For many years I have been more than disappointed with 'politics' as what I seem to see happening in the UK, and I guess maybe in America, is a widening of income equality and communities becoming disenfranchised. I don't doubt this was a key element in what happened here in the UK in our recent Brexit vote. The electorate are angry, and in my view sadly, have now compounded those difficulties.
I gradually have come to the view, that the answer is not traditional politics. For me the worst thing, is seeing the divisions that referendums and elections can cause. I think the only way forward is for communities themselves to try to come together again, and put aside whatever differences they think they have. I don't think we should passively wait for politics or politicians to 'fix' things.
Through community groups, art, culture, communication, I hope we can find a way through all these issues. When I worked as union rep, I tried hard to enagage with managers who were willing to listen, as much as to members who were at times too angry to think through things rationally. Whatever happens in this election, I hope people don't stop thinking about the issues, and acting constructively to help each other. Overall I think it is about restoring the decisions that most impact peoples lives, how they work, live and manage themselves back into their own hands, and away from a tiny detached elite, whatever they claim their politics to be.
I gradually have come to the view, that the answer is not traditional politics. For me the worst thing, is seeing the divisions that referendums and elections can cause. I think the only way forward is for communities themselves to try to come together again, and put aside whatever differences they think they have. I don't think we should passively wait for politics or politicians to 'fix' things.
Through community groups, art, culture, communication, I hope we can find a way through all these issues. When I worked as union rep, I tried hard to enagage with managers who were willing to listen, as much as to members who were at times too angry to think through things rationally. Whatever happens in this election, I hope people don't stop thinking about the issues, and acting constructively to help each other. Overall I think it is about restoring the decisions that most impact peoples lives, how they work, live and manage themselves back into their own hands, and away from a tiny detached elite, whatever they claim their politics to be.