Cognitive Function Pairs Test

eheheh. everyone has gotten ESFJ with ISFJ/ENTP. I got that too.

The questions are WEIRD. I haven't had enough life EXPERIENCE to answer some of those. I don't like it.
Sorry, but this test is not reliable in the least. It's far too generalized.
This test is interesting. It may not be the most accurate test, but there is some consistency. What would be interesting is if more non-INFJs take the test, to determine whether the results are consistent.

INFJ - ESFJ/ESTJ (So, it's IN v. ES)

See the problem is the questions are worded to include function pairs. The thing is if someone's function pairs are highly polarized, the use of them will drop off by a lot. In my case in particular, I have nearly no Se. In this case when a question about Ni includes Se I can't answer it because of my strong distaste for Se. As such the test results are not accurate at all. A pattern about a person's type really can not be drawn from polarized function pairs. Functions have to be measured on an individual basis.
************************************** (38.7) Ne/Si excellent
****************************** (30.7) Ni/Se good
*************************** (27.7) Te/Fi average
********************** (22.7) Ti/Fe poor

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTJ

If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISTJ, or ENFP
Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)

Se with Ni ********************************** (34)
good use

Si with Ne ********************************* (33)
good use

Ne with Si ********************************* (33)
good use

Ni with Se ********************************** (34)
good use

Te with Fi ******************** (20)
poor use

Ti with Fe ********************************* (33)
good use

Fe with Ti ********************************* (33)
good use

Fi with Te ******************** (20)
poor use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ENFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: INFJ, or ESTP
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terrible test....I couldn't really understand a lot of the statements used.

Se with Ni *************** (15.7)
Si with Ne ************************************* (37.7)
excellent use
Ne with Si ************************************* (37.7)
excellent use
Ni with Se *************** (15.7)
Te with Fi ******************************** (32.7)
good use
Ti with Fe ********************************* (33.7)
good use
Fe with Ti ********************************* (33.7)
good use
Fi with Te ******************************** (32.7)
good use


the test seems faulty to me

Your Cognitive Dynamics Profile
The forty-eight questions you rated earlier tap into eight cognitive dynamics. The profile below is based on your responses. The number of squares indicate strength of response. The equivalent numeric is shown in parentheses along with likely level of development.

Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
Se with Ni **************** (16.7)
poor useSi with Ne ******************************** (32.7)
good useNe with Si ******************************** (32.7)
good useNi with Se **************** (16.7)
poor useTe with Fi ******************************************** (44.7)
excellent useTi with Fe ************************* (25.7)
average useFe with Ti ************************* (25.7)
average useFi with Te ******************************************** (44.7)
excellent useSummary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern:
If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISTJ, or ENFP
They forgot to measure Ni with Te!
They only measure the opposite functions, i.e.:


And they always give equal points to both "X with Y" and "Y with X", so there's some redundancy in their presentation of the results. They could just merge them to Ni/Se and Te/Fi etc.
Understanding Your Results
A profile of your cognitive dynamics is presented below, based on how you have described yourself. A four-letter personality type code and cognitive style are also presented for your convenience if you are familiar with those frameworks. Most people find their results match their 4-letter personality type code and cognitive style. That is, we tend to develop what we prefer and vice versa.
The Eight Processes
Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung identified four mental functions — today known as cognitive processes. We focus our attention and gather information using Sensing (S) and iNtuiting (N), and we organize our experiences and make decisions using Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Jung described how each of these four processes plays out in a person's "internal world" (I) of thoughts, feelings, memories and imagination; and in the "external world" (E) of actions, people, tools and organizations. Thus, 8 cognitive processes (Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi).

Tandem Dynamics
We can develop and use processes that are “opposite” to our preferences to produce powerful results for ourselves and our organizations. Which processes go together this way?
  • Extraverted Sensing and introverted Intuiting
  • Introverted Sensing and extraverted Intuiting
  • Extraverted Thinking and introverted Feeling
  • Introverted Thinking and extraverted Feeling
Developing "opposite" processes is not fully under our conscious control, but exploring them is often very rewarding. They can play challenging or aspirational roles, and using them can bring stress relief and creative results. In particular, a powerful relationship called “tandem use” exists between a cognitive process and its opposite. What is tandem use? Imagine a tandem bicycle with two riders. The front rider pedals and steers. The back rider just pedals. Without the front rider, we can’t control where we are going. Without the back rider, pedaling is harder work. We could simply ride a one-person bicycle by ourselves, but then we miss out on doing something greater than ourselves.
For example, when we use introverted Thinking, we look inwardto a logical framework and we observe only; we eschew opinions andothers’ subjective values. In apparent opposition to that, when we useextraverted Feeling, we reach outward to connect with people; weexchange values and take on other people’s needs as our own. Yet withmaturity we can use these two processes in tandem. We might draw ona theory of effective teamwork to make adjustments for the welfare ofothers or the good of the group. Applying universal principles of humanand group behavior and intervening at key leverage points can help usmanage people’s divergent values, feelings, and opinions in a way thatextraverted Feeling by itself might not. The U.S. Constitution exemplifieswhat happens when people draw upon principles like “a balance ofpowers” as part of creating a social contract by which everyone can getalong together.

Your Cognitive Dynamics Profile
The forty-eight questions you rated earlier tap into eight cognitive dynamics. The profile below is based on your responses. The number of squares indicate strength of response. The equivalent numeric is shown in parentheses along with likely level of development.
Cognitive DynamicLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)Se with Ni ********************** (22)
poor useSi with Ne ******************************** (32)
good useNe with Si ******************************** (32)
good useNi with Se ********************** (22)
poor useTe with Fi ******************************** (32)
good useTi with Fe ********************************** (34)
good useFe with Ti ********************************** (34)
good useFi with Te ******************************** (32)
good use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive dynamics, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFJ
The corresponding best-fit cognitive pattern: If these results don't fit well then consider these types: ISFJ, or ENTP

If these results are different from what you know of yourself, you might consider why your developmental pattern does not align with your expectation. You might also consider exploring this result as a possible better fit.

They only measure the opposite functions, i.e.:


And they always give equal points to both "X with Y" and "Y with X", so there's some redundancy in their presentation of the results. They could just merge them to Ni/Se and Te/Fi etc.
Since the results are SO wrong, I don't see that I can anything valuable from it.
I apparently didn't understand the questions well enough to give the right answers.
Since the results are SO wrong, I don't see that I can anything valuable from it.
I apparently didn't understand the questions well enough to give the right answers.

Yeah, I've never given this test much value. It doesn't work like it is supposed to. It's a neat idea, testing preferences based on the natural pairs. Ni pairs with Se, Ne with Si, etc.

Obviously, the creators intended for each function pair to have a distinct polar result. For example, Ni/Se, and Se/Ni. However, it is quite obvious that they don't. This is problematic because someone's dominant and inferior pair will have a rather significant spread. For example, INTJs and INFJs will have a strong Ni and a weak Se. Add the two together, and the test creates a moderate score for both.

Good concept if it functioned properly, but this test doesn't work as intended at all.
Good concept if it functioned properly, but this test doesn't work as intended at all.

But what does it test then? Simply because it doesn't test well for what it was originally intended, doesn't mean the results are meaningless. Doesn't it say something that all INFJs test as ESFJs or ESTJs? Isn't it saying something about how we operate, even if it is not our true type?

INFJ --> ESFJ (difference of first two)
I got ESFJ too.
I actually got ENFJ on this test...but every single result was balance so it could have really been anything XXXX, I found this test to be confusing and not very reliable.