Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

Half hour more for those who wish to submit entries to the competition.
OK, first and foremost...

I'm very sorry drummergirl - immensely and sincerely sorry. I knew you were civilian when I voted you. I did not intend for everyone to pile on my vote, and I thought voting very early would assist with that. I do feel responsible for your death - not in the way ArtFirst wants everyone to think, but certainly I think you might still be alive if I haven't.

It's almost impossible to lead people when silenced - and that was perhaps my miscalculation - but I did try and get people to understand that I was being framed, and I certainly couldn't be framed by someone who wasn't even talking about me.

It is also unfortunate noone knows that the fish-slap is FINGERSPLINTS! That's her symbol on RM, something she incredibly conveniently failed to mention every time I used the fishslap symbol.

No, it was fingersplints who was framing me - from the moment she posted this:


I am definitely looking at those who voted SD as well as those who had votes before SD took some votes.

She wanted everyone to think of the vote on SpaceDaisy as a save - and the only people who had votes were me and MM, so naturally one of us had to be getting the save, right? That was her consistent theory... I already sensed an incoming frame then. But then what should happen??? MM dies - so now, the only possible person who could fit into splints 'the votes on Daisy were a save' theory was ME.

So fingersplints wants you to still think she is buying in to a save. Shown by this post. This is actually the post that led me to immediately vote Drummergirl (straight after this post).

RIP MM. My biggest suspects are Golden and the SD voters. Since MM was killed, if the daisy push was to save someone it would have had to have been Golden. Also I find it a bit suspicious that MM suspected him and was now killed. It seems like a weird kill choice to me since some seemed to be suspicious of him. Goldens post after is all in smilies though, so I wonder if he was cursed and in that case I never feel comfortable going after someone who can't defend themselves unless I am certain.

Then what does fingersplints do? She jumps on MY vote... and also votes for Drummergirl. Yeah, because that makes a lot of sense. Drummergirl voted SD to save me, and then I started out the day voting her... Not! In fact, the reason I voted DG was exactly to see if splints just followed me into the vote. The easiest thing for a baddie to do, given they already knew it had at least one civilian vote.

I've also been absolutely certain one of splints, olivia and MM was bad since very early on. I just couldn't figure out which one. Why? Well... something I've been very carefully not letting out. I've been fairly certain Art is bad from the start... when he made this post right back at the start...

you sound like the kinda guy who's charismatic enough to have anyone follow his every word...

Yeah, I hadn't said anything charismatic at that point. But I also know that baddies warn their newbie teammates about how they need to be careful about me, because I'm good at catching baddies and I'm charismatic enough to get people to follow. I've heard it said before. Even at the time, I should have followed my gut, which said 'I think splints said that to Art'. But I knew there were other options than splints, and I had to figure out who it really was. In fact, I think there has been a very careful and committed baddie plan from the start of this game - let me lead the show, and discredit me when I'm wrong.

I'm now absolutely certain liv and DF are civvies, and whoever else is... if we are to have any show of winning this game from here, we will absolutely have to stick together. There is no other way.

And once again, I've very sorry drummergirl. I did not expect anyone to follow me when I was SILENCED. And I didn't realise no-one else knew the symbol for splints, I thought at least some people did. If you want any reason to know, absolutely know in your heart, that I am right about her, then all you need to ask yourself is this: Why did splints, knowing exactly what her symbol was at RM (she called out mine), decide to keep that information to herself. Why did she say she thought the votes on SD might be to save me but then vote for the same person as me? The evidence is there now, we just have to follow up on it.
ArtFirst - you are bad, and you've been bad from the start. You are the one who decided to declare DG a civvie before the post went up and blame it on me. Sorry man, you'll learn as you get more experienced, but if you are a civ, your mindset is busy hoping against hope that DG somehow still is bad. You aren't already allocating the blame before the lynch post is up yet.

By the way - don't you notice how sending me (the silenced guy) the blame for the DG lynch is not trying to help continue the frame?
I've busted you, I've busted splints. I fear jacobi is Edmund and you guys have nabbed him too, but I sincerely hope he is Tumnus. If you have Edmund, we are seriously screwed. It was a terrible day to be silenced :( but I'm sure the baddies knew that it would be when they did it. I tried to find ways around posting only in smilies, but the hosts wouldn't allow more liberal interpretations. Gah! That day was so frustrating.

Golden is mafia. Has to be. this game is not going well. Drummergirl I'm sorry RIP

I tell you what I do know - the baddie team - splints and Art especially, are desperately hoping I get lynched tomorrow, because they know they only need one more lynch to go their way and its game over. Lynching me tomorrow has been their plan all along - it's why I was silenced today. They wanted to paint me into this corner.
Oh, by the way bubbles - one question for you to consider. If you are good, this might help you recognise why I am no more mafia than you. If you are bad, I'd like to hear your answer in the thread (actually, you should say that either way) Why should I be considered any more mafia for that lynch than you? You voted DG too, but you could actually explain why...

