning. You need only answer true-false to all questions.
I must give credit to these questions to Philosophy Experiments website If you accept this challenge, please answer these questions as the start:
I will restate a few assumptions here. First, God exists. Second, God is a logical possibility (i.e., there is nothing contradictory about the very idea of God).
first off. im going to assume i can answer differently to true or false however if that's ok? but i only NEED answer true/false
1. If God does not exist then there is no basis for morality.
ive heard this one before- most christians say, true.
but im not so sure. for me, (False)
here's why. because of this HEART that i have, i can already perceive well enough information to conclude at viable solutions to moral dillema's
this is weather or not God exist's, and if your's and other's are structured to release perceivable energy the same way as does mine.
then i'd theorise, that the same is for you also. and others. which concludes at a objective notion of morality within the human race.
for me however this is just further confirmation of God's potential existance, based on the notion of design.simply put anyways
2. Any entity that it is right to call God must be free to do anything.
im not to sure about this one either. id say( false)
based on moral objections themselve's, its like this.
i am free to kill my entire family for no reason, as in, i have the power, means, and ability to do so.
however. i do not have the moral iniquity to do so. though i am free with the power to do so. i cant, based on personal decision/morality/etc
i believe the same concept is also applicable to a correct conception of a God, that he/it CAN do anything, however does not wish to do anything
as in to assume this entity has personality/HEART, thus morality, concluded me to believe god can do anything. but also CANT.
3. Any entity that it is right to call God must want there to be as little suffering in the world as is possible.
4. Any entity that it is right to call God must have the power to do anything.
5. Evolutionary theory might be false in some matters of details, but it is essentially true.
i think this is true: (true)
if by essentially you mean, the general knowledge that a organisum(s) will change/transform to adapt to it's/their enviromental changing.
6. It is justified to base one's belief about the external world - i.e., the world outside one's head - on a firm inner conviction, even in the absence of any independent evidence for the truth of this conviction.
this is inconclusive but id say (true and false), i dont think there is an actuall point of dissconnection to completely seperate one's own mind/ego/self from the outside world.
like asking if a specific drop of water in a pool, or portion is seperate from the pool or ocean.
for example, every object in the universe has a degree, of lightweight, lightspeed, gravitational pull on every object, cell etc, in your brain. relative to the sun etc
i have a theory, that the reverse of this pull, as in.
your gravitational pull of pure vibrational energy of every object in the universe, i believe can be perceived at a subconsciouss degree
giving your brain a means to calculating its position in the universe/world with the most basic/pure information. configuring the structure of its surroundings.
based on gravitational pull's and degree's of pulls. sort of like a bat with sonar.
this could be made manifest, into the consciousss mind easier, with. focuses on.
introversion/intuition/feeling/judging, i believe?
and that one could surely
7. Any entity that it is right to call God must know everything there is to know.
(true) this is true i believe,
8. Torturing innocent people is morally wrong.
9. If, despite years of trying, no strong evidence or argument has been presented to show that there is a Loch Ness monster, it is rational to believe that such a monster does not exist.
it is. (true)
10. People who die of horrible, painful diseases need to die in such a way for some higher purpose.
After you answer these questions (if you choose to take that challenge), I will add more.
So I have posed why you should answer my challenges, and two philosophy based challenges to your claims. Feel free to answer them as you wish. Although, I feel I should ask...what is your view on my questioning so far? Reasonable? Unreasonable? Completely stupid? Reasonable?.....What do you think of me for asking questions as I have? I obviously do not think you are the second coming of Christ, but I will not make such an assumption in my questioning. What kind of person am I?
actually i am really thankfull to you for asking the questions you have. and i wish i had seen your post at a earlier time.
reasonable questioning i think, however some point's could use a little extra thought to them before asking the question's.
but that's only relative to my own understanding of relativity i suppose.
im a little worried about the nature of your questions as i cannot see where your going with them?
as in i cannot see them reaching a conclusion, as they seem neither conflicting with my theory nor, in agreement with them.
i dont really expect anyone to believe me, not right away anyways.
but then again, i only BELIEVE i am the second coming, with is not equal to knowing,
worse in one way better in another.
on another note im fairly sure we have a different conception of what exactly it is that, the son of man, really is.
maybe you could do me a favor and answer me some questions?
