Indigosensor - I enjoy your insights and laidback manner.
Koba - I admire your calm, logical approach
Ookami - I rib you often, but you make me laugh.
Bored Now - Woah, hey! Girl crush right backatcha!
chaoticlion - Your posts always make me smile.
Alt crtl del - You present your ideas in a very unique way, and I tend to agree with most of them.
dneecey - You're very sweet and inqusitive!
Arbygail - Your posts are very considerate of others. It's like I could tell you anything!
Coffeeshopdiva - I'd admire your cool. You can tell you're a classy gal.
Onyrica - You're very perceptive, and you take time to carefully consider your posts.
Xel' Karin - I will admit, you're my forum crush! :O
pogo - I definitely enjoy your brand of humor!
gloomy-optimist - I think you're a generally cheerful person, but you know when to get down to business
Oro - You're the other crazy I love to tease
Slant - You're blunt, but to the point and you don't B.S. Wise beyond your years, oh most definitely.
Deathjam - We wouldn't be here without you. I wish I could see more of your posts.
Satya - There's just something about you that is mischievous. I love it.
minorityfunk - I like the way you argue. And your blog posts are always intriguing.
Milon - Another calm, cool forum individual I'd like to get to know a bit more.
EDIT - Of course, there's probably a dozen more people I should be mentioning. I'm still getting to know everyone