Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

You are all terribly, horribly, humiliatingly wrong.

Artfirst, you are wrong - but I respect you for being a newbie but still coming out swinging.

Splints, DP not being blendy is part of what stood out for me, since he is basically always blendy, civ or bad. I'm gonna go back and reconstruct the vote order to see if DP was early or late in the piece.
Olivia -> cave
Katniss -> dam
Jacobi -> cave
Faraday -> dam
marmot -> cave
DP - lamppost
drummergirl -> cave
Art -> dam
splints -> cave
bubbles -> cave
(olivia bolded cave, but I counted her when she first said it)
daisy -> dam
golden -> dam

So, having done that - DP voted early enough that I don't think it was obvious he would end up standing out so much.
In that case lets get this done and over with.

Golden, I'm sorry man but you have been ringing my alarm bells like crazy. I vote to lynch @golden . I believe you were involved in the attack on @Jacobi

If it turns out you're not one of the mafia then I will really feel fucked up about this. Right now though I'm going with my gut in addition to the fact you're the only one who said things that amount to some kind of evidence.

My reasons for suspecting you are:
- You sought to lynch someone before the first night was over
- Stating the obvious about jacobi being a good guy in order to clear your own name
- You use your previous experience with the game as a way to cast suspicion onto others.
- Ever since I called you on it you've been upping your good guy game to the point where it just becomes even more suspicious.
- You also keep acting like all that is no big deal and but you are suspiciously quick to use peoples posts to your personal advantage.
- The more I see you post the more I feel like you are playing everybody as you keep getting more people behind your suggestions for lynching DP who chose the lamppost,
that to me makes you look as someone who knows how to get into peoples heads and influence them without them even realizing it.

I don't know golden's been too forthcoming in my opinion, if he was really a bad guy wouldn't it make sense to stay silent? Especially if he had previous experience with the game. and Jacobi's escape was suspicious, who's to say he didn't see it coming, because he arranged it himself? Throwing everyone off his scent. He did mention how sad it would be if he was lynched first.
I don't think I see anything different about Golden than I normally do, I don't recall it ever being his style to lay low whether good or bad. However, it does make me wonder since ArtFirst seems so sure he's bad. I also, don't see how Jacobi targeted himself unless it's a secret ability. I see what you're getting at Golden with the vote being somewhat in the middle. Unless he had two teammates voting after that, but then he still couldn't be sure where the other 4 were going. I'd also like to hear what the 2 or 3 who aren't posting have to say.
I think golden could have a poiny with the lamp post. It's th4e best we have to go on so far.
So far, Katniss is pinging me a bit.

As for DP, well I would have to disagree with Golden on this one. I don't think there's anything there to signal good or bad.
I don't know, what golden said was pretty innocuous. I can understand looking forward to the lynching as it's exciting and kinda fun to see who'll be killed off. He also wasn't the only one to note the obvious. The fact that artfirst is putting so much emphasis on golden's posts is making me a bit suspicious about him. He also indirectly suggested golden might be manipulative, perhaps hoping we'll turn on him.

you sound like the kinda guy who's charismatic enough to have anyone follow his every word...
I don't know, what golden said was pretty innocuous. I can understand looking forward to the lynching as it's exciting and kinda fun to see who'll be killed off. He also wasn't the only one to note the obvious. The fact that artfirst is putting so much emphasis on golden's posts is making me a bit suspicious about him. He also indirectly suggested golden might be manipulative, perhaps hoping we'll turn on him.

Indirectly, hell I am saying he is!

As for your suspicions of me Jacobi, you're just wrong. I'm like super worried because I see a direct connection between golden and every post made. Its like there are strings forming a web and hes right in the middle of it and if this was real life i'd be as far gone from the guy as I could already and possibly anyone hes been friendly with. Maybe you're like expecting argumentation that is as well organized as some are able to on this forum. but I cannot give you that I pretty much work on Intuition and feeling alone. How does one give arguments to that? I do not know.

I suck with words but my strength lays in my intuition, sight and feelings. True I did lie that I didn't care about what other people voted but I didn't wanna look and feel like the loser I think I am when everyone voted something else. I am well aware of the fact that I completely lack charisma and am incapable of getting people to see the things I see. However this isn't the kind of game where I can avoid other players so when someone makes my spidey sense go haywire I do start swinging. To me this is like the movie the mist in the supermarket, if someone at the start would have just shot the woman in the face, no1 would have been lynched or if they had just left right away like I would have done then they would have died or become a mindless drone because of her.

There I hope that all makes you understand me to some degree that you at least understand where I'm coming from here.
would not have died or become a mindless drone *

< don't mind my grammer/spelling plz. we're apparently not allowed to edit our posts so I must double post now
Indirectly, hell I am saying he is!

As for your suspicions of me Jacobi, you're just wrong. I'm like super worried because I see a direct connection between golden and every post made. Its like there are strings forming a web and hes right in the middle of it and if this was real life i'd be as far gone from the guy as I could already and possibly anyone hes been friendly with. Maybe you're like expecting argumentation that is as well organized as some are able to on this forum. but I cannot give you that I pretty much work on Intuition and feeling alone. How does one give arguments to that? I do not know.

