Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

Wow, that is an epic use of smileys!

So then you think ArtFirst is bad and you think drummergirl silenced you if Tiny Bubbles is reading that right. But how would you know who silenced you? I don't disagree that AF could be bad but you thought DP was bad and then MetalMarsh so.... It would honestly be a mafia tactic to punish yourself so you don't look bad. Or maybe even pretending because you seem to be the only one this has happened to. But as I said I won't go after someone who seems to not be able to defend himself. I'm going to have a look-see at Drummergirl and Katniss's posts.
:spy: :spy: :tape: :nod:

:drum: :noidea:


:confused: :confused:
Hosts, can we use player's names in the lyrical piece?

You may.

Will [MENTION=13637]Metalmarsh89[/MENTION]'s role be released since he was killed by the mafia? I'm curious to know who he was.

Roles aren't revealed in Night Posts.

So much sardine hate in this thread. I love sardines, bones and all.
But you could choke on those! :(

Now I'm totally confused as to what Golden is saying. Not a clue what that last picture means :/ But the post before seems like you're saying you're not sure about either of your suspicions. ::Scratches head in confusion::

Reread drummergirl's and Katniss's posts. I think they both may be new to this game but dg is really not saying much at all and seems like she is trying to keep a really low profile. While Katniss seems genuinely confused about things and is posting more. They could be teammates but of the two dg is pinging me more.
Dear players
Just a gentle reminder that today you have a lot to do. You must vote for your favourite food and for the player you wish to lynch. You may also submit your response to our lyrics contest but only if you want to win the awesome prize. You have a little over 26hrs
But you could choke on those! :(

Now I'm totally confused as to what Golden is saying. Not a clue what that last picture means :/ But the post before seems like you're saying you're not sure about either of your suspicions. ::Scratches head in confusion::

Reread drummergirl's and Katniss's posts. I think they both may be new to this game but dg is really not saying much at all and seems like she is trying to keep a really low profile. While Katniss seems genuinely confused about things and is posting more. They could be teammates but of the two dg is pinging me more.

His last post says he is being framed.
Current Vote Tally

Day 4 Poll
Sardine Sandwiches - 0
Fish & Chips - drummergirlbk (1), Katniss Neverbeef (2), Jacobi (3), fingersplints (4), OliviaPope (6), Dfaraday (7)
Turkish Delight - TinyBubbles (5)

Day 4 Lynch
drummergirlbk - golden
Well [MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION] is obviously evil since she voted for turkish delight. Only the most depraved and heinous of villains would enjoy that. :p

I think TinyBubbles, Katniss and Dfaraday are civies. Nothing really concrete in that, just a gut feeling. I'm not sure about artfirst, drummergirl or fingersplints. I still have my worries about Olivia and I'm not sure about golden's smiley posts. There's a good chance he would have been chosen for lynching next and this could all just be an act. So it'll probably be one or the other whom I'll choose to lynch.
ArtFirst is still on my radar. I think it's strange that he went from posting emotionally charged essays to barely posting at all.

Yea it's so dang weird that I went from posting to not posting when I did end my last post with the following sentence...

Also I will also be the weekend at my brother's daughters birthday and staying that night at my dads place including the morning. Thats like the almost the entirety of the next game day, I dunno if I will get down to reading up and posting as much then so don't hang me for it. Tho somehow that is exactly what I think people will do :/

I did expect people to lynch me for it, but hell I'm a bit shocked. I guess you only went back and counted posts by frequency instead of reading the content. I also am kinda upset that I'm once again suspicious in the eyes of some of you even though I told everyone i'd be gone for the weekend. I cannot live behind my PC a whole week you know :/

:whoo: :fish: :help:

:noidea: :spy:

Someone managed to whack you on the head and you need help, and you claim not to have an idea who the mobster is ?

Man, I think its a good plan and all but if I were a mobster, and I felt like someone was gunning for me and people started to believe him, I would probably start posting in smileys too. And if you claim someone else did it, then hell mobsters can work together right?, they probably did it for you on your consent to help you become less suspicious.

I vote Sardine Sandwiches.

Why? Because I think I've had enough sugar through all the processed foods I'm being sold on a daily basis, I mean ketchup is more sugar than anything else... SO why would I even consider something as toxic looking as turkish delight, or go with something fat and greasy like fish and chips. No thanks. I'll go with the sandwich its the afternoon after all.

As for who'm I'm going to vote, well I am still leaning towards DFaraday as it feels even more suspicious to me that he made one post right after I voted on him.. Well, where is he now? he's not here... and why? because hes supposedly always a low poster and that means that he believes can just lie passive on the side without ever being suspected.

But hey, that is just my opinion.
I agree with those who aren't just pouncing on the opportunity to lunch golden because he is silenced for the time being. I'm still new to this game, so I'm a little confused about what caused [MENTION=13661]golden[/MENTION] to be silenced in the first place. I know he may have voted for me, bit that doesn't justify me returning the favor to him. He might be a civvie, after all but I'd rather not find out in this manner. I'd never forgive myself after what happened to [MENTION=13639]Spacedaisy[/MENTION]
I don't see Drummergirl as being suspicious because she's a low poster. That would be pretty hypocritical, no?

I still want to look at Golden, but seeing as he's not talking today I can't ask him anything, and I don't like lynching cursed people. I will look over the Daisy voters and vote for whichever I find the least trustworthy.
It's not so much low posting as it was the way you were posting. You hardly post, and when you do you never seem to have any reason for voting who you do. You seem like you hop on a bandwagon and then use nothing but your gut as a reason.

I'm torn between Faraday and Drummer :/
But you did exactly the same thing. For that matter, half the votes in this game have been bandwagon votes.

Anyway, I will go ahead and vote TinyBubbles because she basically just said she "had a feeling" about Daisy, and it felt like trying to start a save to me. I feel similar about drummergirl and Katniss' votes, but TinyBubbles started it, so I'll go with her.
I'm going to relook through the posts related to lynching [MENTION=13639]Spacedaisy[/MENTION] and make my decision later. I'm torn between Katniss and Tiny Bubbles.

It strikes me as odd that [MENTION=13661]golden[/MENTION] was so quick to vote for the lynch this time. But as I mentioned earlier I won't pounce on someone who cannot defend themselves. I don't want to be held responsible for lynching another civilian.