Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

I am a civilian right now and calling you a liar. It isn't personal, but you are bad Golden.

I am not being inconsistent. You saying it isn't making it true. I voted the same person two fucking days in a row. You voting them didn't phase me because guess what? I thought you guys were teammates and you were throwing her under the bus. It was pretty obvious she was going to be lynched today so you jumping in and voting her despite your insistence you weren't suspicious of her is sketchy. And now trying to shrug off any responsibility.

I'm not going to keep arguing this smilie thing with you. I don't associate that smilie with me and I don't associate with RM as I haven't been a member there for years, so when you posted it I didn't say to the thread it was me because it doesn't remind me of me. I recall all those facts now after the fact after you harped on that that smilie that reminds you of me. Why didn't you make a more of an issue of it at the time? It's very convenient after the fact. I didn't translate all your other smilie posts either
Oh, by the way bubbles - one question for you to consider. If you are good, this might help you recognise why I am no more mafia than you. If you are bad, I'd like to hear your answer in the thread (actually, you should say that either way) Why should I be considered any more mafia for that lynch than you? You voted DG too, but you could actually explain why...

Just go through that thought exercise... and I think you will see that thinking 'golden must be bad' is exactly what they want you to be thinking.

I voted her because of you! Because of your smiley messages, I thought you were being silenced by her. You said you knew she was a civilian when you voted yet you went on to mislead me that she was behind your silencing? I don't believe anything you say now, you are bad. And I think everyone is waking up to that fact. It's amazing you haven't been lynched already based on the huge amount of evidence against you, but most likely you are going to go next.

also Hosts does the contest winner get some kind of special bonus for their side? like an extra team mate?
Wow! Snarkfest!

Golden, none of this makes much sense to me. You voted drummergirl first but you weren't planning on her actually dying? You just did it to try and make sure you were right about FS? I mean I can see maybe doing that midway through the votes or something but first vote? There's no way of knowing if the mafia will just jump on board that train and ride with it. And yes, I realize I was one of her voters and I only have my word for it but it was the content and context of her posts that made me do so. Too late in the day I realized you were the one (and almost wished I could change my vote) who actually said you weren't going to vote newbies and yet you started it. And I <3 you dude, but from what I recall you were one who always tended to die early so I'm not sure I'd call you charismatic to the point that you're the pied piper of lynches. And that whole fish symbol, who else was meant to know it was FS? Me? DP? I know I only played maybe 2 or 3 games on RM and I do remember some people were more linked with certain symbols but I couldn't for the life of me remember who and what. I can see why, even if she knew what you were going at she wouldn't say so. Who's going to say "Oh, hey, btw, Golden's trying to tell you all I'm bad!" I'm not trying to defending FS because I honestly don't know her affiliation but your posts today just make no sense to me. It also seems like maybe you were trying to role claim Susan but then completely distanced yourself from that. And yes, I can actually see a reason why, if you're mafia, to stop the night and own it. To buy yourself SO much civvie cred. I don't see experienced players going along with that plan but maybe if you had two newbie teammates they might. I don't doubt that you or Art are mafia, hence my vote for him the other day, thinking if he was lynched it would be telling but to be honest of the two your posts are currently seeming far more mafia-ish.
Wow! Snarkfest!

Golden, none of this makes much sense to me. You voted drummergirl first but you weren't planning on her actually dying? You just did it to try and make sure you were right about FS? I mean I can see maybe doing that midway through the votes or something but first vote? There's no way of knowing if the mafia will just jump on board that train and ride with it. And yes, I realize I was one of her voters and I only have my word for it but it was the content and context of her posts that made me do so. Too late in the day I realized you were the one (and almost wished I could change my vote) who actually said you weren't going to vote newbies and yet you started it. And I <3 you dude, but from what I recall you were one who always tended to die early so I'm not sure I'd call you charismatic to the point that you're the pied piper of lynches. And that whole fish symbol, who else was meant to know it was FS? Me? DP? I know I only played maybe 2 or 3 games on RM and I do remember some people were more linked with certain symbols but I couldn't for the life of me remember who and what. I can see why, even if she knew what you were going at she wouldn't say so. Who's going to say "Oh, hey, btw, Golden's trying to tell you all I'm bad!" I'm not trying to defending FS because I honestly don't know her affiliation but your posts today just make no sense to me. It also seems like maybe you were trying to role claim Susan but then completely distanced yourself from that. And yes, I can actually see a reason why, if you're mafia, to stop the night and own it. To buy yourself SO much civvie cred. I don't see experienced players going along with that plan but maybe if you had two newbie teammates they might. I don't doubt that you or Art are mafia, hence my vote for him the other day, thinking if he was lynched it would be telling but to be honest of the two your posts are currently seeming far more mafia-ish.

is RM another forum?
Well, Liv, honestly if you vote for me we are going to lose, but I don't necessarily blame you.