I suck with words but my strength lays in my intuition, sight and feelings. True I did lie that I didn't care about what other people voted but I didn't wanna look and feel like the loser I think I am when everyone voted something else. I am well aware of the fact that I completely lack charisma and am incapable of getting people to see the things I see. However this isn't the kind of game where I can avoid other players so when someone makes my spidey sense go haywire I do start swinging. To me this is like the movie the mist in the supermarket, if someone at the start would have just shot the woman in the face, no1 would have been lynched or if they had just left right away like I would have done then they would have died or become a mindless drone because of her.

There I hope that all makes you understand me to some degree that you at least understand where I'm coming from here.

I only suspect you because you so intently believe golden is mafia. You're so sure at a point when we're all just guessing. It makes it seem like you're targeting him. Perhaps it's intuition and you're just enthusiastic to get rid of one of the bad guys. And if that's the case I apologize for targeting you.

However if it turns out that golden is innocent, then it's highly likely you're mafia.
So far, Katniss is pinging me a bit.

As for DP, well I would have to disagree with Golden on this one. I don't think there's anything there to signal good or bad.

What about me pings for you?

I suppose I could see where you might be coming from. I'm just enthusiastic about playing the game and posting a bit because the game seems to quiet at the moment. We're not a super talkative crowd it would seem!

It's tough when it's all guesswork. I don't really know a lot of you as you're newbies so it's hard to suss out.
Art is so determined I'm bad, that I actually wonder if he has, in the night, had something outside the thread happen that makes him think I'm bad. He didn't come after me at all until the start of the day. If he has any kind of info on me, I know that it's incorrect, but I can understand why he would be wanting to test it.
I only suspect you because you so intently believe golden is mafia. You're so sure at a point when we're all just guessing. It makes it seem like you're targeting him. Perhaps it's intuition and you're just enthusiastic to get rid of one of the bad guys. And if that's the case I apologize for targeting you.

However if it turns out that golden is innocent, then it's highly likely you're mafia.

Apology accepted.

I do not think golden will turn out to be anything until the game ends, because from what I see here, he will win it.
No one will believe him to be mafia until the end when he wins and I'll be long dead before that.
hack, seeing how the chat is going I don't see a point in even bothering to post anything but my votes from now on.
Just remember when it's all over, that I saw every connection and warned yall from the start.
Art is so determined I'm bad, that I actually wonder if he has, in the night, had something outside the thread happen that makes him think I'm bad. He didn't come after me at all until the start of the day. If he has any kind of info on me, I know that it's incorrect, but I can understand why he would be wanting to test it.

So are you saying you think Art could be Lucy?
That's possible, although I can't see a way Lucy's info would be redirected from just what we see (like, if he's Lucy, I assume someone switched his target to someone else)... he could also be Reepicheep, getting info from the Beavers, or it could be something else entirely. Father Christmas has secrets, it could be something to do with that. I, myself, had something occur during the night which had nothing to do with my own role, and I don't know why it happened, so there could be just other random things out there. It might be that one of the baddies secret roles is that they can send a message to someone else... maybe they told Art I was bad. I dunno, there are possibilities out there. It just seems to me... Art seems sincere to me, so I'm trying to figure out why he would sincerely believe me to be bad. Especially as we don't know each other at all.
What about me pings for you?

I suppose I could see where you might be coming from. I'm just enthusiastic about playing the game and posting a bit because the game seems to quiet at the moment. We're not a super talkative crowd it would seem!

It's tough when it's all guesswork. I don't really know a lot of you as you're newbies so it's hard to suss out.

You quickly accepted Golden's idea about the lamppost. Yes I agree it is not very much.

I'm starting to wonder about Artfirst too. Does he have an information-gathering role? Would he so quickly pursue his claims to put himself at risk? Some of his comments about Golden are correct though. I've played a couple games with Golden, and have seen that he is a very hard player to lynch. Unfortunately, I've yet to play with him as a baddie.

But why would Golden be so quick to point out that Artfirst has an info-related role, and that he mistargeted if he went after Golden? I've never understood this tactic. A civvie has no good reason to call out another civvie as a specific role (whether right or wrong). Golden went straight into defensive mode, rather than even bother asking the question, "Is this case contrived?"
You quickly accepted Golden's idea about the lamppost. Yes I agree it is not very much.

I'm starting to wonder about Artfirst too. Does he have an information-gathering role? Would he so quickly pursue his claims to put himself at risk? Some of his comments about Golden are correct though. I've played a couple games with Golden, and have seen that he is a very hard player to lynch. Unfortunately, I've yet to play with him as a baddie.

But why would Golden be so quick to point out that Artfirst has an info-related role, and that he mistargeted if he went after Golden? I've never understood this tactic. A civvie has no good reason to call out another civvie as a specific role (whether right or wrong). Golden went straight into defensive mode, rather than even bother asking the question, "Is this case contrived?"

Both artfirst and golden acted strangely when confronted. If either one is mafia then they've made a poor move and drawn suspicion upon themselves. Of course they could both be civvies and their conflict will result in lynching an innocent.
Players are free to talk at their own risk (...)
What about non-players? Are we allowed to "like", thumbs up, comment in green (as not part of the game) etc.?
I thought it would be nice to get it clear right from the begining.