I agree. The ability to discuss your view, the thought process behind it etc is highly important. My issue...the one I cant get past are peoples "this is just the way I feel about it." Now, that is a valid way to go through life because all you really have so to get through life is to live it. But, for someone's whose mind works the way it does, it will drive me insane if I let it.I don't know if either of you have seen the Adam Curtis documentary HyperNormalisation ? It's on BBC IPlayer at present if you have anyway to access that. It wasn't shown on any bbc mainstream TV channel and never will be. Whilst I won't endorse the views he puts forward, it's a very interesting piece if you have almost 3 hours to spare. He goes to great lengths to show, the world presented to us, not just on TV, but also very skilfully via the internet is maybe not all it seems. I'll take a wild guess you both believe that already anyway.
One of his main points is the near constant seed of doubt and disagreement that is sown between people. A very planned propaganda of how to divide people on a near industrial scale. Whenever someone disagrees with my "politics" I alway want to ask them how many yachts they have. If it's less than 3 we probably have more in common than either of us may think. Some of us believe in democracy, and some plutocracy. To me it's far more than just about traditional left/right wing party political politics any more.
Instead of allowing those 'who pull the strings' to control and manipulate us, I think it's worth taking a pause. This election maybe very genuine in many respects, but I think there is also an element of the 'men behind the curtain' having a drink together afterwards. Someone once said cynically, if voting could change anything it'd be illegal. I don't subscribe to that view, but there is probably a grain of truth in it. You know what I think would really worry 'the men behind the curtain?'
If two people with such seemingly different views, decided to talk to each other, maybe respect each other a little. Who knows huh ? Just a crazy thought. Now you both hate me ? I'll try to keep it down from here on in.
Anyway, if I get the chance and remember I may watch it. Is it on netflix by any chance?
Also, @Stu may not realize it but even though I do not feel he has explained his position well I still respect him. Which is why he remains off ignore. Though there have been times...