Just go through that thought exercise... and I think you will see that thinking 'golden must be bad' is exactly what they want you to be thinking.
The fishslap wasn't my smilie on RM, it was a fan symbol DH assigned to me. So I fail to bring it up because it wasn't my smilie. first lie of Goldens. I will address the rest later
your "case" just reeks of desperation in lies. I didn't jump on your vote. I voted her the day before and always planned on voting her again. I was wrong but her vote on SD seemed sketchy. Don't try and misdirect the blame. you voted her too. own up to your mistakes man.

Second, you weren't silenced. you were cursed and you got your points across well enough other then the one that you used a smilie to mean me that never meant me and acted all mad when no one knew it was supposed to me. fish slapping is an irc function used a lot, so I associate with about 20 something players

I buy into it being a save because it so obviously is. Where is this proof of you being a civvie you promise days ago? Daisy died with the role you were trying to hint at and you should have been lynched sooner.

Shit im really sorry drummer. I really thought I was getting vibes on your limited word count and keeping your cards close to your chest. I say word count as in your posts never consisted of much. I was really really wrong. I am truly, very sorry.
OK, first and foremost...

I'm very sorry drummergirl - immensely and sincerely sorry. I knew you were civilian when I voted you. I did not intend for everyone to pile on my vote, and I thought voting very early would assist with that.

You knew she was a civie and somehow thought voting to lynch her would somehow help to not lynch her. What the hell kind of logic is that? So far golden and artfirst have been the most suspicious and almost nobody has voted for them. What's wrong with us? The mafia could stay entirely out of the game and still win at this point.

That leaves us with what? 5 civies and 3 mafia? We really need to win that contest or else we're in trouble. I hope everyone entered.
The fishslap wasn't my smilie on RM, it was a fan symbol DH assigned to me. So I fail to bring it up because it wasn't my smilie. first lie of Goldens. I will address the rest later

Whoah, and there we have you jump straight to 'lie'.

You had more than one. So did I, for that matter. It was absolutely used to represent you.

And - nice that you are sticingk with 'you buy in to it being a save'. If you bought into it being a save - by the way, a save that would HAVE to have gone in on me, which I know it didn't - there is no way you would have voted for the same person as me. There is no logical thought process that bears that out.

[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] - I needed to know if splints was bad. I knew if she was, she'd follow me into the DG vote. It was a calculated gamble - I mean, why would (did) people follow the guy who couldn't explain his voting? I actually thought it would actively protect DG.
But if you really need to know anything, look no further than this kind of emotive language - it's the lifeblood of the baddies :)

your "case" just reeks of desperation in lies.

Splints finds one 'lie', but that's all she needs to multiply it into 'lies'... all the better to discredit me with.

Does it reek of desperation? Absolutely. Because if we don't get this right today, we are done.

Oh, and by the way, it's handy that Jacobi gives the numbers as '5 civs to 3 baddies'. But I don't think it is. If a civvie dies tonight, I think its 3 civs to 4 baddies tomorrow - there is no way that Edmund can be dead - pretty likely he is recruited at this point. So I think it's even more important that the civs work together, I desperately hope one of you wins the prize or hopefully is Susan to just give us a shot.
No I did not have more then one golden. I had the fan that was titled :splints:. The fishslap was titled :fishslap: not splints and it was used for multiple people. I haven't been a member of RM since 2011, so yea it's pretty ridiculous that I am suspicious for not knowing you thought some smilie meant me from years ago. And continue to lie that it was mine. It was not.

Emotional players always play emotionally. you know that well ;) but are trying to make it look worse or out of character for me.

You have lied many times golden. You haven't caught me in shit. And I didn't follow you. It's pretty arrogant to think anyone followed you since your posts were contradictory and made little to no sense. Those are a few more of the lies you are spinning.

Where is our proof you are a civvie like you promised early in the game? Another lie because their isn't any. you still can't explain that other then attributing it to SDs power.
Splints - I made sure there was no night. I didn't say it was proof, I said it was big, and hopefully people would look at it and go 'why would a baddie do that'. And by the way, if I hadn't, the baddies would have won by now, so I'm glad I did. But that sentence 'where is your proof' - yet another line designed to throw shade. It's not a case... it's just a statement you hope people will follow.

Baddies play emotionally. I haven't seen any emotional play from you this game, until you have started throwing emotive language at me now.

But splints - i know 100% you are bad, and this conversation is a charade. You know and I know that tomorrow comes down to this - do the civvies believe me, or do they not. If they do, we have hope. If they don't... good game, baddies played well, and I made a whole lot of mistakes along the way. I should have just gone after ArtFirst instead of letting him go so I could find his teammates. I should have done all sorts of things.