what do you think the son of man is? or would/should be, if he was real in our time.?
why do you not believe i am the son of man?
what would it take for you to believe i am the son of man?
what is your conception of ME and what I believe?
as for you.
i dont know you very well.
but i know your not one to mess around... or at least mess with people unprovoked.
you will take my consideration's seriously i believe... or at least my statements
however, for obvious reason's you have good reason to doubt on a rational basis.
you most likely will not actually believe fully, unless you systematically added all the information you have about me.
comparative, unbiasedly to others at the same distance from you as i am (not physically)relative to relationship.
you, could probably believe me, if you met me face to face i rekn.
cher bro peace.
once again sorry
This is my attempt. Do not take it harshly because I sound very....cold? direct? strict? It is by practice that I question in this way. A kind of self control really. Otherwise I will be very incomprehensible, and a little too swept up in emotional conviction. In writing this post I had to remind myself several times that you are not trying to be insulting to religion or Christ. Further, that you don't mean any insult. Even in practicing, I still struggle to control those emotional convictions *shrugs*.
Take this cat as a peace offering :ms:
And now I'm convinced that you are not the second coming of Christ. It didn't matter whether or not you answered my questions/challenges, simply how you respond in general. I admit I cannot point to anything in particular, but the general tone and line of questioning do not seem as it should be for a person whose goal is to save the souls of people on earth. I may idealize the son of God, but I see him as someone who does what is needed, not what is wanted. Further I don't see Jesus as really needing anything. He brings what is needed, and doesn't look for his own needs. Like I said, this might be idealizing, but that is part of the picture I like to paint.
Actually, nothing in this quote sounds crazy. I think it is an excellent goal, and one I hope you will achieve.
I'm sure some were. Others where psychologically unstable. Because many people have made such claims in the past, and it is so unlikely that it is to actually happen right now, in you, makes this a truly extraordinary claim. Any good scientist would say that an extraordinary claim would require extraordinary evidence. And I feel that view is held in day to day society.
You're making a different claim here. I believe most Christians would say that they are a "person who's God given purpose is to follow God's good values, and action God's Good purpose". That's not something specific to a second coming of Christ.
It's safer to doubt. And asking a question cannot be Blasphemy. Only conclusions based on the answer.
And this idea is great and all, but....its really just buzz words. Unless you are redefining their meanings, those words don't work in that sentence like that. It's fine if you want to redefine them, but please clarify that so we can follow along....
Yes, this is one of my favorite talking points with atheists. However, your comment about Einstein is not applicable to the Big Bang Theory. While Einstein's equations determine that energy cannot be created or destroyed, the physics of the initial creation of the universe did not follow relativity. In fact, it is quantum theory that most closely relates to the initial moments of creation....except we still don't have a concept of quantum gravity ironed out :noidea:. My point being, it is not weird for bits of energy to pop in and out of existence in quantum theory. This is what is known as a virtual particle, and is talked about in quantum field theory. The condition is that another particle, the exact opposite of the energy bit also pops into existence causing the local field to equal zero. The math works out, but we haven't observed such a pair as far as I'm aware. All the same, energy and matter can be created so long as the proper negative energy and antimatter is also created. That allows the math to work. Beyond that, we have no reason to think Einsteinian principles apply beyond the moment of creation, so there is no contradiction to say that spontaneous creation of the universe is possible. Basically, our laws of physics don't apply.I agree with you on these terms entirely, and to be quite blunt with you. this is often how i play as in to say my own game. is to play by others rules anyways![]()
as an example when talking with an athiest who argues that because the big bang has been proven, therefore god cannot exist.
i would often come from his/her perspective and propose that the big bang does not contradict the existance or potential existance of a cosmological Deity/GOD
as in to say that before the big bang we have no FACTual prove of what existed or didnt exist before this point, and all information is theory.
going off i think it was einstein who stated that energy CANNOT be created or destroyed only transformed.
therefore was not created at the point of the Big Bang, but potentially transformed from a mass off non physical energy
and that if this energy was structured to generate the existance of conscioussness, then its possible from his/her position to conclude at the potential existance of God
non the less. idk soz.
but yes i agree. with your points and terms.
