I do think that all love stories are unique. I am not imagining that love should be all about being swept from under your feet at the first take, not at all. While I don't think love can be conjured in an instant, it can still be nurtured but at the very least, in the beginning, it should be filled with respect and good intention. I think this is why
@Tamagochi's and
@QuirkyLemonFlower's relationships are working because that has been seeded since the beginning. I don't think your love for your spouses are lukewarm at all but I do think that you built on it and worked on it. I think before we can even complete this conversation, we have to set the definitions of soulmates and what nots too. My first love wasn't my soulmate, far from it, but I still call it love because of the profound care and dedication I felt for that person.
@Tamagochi there's no reason for your wife of 8 years now to not be your great love. I think people have a tendency to stick with a definition of love and not recognize its equivalent form right when it's been with them the whole time. There are many different forms of love, and honestly lukewarm is not necessarily insincere or half-assed. It could be understated. I do think that when we commit with people even if it was lukewarm in the beginning, our hearts hash open and love grows from there.
Yes. No two loves are the same. I recognize this too but one is never lesser than the other. I think what really matters is the sincerity behind it.
In my case, it's a list of everything and also it's a list of nothing. LOL. It's really just blah. I mean we know what's good for us so we keep tabs of those. We have deal breakers so we take note of those as well. But then affection begins to tug at our heartstrings so we work around those things as well. Ultimately, nobody will ever be perfect but they will be when our commitment and sincerity is decided. It's the matter of getting to the point of making that decision that doesn't always come by. People tend to try with every chance, I doubt at every chance and scrutinize it from all angles. The moment of committing is monumental to me because that means my decision is final so I like to take my time but nowadays, if you do that you either get stuck in the friend zone or be the friend zoner. Or be ghosted. I think everybody is different when it comes to these things too though.