Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] I do feel kind of responsible for what happened in this last vote. I haven't really been paying very close attention and this morning when I only had before I left the house to vote for someone, I just hopped on a bandwagon and voted for SD because i didnt remember her posting much and others were voting against her. That's my only defence really. I've been a bit chaotic the last couple days and I played a lazy game this morning.
I'm just going to start voting early in the day so I don't keep getting mixed up with the deadlines. My performance this game has been less than acceptable.

However, I am always a low poster, and to people who say my posts feel "off", I am posting exactly like I do in every game. I don't like to draw attention to myself, although apparently in this game it only took until Day 3 for everyone to start going after low posters. Obviously the place I'm going to start looking is at the Daisy voters, because there was simply no case on her to justify that many votes.

[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] I do feel kind of responsible for what happened in this last vote. I haven't really been paying very close attention and this morning when I only had before I left the house to vote for someone, I just hopped on a bandwagon and voted for SD because i didnt remember her posting much and others were voting against her. That's my only defence really. I've been a bit chaotic the last couple days and I played a lazy game this morning.

I just realised I wrote splints instead of you in my last post, my apologies. Guess my forum habit of skimming posts is not doing me any favors here ><

And bet daisy didn't post because she busy the last few days too. Same as Jacobi.
DFaraday really glad to see you post. You're right the case against daisy was fairly baseless. I regret it, but if I hadn't chose her, I would've gone with another random. Tempted to just flip a coin for the next one.
RIP Spacedaisy :(. I just really wasn't seeing the suspicion on you. I am however currently now suspicious of about half the players. I think it's 2 people who have now said they're suspicious of me but not said why. I'm still not sure on ArtFirst but in answer to your confusion I think Father Christmas must have given the gift of stopping a night to Golden which he used, but that doesn't necessarily make him civvie. Drummergirl and Katniss have both voted DP and Spacedaisy. DanielFaraday's lost posting makes it hard to get a read on him so I'd like to hear more from him. Fingersplints missed the first vote and then voted DrummerGirl which seemed random.
[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] I do feel kind of responsible for what happened in this last vote. I haven't really been paying very close attention and this morning when I only had before I left the house to vote for someone, I just hopped on a bandwagon and voted for SD because i didnt remember her posting much and others were voting against her. That's my only defence really. I've been a bit chaotic the last couple days and I played a lazy game this morning.
Same goes with me. I feel pretty bad about how I voted this time around. I wish I would have had more time to analyse everything. Almost voted for metalmarsh yesterday. Now I think I probably should have. Fortunately, now that finals are over I might have a little more free time to start posting stuff :)
It doesn't necessarily make me civvie, but I hope the fact I used it holds some weight. I could have simply chosen not to use it at all.

Olivia - I may be one of the people you are referring to. I don't really see you as suspicious any more, after reading back, but I forgot to say that.
Good to know :)

I would probably post more but I don't know how to read the newbies and I don't want to go hardcore against them and put them off the game. And I feel like the other experienced players are probably doing the same. I was a newbie once and didn't have a clue what I was doing. And I meant to say DF's low posting, not lost posting in my last post. His name and that show are just synonymous in my mind. :P
And I meant to say DF's low posting, not lost posting in my last post. His name and that show are just synonymous in my mind. :P

What a cutie.
RIP Spacedaisy :(. I just really wasn't seeing the suspicion on you. I am however currently now suspicious of about half the players. I think it's 2 people who have now said they're suspicious of me but not said why. I'm still not sure on ArtFirst but in answer to your confusion I think Father Christmas must have given the gift of stopping a night to Golden which he used, but that doesn't necessarily make him civvie. Drummergirl and Katniss have both voted DP and Spacedaisy. DanielFaraday's lost posting makes it hard to get a read on him so I'd like to hear more from him. Fingersplints missed the first vote and then voted DrummerGirl which seemed random.

It wasn't random. she voted SD for low posting even though she has posted less then SD herself. And she seemed to jump on the suspicion. yes it is a new suspicion for me but that doesn't make it random. I think she is a baddie who quickly threw her vote on a low posting easy target shortly after another player.
Night 3

The woods can be a rather terrifying place, especially if one walks alone on an unmarked path
during the night. Moonlight filters through the thick canopy of trees, casting a faint bluish hue
all around.

MetalMarsh89 strolls along in a leisurely pace, keeping an eye out for a sleepy marmot or two
to appear from its burrow. Experience tells him the rodents would be hibernating in their warm,
comfortable holes in the dirt, but Narnian marmots are known to make the occasional appearance
from the ground during Winter, and he has been looking forward to meeting one.

A talking one.

In the stillness, a sudden rustling of leaves to his left makes him pause. He squints hard at the
shadowy images within the dark thicket of trees.

Can it be?

He ventures further, and shapes begin to take form. First a snout, then razor-sharp teeth gleaming
in the pale moonlight.

Dread coils in his stomach.

MetalMarsh89 takes a step back in terror as, instead of a marmot, a large, grey wolf with dark,
distinctive markings emerges from the thicket.

“Hello, dinner,” Maugrim snarls menacingly.

MetalMarsh89 retreats hurriedly, and in his rush, his foot hits a protruding tree root. As he stumbles
backwards, he hears a ferocious growl, and the pain of fangs sinking into his throat is the last thing
that registers in his mind.

It is now Day 4.

Who killed MetalMarsh89?

[MENTION=5297]Katniss Neverbeef[/MENTION]

Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, & Narnian friends,
What will you have to nourish your body?

1) Sardine Sandwiches
2) Fish & Chips
3) Turkish Delight

You have 48 hours.
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Residents of Narnia, please submit a short lyrical piece consisting of minimum 8
lines. It can range from any Narnia-related issues to the fallen civilians of the land.

Works will be judged by invited guests.

The winner will receive a prize from the Hosts.

Please PM all submissions to both Hosts within 48 hours.

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Oh snap! RIP Metalmarsh :( I'm sorry I suspected you.

I'm going to pick Fish and Chips cause it's the only one of the three I can stomach.
Residents of Narnia, please submit a short lyrical piece consisting of minimum 8
lines. It can range from any Narnia-related issues to the fallen civilians of the land.

Works will be judged by invited guests.

The winner will receive a prize from the Hosts.

Please PM all submissions to both Hosts within 48 hours.


Can I get an example of what you are looking for? I will be busy cleaning all day due to my brothers high school graduation party so I won't be able to get it in until tomorrow.