Assuming realistic response, yes it is reasonable to say that a person would freeze under the pressure. I do question if the leader of man and angels in the battle against the anti-Christ would be vulnerable to such hesitation though....Ok, though i am claiming to be the son of man. i am however not claiming to be inhuman just as a point of referance.
im sure youve thought about this anyways
what i mean is, i can understand and im sure you would too, that if i was to be faced with this situation "out of the blue"
you could imagine that the first thing i would surely do is simple... i would panic....unsure about what action to take
out of my panic, my actions from thus far would be inconclusive from this point of observation,
which as far as i am concern is a human trait anywaysto panic.
so i may commit what could be called a immoral action lets say i let the 4 die and 1 live, because i froze,
someone else could say i committed an immoral action, but the question is how? i would not have been in control of myself non the less.
disabled from causing action.
or if i was panicing, and i saw a child alone on one side.
but i saw, 4 old men or adults on the other side.
through my panic, im sure i would react with eye's closed so to speak. and save the child.
yes, what you are talking about is called moral intuition.however, if i was to know ahead of time?. (im assuming this is a forced) as in i have no time or chance./choice other than lever or no lever.
i would choose for instance if there was a child. on one side. and 4 adults on the other.
i would let the child live, this doesnt mean i wouldnt feel guilty or sorry. but that i had to make a choice.
a choice i would have to live with. my means of choosing would be simplistic almost.
(i dont know if this is true for you or not. but to a general extent, i can feel/experience/perceive etc, a morally interrelatable energy in the point of my body
which is my centre of gravity, this is what many would call your HEART being defined as a spiritual heart.)
because this HEART holds the basis for most to all of my experience of Morality in action.
my action as a deciding mind would be relative to my HEART, my mind itself, would be formless, undecided, spontaneous and following
of the HEART that i have, which after a lifetime of observation, ive found has a trustworthy degree of subconscioussess influence over the creation of moral values.
The interesting thing about moral intuitions is that they apply to all case with moral weight. Including the ones with limited information such as the trolley problem. That is why I mention they have bags over their heads and are gaged while tied down, and are all of basically the same bodily shape and size. Clearly a situation where the result is loss of human life that can turn out differently has moral weight. There isn't a "correct" solution to the trolley problem, but it is a good indicator of the moral system you take to be true.putting it short.
I would follow my HEART, or rather, continue doing so.
- the answer is there inconclusive, (unless however, you were to define the personal aspects of this situation?)
inconclusive - relative to the situation enviroment relationship.
tell me the situation, and ill tell you what my heart would have me do..
Correctfirst off. im going to assume i can answer differently to true or false however if that's ok? but i only NEED answer true/false
I must ask, do you think different people can have different conclusions based on their "moral energy"? If yes, then is that a fault of the person perceiving, or a fault of the energy perceived?ive heard this one before- most christians say, true.
but im not so sure. for me, (False)
here's why. because of this HEART that i have, i can already perceive well enough information to conclude at viable solutions to moral dillema's
this is weather or not God exist's, and if your's and other's are structured to release perceivable energy the same way as does mine.
then i'd theorise, that the same is for you also. and others. which concludes at a objective notion of morality within the human race.
for me however this is just further confirmation of God's potential existance, based on the notion of design.simply put anyways
Interesting not to sure about this one either. id say( false)
based on moral objections themselve's, its like this.
i am free to kill my entire family for no reason, as in, i have the power, means, and ability to do so.
however. i do not have the moral iniquity to do so. though i am free with the power to do so. i cant, based on personal decision/morality/etc
i believe the same concept is also applicable to a correct conception of a God, that he/it CAN do anything, however does not wish to do anything
as in to assume this entity has personality/HEART, thus morality, concluded me to believe god can do anything. but also CANT.
