Ex US naval officer and NSA contractor explains how ISIS is the creation of the CIA, Israel, Qatar, Turkey and Saudia Arabia

So....what's going to happen....

But first a quick re-cap!

The US and israel and turkey wanted to take out Assad the same way they took out gaddafi and Hussein so they got the rebels (made up of the Al Nusra group who are basically al qaeda and a bunch of mercenaries funded by qatar and saudi arabia who were to later become 'ISIS') to fire some chemical weapons at civlians in syria and then the western corporate media claimed it was Assad

I then said on the forum that it wasn't Assad and got nastily trolled by a bunch of folks; then as more evidence emerged i was proven correct and the New York times retracted its story in which it blamed Assad

So the game plan was always to get assad and the game plan is still to get Assad. There was no 'ISIS' until recently.

The british parliament voted against war in syria and polls of the public in the US and UK showed the public were strongly against boots on the ground in syria

So the CIA, Mossad and MI6 had to have a re-think. They needed to find a new way to justify putting troops on the ground in syria in order to attack Assad. This is all over pipelines that take oil through the region.

So the US sent weapons and money and John Mccain over to syria which they gave to what they called 'moderate syrian rebels' but which we know today as 'ISIS'

ISIS then formed with the money and weapons and mercenaries provided by the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey

Israel also flew aggressive military flights against syria and it also treated many ISIS fighters in its hospitals and continues to do so

ISIS then began doing all sorts of filmed and hyped atrocities designed to provoke a response from the west because the aim of the CIA handlers of ISIS is the same aim they have always had...which is to get US and British and Canadian and other countries soldiers on the ground to fight against Assad, but they want the support of a war weary public to do that

SO ISIS will continue to do provocative acts until the public of the western nations accept their leaders sending their troops to syria; but the troops will not be going to fight ISIS, who will suddeny melt away as the mercenaries return to their countries like qatar and saudi arabia, the troops will be going to fight Assad

So ISIS are going to pretend that they have an 'airforce'

The CIA are helping to train some ISIS people at the moment so that they can fly a couple of jets that ISIS have; they will probably then go and bomb something...maybe some civilians or an instilation or perhaps even some US troops. The corporate media will then make a big fuss about it and this will create a reaction in the public. Then people will start calling for greater action against ISIS and their 'airforce' (They're using the old ''problem, reaction, solution''-Icke, trick)

The reason for this is so that Turkey, the US and Israel can declare a no-fly zone over syria. But in an orwellian abuse of language they are not calling it a 'no-fly-zone' the turkish leader is calling it a 'safe zone'...that's so that folks like you and me don't get smart and realise its a no fly zone

The reason for this is not to prevent ISIS from flying military missions because ISIS don't really have an airforce except maybe 2-3 fighters

The REAL reason is to stop Assad from using his airforce to prevent him protecting syria by having air superiority over ISIS and Al Nusra Front (al qaeda)

ISIS and Al Nusra will then be able to attack the rest of syria who will not be able to use aircraft to defend themselves
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The things you never will understand...
The things you never will understand...

Like what?

Like how your government is allowing all your money to go to the banksters?

Like how the CIA has created ISIS and how John McCain even went over there to speak to the people who then became the leaders of ISIS?

Like how the US and Israel have destabilised the Ukraine so that they can move Nato closer to russia all while saying that russia is the aggressor lol

Here have a look at this picture which shows the NATO bases around russia:


But its not just russia who has put their country so close to nato bases iran has done it too! Here look at how iran has put itself so close to all the US bases:


And what about Israel and israels desire to expand and create a 'greater israel'?

Well just look how generous the palestineans have been in losing their land away to the israeli tanks and bulldosers:


It's YOU that does not understand