Oh, and by the way, you are contradicting yourself again. In literally your last two posts, look what you said (more of not being able to keep your case against me straight, which is a baddie thing).

Second, you weren't silenced. you were cursed and you got your points across well enough

It's pretty arrogant to think anyone followed you since your posts were contradictory and made little to no sense.
By the way, the second is what I hoped would happen. But clearly it wasn't... since people like ArtFirst want to claim I have blood on my hands. There are claims that I was responsible because I was bad. Either I am responsible, or I'm not... I for one don't think I am. I think you are. But I was stupid enough to let it look like me.
I never contradicted myself. You got your points across. They didn't make sense though. For example you seemed to say you weren't sure if you thought drummergirl was mafia but voted her anyways. Your posts were very wishy washy considering you so confident now.

You know nothing for 100% ad that is why I am emotional. You are straight up lying now since ou are so obviously bad. You should have been lynched day 1 but people keep listening to you
And no baddies don't play emotionally. emotional players play emotionally. Dont pretend that me playing emotionally is at all indicative of me being a baddie. I'm pretty sure we had discussions about all us being emotional players in our celestial chat, and I think you are purposefully trying to wind me up now.
Woah... like really ? We're bad because we're emotional ? Do you have any idea what forum you are on m8 o.O ?
Also want to claim ? man you do. You voted first for someone and they died because all game everyone believed you over me. This whole game you've said things that made people want to follow you, now they do and you say it's not your fault ? Instead you blame me ? Did I vote with you ? no.

Also wth man...
...calculated move indeed, perfectly calibrated. So what's your play now? to get people to vote with you AGAIN and get another innocent person killed so you win ? I will vote for you tomorrow.
I'm only an S away from the same personality type as you, Art. I'm perfectly emotional - as you would see if you were to trawl through the games I played when I was bad.

"You have no consistent thought process" is incredibly different from being "emotional". Fingersplints vote was inconsistent with her stated thought process. She said he SD votes were a save, but she voted for the same person as me, the person they would have to have been saving. If splints really believed the save was going in, there is no way - none at all - especially as an emotional player with high EQ - that she also would have voted drummergirl.

There is but two ways to find baddies in mafia. The first is to catch one and then use connections and voting patterns as evidence to find others. The second is to figure out where people aren't really thinking what they say they are thinking. It's very very difficult, when you are bad, to sell the thought process behind your lie. Splints had been selling from the moment daisy was lynched that she thought a save was going in. She is still selling it. But if she really truly believed it, then she really truly believed I was bad after MM died. And if she really, truly believed I was bad, she would not have jumped on the bandwagon and voted drummergirl behind me.

Also, there is a massive difference between being emotional, and using emotive 'trigger words' to try and convince others into feeling the same way. Words like, for instance 'lie'. Splints is trying to make out like I'm using her emotions against her somehow. Bollocks. I called her out, and she has come back kicking and screaming. That ain't what goodies do. Goodies try and convince me that they are good, so that if I am too we still can win the game. Baddies just try and convince everyone else that I am bad. Nothing emotive about it. It's just fact, learned from many many games of evidence.

Is splints an emotional player? I mean, she is definitely gut based, and she will let out how she feels about something. Does that mean that, when she is civilian, she goes around calling others liars? No it does not.

And for good measure, here is another inconsistency she threw out this morning...

No I did not have more then one golden. I had the fan that was titled :splints:. The fishslap was titled :fishslap: not splints and it was used for multiple people. I haven't been a member of RM since 2011, so yea it's pretty ridiculous that I am suspicious for not knowing you thought some smilie meant me from years ago. And continue to lie that it was mine. It was not.

The fishslap wasn't my smilie on RM, it was a fan symbol DH assigned to me. So I fail to bring it up because it wasn't my smilie. first lie of Goldens. I will address the rest later

You remember what the two smilies were called (to type them out - nice bit of evidence by the way - the fact it wasn't called :splints: means it wasn't used for you? I could have gone back and found the fan to make it clearer, but they were both used for you, and the fishslap was already available on this site), you even remember who 'assigned' you the fan, but apparently the years that passed between now and 2011 means it's ridiculous I should expect you to remember anything about them. You managed to remember mine just fine. Oh, and also, you managed to analyse some of the other posts, but ignored the ones with the fish slap. You know who didn't ignore the ones with the fishslap? ArtFirst.... he interpreted them.... to certainly distance them from referring to you, splints. It's not just a 'guess' that you know they referred to you. You do know they referred to you.

But lets say I assume you didn't. Lets say I believe you that you didn't remember it was used to refer to you, and that in your mind it referred to 'multiple people'. Given you recognise the symbol, and know it was used to refer to 'people' at all, do I think you would just stay silent on the topic if you are good? Do I think you just let those posts fly by without reference, and you make no effort to figure out who I might be referring to? No I don't. Don't buy it for a second.

I know you are bad, splints. I do know something 100%. I just have to convince others.