Correctif by essentially you mean, the general knowledge that a organisum(s) will change/transform to adapt to it's/their enviromental changing.
this is inconclusive but id say (true and false), i dont think there is an actuall point of dissconnection to completely seperate one's own mind/ego/self from the outside world.
like asking if a specific drop of water in a pool, or portion is seperate from the pool or ocean.
for example, every object in the universe has a degree, of lightweight, lightspeed, gravitational pull on every object, cell etc, in your brain. relative to the sun etc
i have a theory, that the reverse of this pull, as in.
your gravitational pull of pure vibrational energy of every object in the universe, i believe can be perceived at a subconsciouss degree
giving your brain a means to calculating its position in the universe/world with the most basic/pure information. configuring the structure of its surroundings.
based on gravitational pull's and degree's of pulls. sort of like a bat with sonar.
this could be made manifest, into the consciousss mind easier, with. focuses on.
introversion/intuition/feeling/judging, i believe?![]()
That is very possible. I focus a lot more on the idea of a second coming of Christ, but to me that implies the second will be to some extent like the first. Otherwise, how can we say they are both The Christ as that seems a proper identifier.actually i am really thankfull to you for asking the questions you have. and i wish i had seen your post at a earlier time.
reasonable questioning i think, however some point's could use a little extra thought to them before asking the question's.
but that's only relative to my own understanding of relativity i suppose.
im a little worried about the nature of your questions as i cannot see where your going with them?
as in i cannot see them reaching a conclusion, as they seem neither conflicting with my theory nor, in agreement with them.
i dont really expect anyone to believe me, not right away anyways.
but then again, i only BELIEVE i am the second coming, with is not equal to knowing,
worse in one way better in another.
on another note im fairly sure we have a different conception of what exactly it is that, the son of man, really is.
I kind of answered that above...If I need more clarification, I can do so later.maybe you could do me a favor and answer me some questions?
what do you think the son of man is? or would/should be, if he was real in our time.?
The problem is I do believe you are a son of man, but I have trouble believing you are the son of man. This comes down to basic probabilities. The son of man refers to a specific individual. In other words, their is only one person who is actually that title. However, the son of man and a son of man have the same characteristics, except the son of man has many more characteristics (fighting the anti-Christ, etc.). To identify one person as the son of man, other than by the things that person will accomplish as laid out in the bible is actually not a high bar to reach. Especially considering the number of people that have been born, and that humanity inhabits most of this planets land masses.....Because of this state of affairs, I would be skeptical of confirming the son of man is actually the son of man other than by the actions as laid out in the bible.why do you not believe i am the son of man?
Any extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. But that is to establish truth values. To establish belief is a lot simpler. But, I am a skeptical person of such claims...even if I would want to believe such a thing were true.what would it take for you to believe i am the son of man?
I am convinced that you are not the second coming of Christ, but beyond that I have no idea. I have many observations, but I'm to tired to keep typing. Maybe another time.what is your conception of ME and what I believe?
No, I do not know for a fact. In truth, I cannot know for a fact. However, I can have very good reason not to take it as true. Say hello to the problem of induction.dont worry.
one question from me relative to this last statement above...
do you know for a FACT that i am not?>..
That doesn't follow. Reason for invested time can range from direct to indirect.if you do.... then im obviously not someone worth your time.... and you neednt be frustrated at all.
Or a faulty conclusionbecause i musnt have good mean's etc, or i am subject to some mental disorder.
I can't know in the strictest sense, but I can have a justified belief...if you dont... then based on the fact's, i very well could be....or could not be...
if you do know for a fact... HOW do you know?
Funny, I just found this book yesterday, with the same title.
My guess is that the video has "stolen" from this debate/book. Not that it's of any importance though.
Please let me know what is meaning of this?
Please let me know what is meaning of this?
I posted that a while back. It is a picture or a gif but I can't tell you of what. Why?
I'm thinkin' it was popcorn, 'cause I replied with pizza.
Goodness. I'd forgotten about this thread. Some things should stay buried.
this has everything to do with the religion, of christianity.
because if im right, then im going to need some help arnt i, if im wrong then what?. doesnt mean im going to give up on what i am doing.
trying to save the world is the most accurate description for what it is im doing, weather or not i succeed is up to god.
im not crazy, i KNOW exactly how crazy it sounds,
but why does it disturb you so?..
why does it matter if many people have claimed to be jesus>? were they trying to save the world?..
blasphemus...NO, ... this is merely a theory. of mine, i dont KNOW for a fact, or i would have said, I KNOW im jesus.
but i have evidence, both scientific and personal, which suggests to me, that I AM.
suggesting that I AM a persons who's God given purpose is to follow God's good values, and action God's Good purpose.
