Compliment a forum member!

Ok, I can appreciate people complimenting each other. But good god, reading this thread makes me nauseous, a bit too mushy even for my INFJ sensibilities.

P.S. I think everyone is superb. :thumb:
I think Aurie is super cool. Oh goodness what a dull thing to say

Ortorin is one wacky guy. I love it. I think it is Ortorin. Or otorin...idk

my head hurts. anyways, you guys rock.
Yield is a sweet guy, but I don't think he gives himself enough credit, really.

Dneecy you're absolutely stunning.
Yield is a sweet guy, but I don't think he gives himself enough credit, really.

Dneecy you're absolutely stunning.

Aw, thanks Nausus! Well if you fail at everything you want, there's not much credit to be given, is there?

I have to say Nausus is awesome, she's really brightened me up straight after a really bad period.
Aw, thanks Nausus! Well if you fail at everything you want, there's not much credit to be given, is there?

I have to say Nausus is awesome, she's really brightened me up straight after a really bad period.

You don't fail at everything, this is what I mean by not giving yourself enough credit.

And i'm just glad I could help ^^"
Satya- I think he's a reasonable person. Mainly I admire Satya's debating skills. I'd hate to get on the 'wrong' side of an arguement against Satya- not only would I lose, but I'd look completely stupid and nobody would believe a word I said for a number of years. He's direct and honest, and isn't afriad of getting into confrontations. I've seen Satya sort out a lot of member problems with the forum, he's great at mediating.

TheLastMohican- I actually admire him a lot. I think that he is the most level headed person on this entire forum. I've never seen him take an anything but objective position on any debate- he's not the kind of person who has people in his corner and who gives hand outs to his friends. Although he seems partially robotic at times with relentless logic and seemingly little opinion beyond objectivity, I admire that a lot.

Duty- You don't see Duty post a bunch of meaningless bullshit. And when you do see him post, his posts are well thought out and based on sheer logic. Nothing else. Although I have seen occasions where his logic was so iron-strong that when others tried to explain opinions on feelings it just about exploded his brain. He also has a quirky sense of humor in which you may or may not be able to tell if he is joking, but if you can confirm that it was a joke it's usually funny. It's just hard to tell.

Because I love this thread, that's why. :p
[MENTION=13723]Misadventure[/MENTION] [MENTION=4598]hush[/MENTION] you're both very kind and tolerant and I think you could get along with anyone

they need to shake it into their own mouths

^ one of the many reasons why I adore your gross weirdness like no other. :w:

I love your openness and your willingness to communicate and how you do so with honest humor. You have this way of uplifting people, even when they least expect it, and even when you don’t even know it. You take yourself for granted far too often and are equally as often blind to the joy you bring to others. Your ability to get a protective introvert to open up is amazing, and I want lessons. Heh.
[MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION] has excellent observational skills when it comes to Jane Austen interpretation, recreation, and cinematic analysis.
I keep coming back to this thread but I don't even know where to start with y'all.
Just a few to start, more to follow as I’m certain I’ll unintentionally forget people that I feel deserving.

Ladies first.

[MENTION=11100]flower[/MENTION] The kindest and most genuine person it has been my good fortune to know. Sensitive and delicate, yet strong as oak. When I “see” you, I just see this bright and shining light that leaves us all awestruck. You are truly an angel in disguise.

[MENTION=4598]hush[/MENTION] The way you walk both the serious and humorous paths at the same time is astounding. Your creativity mashed with your intelligence is so hot, girl. :D Everything you say is laced with meaning, and a greater understanding. You ‘get’ people and accept them, with faults and all, and show genuine interest in them and their well-being. I love how we can be so silly at times and then immediately switch to the profound. *hugs*

[MENTION=13496]RRiveter[/MENTION] You start every conversation with someone you’ve never met before with, “So, what’s your story?” You are so laid-back, open minded, and warm. You can bring up such deep topics at times and have really great insights. You share so much about yourself willingly, yet a great deal is still concealed. There is much more to you than meets the eye.

[MENTION=13839]Meg[/MENTION] A budding artist who hides behind her smile. I see you girl, and you are wonderful. I know you have the strength to see things through and take your life exactly where you want it to go. I can't wait to see where that journey will take you.

[MENTION=7838]SpecialEdition[/MENTION] Your honesty is so refreshing. I love how you can objectively look at any situation and give feedback with a genuine willingness to form a solution. You are the kind of woman who says what she means, and means what she says. A voice of reason; candid and straightforward, yet also so graceful with an underlying sense of humor. I love that.

[MENTION=5297]Katniss Neverbeef[/MENTION] Oh Kat, where to even begin. I’m thankful for our TC moments when we can get them and for your caring humor. You actually give a shit when you ask, “How are you?”, and conversations with you always end up meaningful, even when it’s about the ridiculous. I love how much you really do care and how you really do want to connect with others. Your heart is so sincere.

[MENTION=13723]Misadventure[/MENTION] Thank you for always having a hug ready when I wander by, and for being so open with me. You hide so much wisdom underneath your perverted sense of humor. You have the wonderment of a girl and the experience of a woman. You always see the cup as half-full, even when I argue with you that it’s actually full: half liquid, half air. :p

**I'm not dishing out compliments to fish for some in return. I just want those that I mentioned to know exactly what it is that I adore about them and what I’ve learned through interacting with them. There are so many more people on this forum that I would truly love to get to know on a deeper level. I hope our paths will cross one day. :D
I'm not dishing out compliments to fish for some in return.

Well I don't give a shit I'm giving you one anyway! The entire reason why I wanted to compliment you in the first place is because in the short time we have known each other, we're almost as close as some people I have known for years. It's so easy to talk to you. You aren't fake at all and actually give a shit about people. You are so loyal to your friends here and IRL. And with all that shit that has been dumped on your plate, you still manage to laugh through it all and find the good in it. You say I have a perverted sense of humor...HA! lol. This whole thread is a circle jerk worth participating in. It's the one thread that is intended to make people smile. I effing love that.
Okay this thread is adorable.

[MENTION=13729]Free2be[/MENTION] I know you weren't fishing for a compliment, but just let it happen :3 You always seem to be able to make me smile even when I am sad, and you are an awesome person :D Everything you say is so considerate and makes me feel like you truly do care.

[MENTION=4598]hush[/MENTION] Girl you are amazing. You make me laugh and you encourage me every time I talk with you. You've helped me get past barriers that I didn't realize I needed to get past, and you inspire me to never, EVER give up. Thank you for making me feel like I "carry my sunshine" with me :3

[MENTION=5297]Katniss Neverbeef[/MENTION] Kat you are hilarious. I want you to know that you are NEVER ever a burden or annoying. You make me smile every time you are in chat and you are one of the funniest people. Also, you truly are the best at ruffling ;3

[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] Dude you have helped me so so so much. You know exactly what I need to hear when I am having a panic attack and you encourage me constantly. You help me remember that I can do anything if I set my mind to it and that I have more potential than I ever knew.

[MENTION=13855]JJJA[/MENTION] you are stronger than you realize you are, and I admire you for being brave enough to state your opinion, even when others disagree. keep fighting the good fight

[MENTION=13900]Breathlessangel[/MENTION] hehe you always say the NICEST things :3 Every comment has been so so sweet :D

[MENTION=11884]INFJ16[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2240]rawr[/MENTION] you guys always recommend the best music and you guys are great <3 keep on playing those soundtracks and such :3

everyone I missed, your compliments are soon to come <3 You guys are all so awesome <33
[MENTION=4598]hush[/MENTION] you are such a kind and gentle person. I really admire that about you. You are very fair and always striving to be a peace maker.