Oh, trust me, Indigo, I'm not trying to split hairs

you know I love you.
But looking at the whole picture, if jm is frustrated because s/he feels the word "Christian" is synonymous with "every Church-goer," then jm is assuming every church-going Christian would fit under that poll, and perhaps s/he feels uncomfortable with this. But we know this poll doesn't include everyone, since I attend church and yet I'm against torture. But the intent of the poll, I think, was to include everyone who goes to church...which makes the data faulty and gives the wrong impression of everyone who goes to church. And unless we read the polled questions, it's impossible to know if the data might be skewed based on a certain area of the country, certain religious sects, certain Republicans, etc.
I think it's a simple case of misunderstanding and of jm taking things somewhat personally when they don't need to be.
But that's the problem, isn't it? It's a case of misunderstanding based on the information at hand. When "Christian" is mentioned, it doesn't always mean the same thing in all countries. So maybe we need to define things more so there aren't misunderstandings. Which...can be splitting hairs.
At a certain point, jm, you'll have to say how you feel and not coat the idea in pretty colors and rainbows. Like, if you don't like something, say, "I don't think that's a fair assessment of all Christians" instead of "let's bake the North Koreans some cookies" (not direct quote...but I'll get one if you want). No, I don't always agree with what Shai, Indigo, or Satya say, but it doesn't make me dislike them. I think all three are witty, unique, talented, and insightful individuals...and if I don't like what they have to say, I don't listen or I don't respond. Some times I think they're flat out wrong, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying their company. I don't need to be right and the other person wrong to enjoy their company.
(Still, if I feel as if I need to say something I will, but I usually only cut in if I think things are getting too rough for comfort).
*Sigh.* Okay, now I've written too much. Suffice it to say that people are people, and we're all unique in the way we see things.
((Geez. Now I sound like some crazy self-help book, so I know it's time to quit typing.))