Asking whats the matter with God?... "thats Blasphemy"
it means you already doubted.
see, ...this isnt about them... its about me, ....
my claim, my theory, my suggestion,.... if i am,.....
then God did a very great Job....
he made the first jesus,..... who became the most popular man on earth. 2000 years after his death.
he has more followers now,... than obama will have over his lifetime.
he has spoken wiser words,... with greater value,... than ghandi,
i dont think im god incarnate, ....
i think i am the second coming of jesus, the one called the son of man.
the physics behined my theory are different.
ive conceptualised, that due to my psychological sensitivity to both vibrational energy and human personality
ive unconsciously picked up on the projection of vibrational personality (energy) which eminates from God/jesus
and due to my own personal psychological structure, acted upon these vibrations both consciously and unconscioussly, accordingly.
theres more to the story but thats a jist.
i dont think im god incarnate, ....
i think i am the second coming of jesus, the one called the son of man.
I don't know, Hushers. It's usually other people getting the popcorn out, lol.
And it's interesting that should should use the word "buried". That would mean this thread was "resurrected"?
Holy Moses! He IS the Son of God!
We should have had faith, Hush. We are most likely going to Hell now. Wtf.
Even though your link broke at some point, I could still see the URL and I'm dyin'. "Jesus eating popcorn gif."
It's beautiful. Hallelujah, ABH. At least hell is warm and toasty.
Hello, my name is david jonathan.
i have a challange for you to prove me wrong,
simply put: i believe i am the second coming of christ, so called:
the son of man, the lamb etc.
challange me on any point or in any way you like.
i will be fair, just and unbias.
theres totally infinite reasons i think i am this person
(which is a person whom's god given purpose/passion in life, is to save the world. k )?
heres a few starters for yousimple starters)
1# the bible says, the coming of the son of man, will be like lightning shining from the east to the west.
-Where do i live? - New Zealand, the most eastern place on the map,
when did i figure this? when i was living in gisborne, the most eastern place in new zealand called (first to see the SUN)
2#the bible says, the coming of the son of man will be like a theif in the night, unexpected, unknown to most, etc
-New Zealand is one of the most unknown about countries on earth, coming from here would propose that fact enough i believe?
3#the bible also calls the son of man, "the lamb"
-austrlians call NZers sheepers" because we have 70million sheep here.
-My chinese astrology symbol is a Metal element, Sheep,goat or LAMB.
-I am a christian - with much influence over the christian world, as you might notice in time.
4#here's a tricky 1 - the bible say's the son of man, will be seen coming down from the clouds with 10'000 followers...
"this could be made manifest in many ways considering both my intentions and current objectives.
-could be - jesus, refered to the clouds, to describe our time internet to premative minds 2000 years ago. 10,000 from the net: nowdays? not so hard to believe.
- i am working on a non-profit called Unit - E, charitable purpose is to save the world, which could have me flying oversea's to assist the international community sometime.
5#i am a vigilant believer in the respect for christ, more than usuall. i have great influence when conversing with athiests about belief in god.
christ summed all the ten commandments up in one commandment, to love thy neibour as thyself: which i naturally follow (which ive observed)
my first name being DAVID meaning BELOVED or LOVING.
6#i have unusually in depth understandings about all concepts of reality
-you could say, gifted from god, my last name is jonathan meaning(gift of god)
7#since i was young, i have been facinated/passionate, about trying to save the world even if no one wants to help me.
-i believe i have figured out a practicle way to do it, even with the current structure of the governing forces and economy in place.
-with my non profit - called Unit E, Unifying Non-profits independant Transferance for Everyone.
8#i have some of the most viable, new age theorys ive ever heard, based on the most realistic facts (experience)
9#open to being asked anything, probably have a general awnser, if the question has sense.
10#my father is the manliest man in the universe./
i would like you to debate with me about this concept.
i have come to terms with an intuitive notion ive had that i am the second coming, the lamb, or the son of man.
i am not crazy, i need not check.
i am not dumb, and ive checked and double checked the evidence i have which suggests that i am the son of man (in my own experience)
i understand that which is fact, and that which is not, belief faith and doubt etc.
you can be sure when asking me anything - ive done my homework
im still human, ... so dont expect me to awnser like an alien. (not that you've met one)
simply put,
i believe i am the child of prophecy come to save the world "again" ;P
you probably dont believe it..
but why? why dont you believe?
;ets begin our debates. YOU's VS ME ;p