Compliment a forum member!

Silently Honest is the slickest pimp that ever logged on to the intarwebz.


Oh my god, that is the nicest comparison anyone has ever made about me. I love you Shai. I freaking love you.

Okay for realz. Shai and I click, there's magic when we interact most of the time, maybe it's similar senses of humor, and interest, or maybe it's because he's me if I was an EP from Oz but for some reason it works.
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Silently Honest is the slickest pimp that ever logged on to the intarwebz.


Tis true.

Wyote is Matt from digimon, this is actually a good thing, because by the time he was in high school he was a rockstar, and later he became an astronaut, so basically you're a rockstar astronaut.

And that is good.
I'd compliment Shai Gar, but seeing as he already refers to himself as Emperor, anything else seems like an insult. So my respectful silence in the matter shall be my compliment.

Carry on.
I admire Slants clever responses.
Me neither, but don't you dare to start bitching ^_^

I compliment you on the integrity you have to cope with so many feelers around in this forum. Your posts sometimes are a breath of fresh air.

My regards to some other members:
Von Hase - your posts are very to the point and your avatar is very cute ;)
Arbygil - posting is mature and considerate of others.
Chaotic Lion - for the positive outlook and eagerness to help.

Thanks! You have a dead-on pirecing insight that rules!
SH: My first friend. An over-around nice guy.
Milon: My debating friend. Awesome guy.
Dragon: Probably my closest online friend. A good listener, and a great personality.
Zero Angel: My super Canadian friend! Awesome.
Pogo: The constant thorn in my side. Much lovin to you.
TDHT: Hehe, we all kow you're a secret millionair!
Slant: Great story-teller! Keep it up!
Can I just say I like you all and be done with it?

I've only just got here, and I don't know a single person here on any deeply personal level, but you are without doubt the quirkiest, most original, most entertaining, and most downright decent group of people it's never been my pleasure to witness.

tl;dr version: It's nice to find a forum that isn't full of retards and trolls.
Satya and Duty: Wow, these guys have such clear lines of thought, they impress me all the time, their minds seem to go down avenues I would never otherwise consider.
Aww i forgot all about this. I have more compliments! But I also have little time.

Hera... now that's just too cool. I've always f'loved Hera, even if she gets a bad rap.

*chase TLM around with a frying pan for dallying with every pretty distraction that come his way* *crotch punches alt for her Golden Apple.*
I was born from a castrated penis being thrown into the sea.
This is amazing.
Lastdawn - I admire your originality and your candidness. You strike me as someone who ponders the difficult questions. As someone who shares your passion in writing, I have no doubt we will be great friends.

Anica - You are a wise woman, and capable of making your words peel off the screen, unafraid of eliciting raw emotions. Your genuineness and honesty are something to aspire to.
Complment a Forum member

Thanks so much for the kind word, Ms. Daring. And daring you are, not to mention elegant, eloquent, a credit to cavaliers far and wide. I admire you more than I can say.
Can I just say I like you all and be done with it?

I've only just got here, and I don't know a single person here on any deeply personal level, but you are without doubt the quirkiest, most original, most entertaining, and most downright decent group of people it's never been my pleasure to witness.

tl;dr version: It's nice to find a forum that isn't full of retards and trolls.
I was just having a discussion today with a coworker about the possibility of having a forum that really was thoroughly thoughtful and sensitive. He and another coworker were cursing up and down about how infuriating, stupid, and spazzy every forum is on the internet. I had to agree with them, but then, of course took the opportunity to tell them about this forum that I had recently discovered. Well, I think we can take pride in the fact that we are different......
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Thanks to Chaotic Lion and Pogo<3 :D

RetardedMonkey: You're so sweet, and like my twin since we have pretty much indentical personalities (yes, i know we're both INFJ but just the way we act and such) but she's just plain lovely.
TheDaringHatTrick: You're beautiful, funny and extremely intelligent.
ShaiGar: You...kinda creep me out. Sorry D: But you do make me laugh sometimes.
Duty: I thank you for helping me out, you're a lovely person and amazingly intelligent.
ChaoticLion: You're so awesome, we still have to watch some anime :D
Pogo<3: You make me want to just give you a hug, you're lovely.
Slant: I just think the way you reply to people and your humour is just hilarious.

I'll post more soon =3 So anyone I haven't mentioned please don't get offended. D:
I think everyone is awsome!

Then again... I'm never walking around naked around "grass boy"...
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Arbygil: One of the best mediators I've seen, consistently showing up in controversial threads with her voice of reason and sensible advice.

The hero of the forum, slaying bots and patching codes at all hours to keep things running like clockwork.

A very sweet person.

Pure Ti asskickery. Enough said.

Our resident lovable goofball, packing an enviable beard and smooth dance moves, and always ready with a witty comment.

Draws comic books, argues philosophy, and stream-of-consciousness-rants with the best of 'em. General awesomeness ensues.

Insightful chem student whose skin turns all sorts of neat colors from lab accidents. On top of that, he's brave enough to post pictures of the aftermaths and see the funny side.

Our favorite INTJ/INTP/ENTP (shrug) poster who defies her own username with a gusto.

The thoughtful, artistic and skeptical Bigfoot.

Can be found owning the opposition left and right, even arguing indefensible positions to demonstrate a point. On the flip side, he finds time to playfully participate in fluff threads, wherein he establishes a reputation for being younger than 24.

Shai Gar:
Is fearlessness itself. No topic is taboo. No female is out of his league. No orange suit is quite bright enough.

Silently Honest: Knows more about comic books than I can ever hope to learn, and is constantly posting appropriate pictures and internet memes to spice up the discussions. In the interwebs, he is the definition of cool.

Writes like Roald Dahl on LSD. (I mean that in the best sense.)

*chase TLM around with a frying pan for dallying with every pretty distraction that come his way*

Why hello there... :eyebrows:
I enjoy how you put those in alphabetical order, TLM :D That makes me happy for some reason