So Jungians would speak about these beings being from the unconscious mind or collective unconscious
All the big religions were 'REVEALED' to people from a higher power from the spirit world...christianity, islam, judaism ....dreams, visions, angels, talking burning bushes etc
magicians talk about the astral plane (where you are when you dream)
Shamans talk about the spirit world
Christans talk about angels and demons
Muslims talk about djinn
Gnostics talk about archons
UFOlogists talk about inter-dimensional entities
ok? All talking about the same stuff
Now whether you think they are just a part of our psyche or something from another world or dimension is upto you but all cultures know them
If you look back through history what do you see?
Tha aztecs were sacrificing people to them on top of pyramids
The nazis burned people in a holocaust. 'Holocaust' is a greek word to mean a burnt offering to the gods
The nazi SS were a chivalric knightly order whose symbol was the skull and bones known as the 'deaths head' because they were a death cult
Their HQ was in a castle called wewelsberg and in it was their inner sanctum where a coven or round table of knights of the 13 top officers met around a mural of the black sun which is saturn the god of time who eats its own young:

The knights templar from which nazism grew had as its symbol two knights on the same horse. Some misinfo people will tell you that this is because they were known as the 'poor knights of christ' but that is nonsense because not only were they incredibly wealthy but each knight had a horse and often 2 horses

The second knight is not a knight at is a djinn that has synched with the knight (possession) who opened himself upto the djinn through ritual magick and drugs
How do the catholic exorcists exorcise demons? They surround the person with their family and friends and they pray to raise the vibration of the afflicted person to make their frequency go out of synch with the demon so that it cannot synch anymore with the person
We are energy and hate are different frequencies. A magicians intent determines their you come from love or hate?
How do shamens cure people of afflictions? They chant and play music around the afflicted person to change their frequency....resonance...its all wave form energy (in the beginning was the word)
Why was the catholic church murdering thousands of opponents? Why is the catholic church covering up ritualistic child abuse?
There are forces at work in this world that most people have been conditioned to think are fable....but they drive our world
The atrocities being carried out by ISIS at the moment are straight from the CIA training manuals they made for the death squads they sponsored in south and central america which encouraged the use of terror because the beings feed on those frequencies
The higher ups in the CIA are recruited from societies such as the skull and bones society and the knights of malta
All the big religions were 'REVEALED' to people from a higher power from the spirit world...christianity, islam, judaism ....dreams, visions, angels, talking burning bushes etc
magicians talk about the astral plane (where you are when you dream)
Shamans talk about the spirit world
Christans talk about angels and demons
Muslims talk about djinn
Gnostics talk about archons
UFOlogists talk about inter-dimensional entities
ok? All talking about the same stuff
Now whether you think they are just a part of our psyche or something from another world or dimension is upto you but all cultures know them
If you look back through history what do you see?
Tha aztecs were sacrificing people to them on top of pyramids
The nazis burned people in a holocaust. 'Holocaust' is a greek word to mean a burnt offering to the gods
The nazi SS were a chivalric knightly order whose symbol was the skull and bones known as the 'deaths head' because they were a death cult
Their HQ was in a castle called wewelsberg and in it was their inner sanctum where a coven or round table of knights of the 13 top officers met around a mural of the black sun which is saturn the god of time who eats its own young:

The knights templar from which nazism grew had as its symbol two knights on the same horse. Some misinfo people will tell you that this is because they were known as the 'poor knights of christ' but that is nonsense because not only were they incredibly wealthy but each knight had a horse and often 2 horses

The second knight is not a knight at is a djinn that has synched with the knight (possession) who opened himself upto the djinn through ritual magick and drugs
How do the catholic exorcists exorcise demons? They surround the person with their family and friends and they pray to raise the vibration of the afflicted person to make their frequency go out of synch with the demon so that it cannot synch anymore with the person
We are energy and hate are different frequencies. A magicians intent determines their you come from love or hate?
How do shamens cure people of afflictions? They chant and play music around the afflicted person to change their frequency....resonance...its all wave form energy (in the beginning was the word)
Why was the catholic church murdering thousands of opponents? Why is the catholic church covering up ritualistic child abuse?
There are forces at work in this world that most people have been conditioned to think are fable....but they drive our world
The atrocities being carried out by ISIS at the moment are straight from the CIA training manuals they made for the death squads they sponsored in south and central america which encouraged the use of terror because the beings feed on those frequencies
The higher ups in the CIA are recruited from societies such as the skull and bones society and the knights of malta
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