And yes, my vote for DG was, in hindsight, a complete cock up. I should have just voted who I really thought was bad (Art - that's who I will be voting for tomorrow.). Honestly, I had two theories on what FS would do. The first is jump on after me (then I knew she was bad). The second would be... to stick with her consistent logic, and assume DG must be good, so then vote for either TB or Katniss instead. If she had done that, I thought I might have found her third teammate. I think it's TB, but I'm just not 100% certain.

I don't think I'm the pied piper of all lynches either - but that's what ArtFirst is trying to push me as being and has been since the very start of the game. The only reason I can see for him doing that is because he was told of my play style and it was part of the strategy to discredit me from day one. It's not so hard to make sure the vote is piled on to whoever I vote for and then make me look bad for it.

But hey, I could always be wrong about everything. Maybe the mafia are you, DF and Katniss. In which case, I've played this game horrendously awfully. I probably have anyway. I've hedged - like on day one, where I would actually have preferred a lynch of MM to one of DP, but I knew that continuing on with DP was the only way to save my skin. And then I was wrong about MM anyway. But one thing I know for absolute sure... we can only win this game if:

1) Either Susan is still alive (which I guess is reasonably plausible, a maximum of one Pevensie is dead - and I think MM was possibly Lucy, because I'm not seeing a whole lot of Lucy going on) or else we somehow don't lose any civilians tonight (eg they target Mr Tumnus for the kill and Jacobi is not him); and
2) Every civilian acts in unison.

This is really all we have left, I think.
I live in hope that a civilian gets a prize from that lyric competition and it can somehow swing the game back in the favour of the town.
Too late in the day I realized you were the one (and almost wished I could change my vote) who actually said you weren't going to vote newbies and yet you started it.

What's this about? I said I wasn't going to vote any newbies on day one. It would be game suicide to say I'd never vote for any newbies ever.
Tell you what though, I dare anyone to try to find my team, lol!!! I guess DF hasn't actively disagreed with me or gone after me at any point. There aren't really any others though... and I'm thinking the baddie team is 4 people right now. I absolutely would curse myself lol. I can admit that there are aspects of this game that don't exactly clear me and shouldn't be seen that way. Even stopping the night doesn't clear me (I agree) but it is big, and I do believe the baddies would certainly have won by now if I hadn't (and I would have certainly been lynched on day two - which I guess is your argument to suggest I would do it if I was bad).

I think there are plenty of facts, though, that point to me being civilian. You can't get prove. You'll have to go with faith.
You're right, my bad on that one. I just remember you saying you weren't voting for newbies and I didn't go back and look at your wording. I won't be winning any prizes I'm almost sure because my lyrics sounded like a bad children's poem. I'm not mafia, not really much to offer in way of proving it sadly unless Lucy checks me, but interesting you think I could be on a team with DF and Katniss because looking at the votes I'd say the same about you.
Oh, and I meant to say earlier it seemed like you were role-claiming Lucy, not Susan.

I did wonder about that. I haven't intentionally role-claimed anyone, sorry if it's looked that way. I can see how you would think Lucy, I did say I was certain about Art and Fs. But that's how I feel, not info dumping. I feel certain based on what has gone on in the game.

I'd love an extra teammate as a prize :D

And honestly my own sense is that the four of us are the civs, and the four others are bad (hoping that I'm wrong on jacobi). It's just my read, but better to be honest now. I've been wrong all game, I've made it far too easy for the baddies to follow me, I know there is no real reason to trust me now...
I've been wrong all game, I've made it far too easy for the baddies to follow me, I know there is no real reason to trust me now...

No shit sherlock. You killed more civilians with your words and with your votes than anyone.
So far no one has been willing to believe consider the possibility that I was right all along thanks to the way the things people said about me.
I hope people for once will vote based on their feelings, intuition and hearts tomorrow.

The very fact you've been doing everything you could to influence who people "should" vote for all the time is so damned obvious.
But I think a lot less innocent people would be dead right now if everyone ignored you too.

I figure the only reason I survived thus far is because of you golden, because you unlike anyone else decared doubt on everyone's suspicions of me.
Honestly even though It made me even more convinced you were a mobster, when you had people convince me of your innocence,
I felt ashamed I though of you that way and actually felt somewhat moved that someone did such a thing for me.
By now though... I see why you kept me alive thus far. After you turned peoples minds eye version of me into the boy who cried wolf, no one believed I could possibly be right about you and later your buddy Dfaraday...
People kept following you even though you were responsible if not by vote then by words for lynchings.

