Compliment a forum member!

There's so many good things, I don't know where to start! I'll be updating in here -- I'll come in and post my love for the members, but not tonight because I have to make sure I do it justice!
Complment a Forum member

I love Tovlo's elegant thoughtfulness. If I could write like she does, I'd die a happy woman.

I admire alt ctrl del's gritty, confident style. Ditto on the writing.

I love Alcyone's cookie-baking goodness and wisdom.

I love Arbygil's kindness and common sense. She, too, writes like a dream.

I love Silently Honest for being Silently Honest.

Others I find amusing, brilliant or just downright enjoyable:


Helpful Elf


Von Hase

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I do enjoy Dneecey's presence. She always makes a topic warm, has caring and understanding words for everyone and she's cute like a button. She also writes pretty stuff with spanish titles. Which I like.

I agree, Dneecey is very warm and validating.

I also think Azure Knight is very thoughtful, and whenever I read her posts, I read them with a voice in my head that is gentle and kind.
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I've always thought that anica was wise, and her open-minded advice has helped me understand many-a-thing.

alt ctrl del has a very unique flavor that I admire and find very powerful.

I absolutely adore the way Bored Now writes; it's interesting, poetic, and strikes a chord someplace deep

Silently Honest is basically all-around awesome, and I've looked up to him since I first joined this forum
I never make it into threads like this. :(

Yes, I'm totally feeling sorry for myself, 2 pages and I'm not even mentioned.
Well, for today DEATHJAM gets all my compliments!
Yeah, definitely DEATHJAM. The past two days made me worried but his what sounds to be like relentless work has saved me from certain boredom.
Deathjam gets my compliments as a matter of course.

However Duty, I always look forward to reading debates that have you actively involved in them. Your logic and deconstruction of arguments is second to none on these forums.
Duty is force-feeding compliments
I wasn't going to give it. Because you should already know it. But it's true.
I never make it into threads like this. :(

Me neither, but don't you dare to start bitching ^_^

I compliment you on the integrity you have to cope with so many feelers around in this forum. Your posts sometimes are a breath of fresh air.

My regards to some other members:
Von Hase - your posts are very to the point and your avatar is very cute ;)
Arbygil - posting is mature and considerate of others.
Chaotic Lion - for the positive outlook and eagerness to help.
I wasn't going to give it. Because you should already know it. But it's true.

We all need to be told once in a while though. Positive affirmation is one of the primary psychological needs of people according to Carl Rogers.

Thank you for the compliment, even though I'm being sore in taking any. :p
I never make it into threads like this. :(

Yes, I'm totally feeling sorry for myself, 2 pages and I'm not even mentioned.

Actually I like duties ability to use logic without use of rhetoric. I really do. And that your willing to put up with so much flack from us. When you stay after having us pretty much dump feelerness all over you and still come back. That gains respect from me.

I love lurkers quirkiness, drunk posting and her ability to show that NT chicks are cool.

Where is lurker anyway?
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Slant is very interesting, I like trying to see things from her point of view despite being completely incapable of it.
alt ctrl del is my hero. /fangirl
dneecey is really sweet and she was the first person to friend me, out of the blue, which made me feel really welcome here
Heh, I think if I thought about it, I could compliment everyone here. I really do like everybody. I dig that my sloppy, salty, devil may care style isn
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I think everyone here is awesome... but R-MON is the greatest!!!!!!
(that monkey is so damn cute!!!!)
alt ctrl del, I would like to compliment you on good taste in friends.