<font color=#990066>Regular Poster</font>
I was a little annoyed when I first joined facebook, and started to get requests from highschool/college classmates or friends of friends I had never been actual friends with. I don't want just be another number someone adds without any real relationship there. I like to keep my network small, just family and actually friends or friends I've lost touch with. I'm a little paranoid about privacy so I ignore requests from everyone else including coworkers.
I really do appreciate being able to know what is going on with people I care about, so I kind of love facebook despite the kind of requests I don't like. I'm not very good at keeping in touch, but it only takes a moment to like or comment on something a friend is doing.
I really do appreciate being able to know what is going on with people I care about, so I kind of love facebook despite the kind of requests I don't like. I'm not very good at keeping in touch, but it only takes a moment to like or comment on something a friend is doing.