But now some people are starting to consider the very possibility that you might have been mafia all along, and with me being the easiest to lynch of everyone left ofc you will vote for me and win the game.
Thus far I understand that. I also think that you're trying to instill fear into everyone. How on earth could you possibly say:

I thought I might have found her third teammate. I think it's TB, but I'm just not 100% certain.

Like really man, the only things that groups Fingersplints, TinyBubbles and me together are: You and the fact we are the only INF's in the game. You know, the "emotional people" o.O What were you trying to do there anyway? create apartheid?
Sorry for not being a freaking heartless robot dude! Not only that, you throw things around like being 100% certain about us or "Just not 100% certain" which usually amounts to like 99% certain.

You do realize that people use percentages when they want to convince someone right ?
Of course you do, you're bound to have heard some marketing strategies over the years, especially with your job and the kind of people you deal with.

Hell, The fact is that now I've realized it I see some more being applied in your posts.
For example people feel loss more strongly then gain, as such you are psychologically manipulating their choices when you say:

But one thing I know for absolute sure... we can only win this game if: ...

...This is really all we have left, I think.

In other words you are reinforcing the idea that people will lose if they do not listen to you.
Man, you've been pulling every damn trick you knew from the psychology and marketing psychology books.
My apologies for my bad grammar and spelling. I also notice sometimes I jump from one subject to another then jump back again. I usually fix all of this with an edit but editing isn't allowed...

Either way, I hope everyone came to the conclusion that I am hoping you will be wary of any further applied use of psychology and marketing psychology.
I also hope that you will see how golden has been attempting to divide us, and keeps control through fear and psychological strategies.
No shit sherlock. You killed more civilians with your words and with your votes than anyone.
So far no one has been willing to believe consider the possibility that I was right all along thanks to the way the things people said about me.
I hope people for once will vote based on their feelings, intuition and hearts tomorrow.

The very fact you've been doing everything you could to influence who people "should" vote for all the time is so damned obvious.
But I think a lot less innocent people would be dead right now if everyone ignored you too.

I figure the only reason I survived thus far is because of you golden, because you unlike anyone else decared doubt on everyone's suspicions of me.
Honestly even though It made me even more convinced you were a mobster, when you had people convince me of your innocence,
I felt ashamed I though of you that way and actually felt somewhat moved that someone did such a thing for me.
By now though... I see why you kept me alive thus far. After you turned peoples minds eye version of me into the boy who cried wolf, no one believed I could possibly be right about you and later your buddy Dfaraday...
People kept following you even though you were responsible if not by vote then by words for lynchings.

But now some people are starting to consider the very possibility that you might have been mafia all along, and with me being the easiest to lynch of everyone left ofc you will vote for me and win the game.
Thus far I understand that. I also think that you're trying to instill fear into everyone. How on earth could you possibly say:

Like really man, the only things that groups Fingersplints, TinyBubbles and me together are: You and the fact we are the only INF's in the game. You know, the "emotional people" o.O What were you trying to do there anyway? create apartheid?
Sorry for not being a freaking heartless robot dude! Not only that, you throw things around like being 100% certain about us or "Just not 100% certain" which usually amounts to like 99% certain.

You do realize that people use percentages when they want to convince someone right ?
Of course you do, you're bound to have heard some marketing strategies over the years, especially with your job and the kind of people you deal with.

Hell, The fact is that now I've realized it I see some more being applied in your posts.
For example people feel loss more strongly then gain, as such you are psychologically manipulating their choices when you say:

In other words you are reinforcing the idea that people will lose if they do not listen to you.
Man, you've been pulling every damn trick you knew from the psychology and marketing psychology books.

Don't you think you're overreacting? I mean, "create apartheid" is a bit much. I seriously doubt Golden's innocence, but suggesting that his actions are comparable to racial segregation is really over the top.

Y'know I sometimes wonder if you and golden aren't working together. You each sling so much shit on other players and each time one of you is suspected the other does or says something really suspicious to deflect the other's guilt. Maybe it's all been an act from the start and you've just been screwing with our heads.
Night 4

It has been a wintry night. Everyone had their fish and
chips, and stayed home, all warm and cosy.

Nothing has happened.

It is now Day 5.

Catch a baddie, please.

[MENTION=5297]Katniss Neverbeef[/MENTION]

You have 48 hours.
You have no idea how much I'd like to just vote ArtFirst straight up.

But, I know that co-ordination is absolutely required today, so I restrain myself.

Jacobi, all the evidence you need to know I am not working with ArtFirst is in the thread - he tried very hard to lynch me day one, would have succeeded if you voted the other direction. Did he know which way you would vote?