Is this all the conversation that's going on? Come on players! It's hard to play a game when there's nothing to go on.
Well ok, here is something that might get conversation started... does anyone know the books/movies well enough to know if any of the baddies (especially the white witch) might have preferred one of the options for where we went overnight? Could there have been info out there?
It sounded like we all went wherever we voted for, rather than there being a winner and we all went to the same place.
The only thing that confuses me about Jacobi is that it says he swipes with his paw? That seems really strange to me as the only other charachters with paws are the beavers.
I wrote Jacobi as a cat based on his avatar, so sorry for the confusion! That has nothing to do with the roles.
I never really got into those stories. I know there's a lion, a witch, and a wardrobe and some kids. Seems odd there's no lion in this game. But you could be onto something Golden because it doesn't seem like there was anything to be gained by the choices. I don't know if there's anything to be read into Disgruntled Porcupine being the only one to pick the lamppost.
Spacedaisy, I never played LostPedia. I played a few games at RevolutionMafia before I decided to retire. I haven't played anywhere in a couple of years.
Yeah, it's weird. I wasn't really sure what was going on with having to pick a place for the night. I also thought the lamp post was going to hold some significance, but who knows if only one person stayed there. Why you'd want to stand next to a lamp post all night is beyond me! haha
I am quite familiar with the books cause my mom read them to us before bed when I Was a kid. It does seem really weird that Aslan isn't in the game!
Jacobi looks pretty good, though, to me.