Connecting with people on Facebook

I was a little annoyed when I first joined facebook, and started to get requests from highschool/college classmates or friends of friends I had never been actual friends with. I don't want just be another number someone adds without any real relationship there. I like to keep my network small, just family and actually friends or friends I've lost touch with. I'm a little paranoid about privacy so I ignore requests from everyone else including coworkers.

I really do appreciate being able to know what is going on with people I care about, so I kind of love facebook despite the kind of requests I don't like. I'm not very good at keeping in touch, but it only takes a moment to like or comment on something a friend is doing.
I'm sure I'm going to sound like even more of a bitch now, but whenever I get friend requests from people whom I never really had a substantial conversation with, I neither accept or deny that friend request.

I just let it sit there.
That way, when I deny it, they don't send me another friend request. And then when I deny that one too, they send another. Continue cycle.

If I don't accept or deny it then I don't get continual notifications and I just have a lot of friend requests accumulating.
I'm sure I'm going to sound like even more of a bitch now, but whenever I get friend requests from people whom I never really had a substantial conversation with, I neither accept or deny that friend request.

I just let it sit there.
That way, when I deny it, they don't send me another friend request. And then when I deny that one too, they send another. Continue cycle.

If I don't accept or deny it then I don't get continual notifications and I just have a lot of friend requests accumulating.

I don't really see how that's bitch like. Why the hell should people who hardly know you think that you should accept their friend request?
I don't frequent it much anymore. Became bored with it.
When I first joined and began getting in touch with old classmates, it kind of dragged back to the surface some of the feelings I had during adolescence. We're talking 30 years ago.

I didn't see it as the most positive thing.
I don't frequent it much anymore. Became bored with it.
When I first joined and began getting in touch with old classmates, it kind of dragged back to the surface some of the feelings I had during adolescence. We're talking 30 years ago.

I didn't see it as the most positive thing.

Yeah, i saw a few people from high school on FB today, and although i wouldn't mind saying hi and find out what's happening with them, I don't want a friend request or to send any myself. If I still have a connection with the person, meaning it's mutual, and we geniunely want to keep in touch, then i'm fine with that, but i'd rather not have the friend request just to have the person's name sitting in my "friend" list.
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I use it to keep in touch with friends from high school that I only get to see every so often. I used it to network while setting up shows for the band. I out of the couple hundred people on mine most of them are people I met while working with the band. I don't go on it much anymore though. The forums have pretty much dominated my internet usage.
I am a facebook whore, no denying. I love facebook. My rule is if I don't know you, or I don't like you for whatever reason, I won't add you. I will use it to connect with old friends now and then, but I don't really do that often because I am at my "active friend capacity" as it is. Anymore and I'll start to get stressed.
I like facebook. I only add friends and I like knowing what's going on in their lives. Other than that, it allows me to have conversations with my friends I wouldn't be able to have otherwise; I have friends all over the country. With that being said, my facebook chat is consistently and constantly off and I don't get on it that often, just enough to read what's happening and maybe post a status message or two.
I add as many people as possible and then put them on Hide if they start talking about their kids or mundane tasks.
Invisible."here's a picture of the meal i just ate ".are you reading my posts...LOL

facebook caused me so much pain..I wish I never went on it.Best friends turned out to be smugglers,excons,terminally ill...or worse yet blew me off or are lovers of Sarah Palin. :-/
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I'm sure I'm going to sound like even more of a bitch now, but whenever I get friend requests from people whom I never really had a substantial conversation with, I neither accept or deny that friend request.

I do the same. There are some people with whom I have not had any significant conversation or interaction, but since I am vaguely acquainted with them, there is a good chance that I will get to know them well enough sometime in the future, in which case I would go ahead and confirm the friend requests.
I do the same. There are some people with whom I have not had any significant conversation or interaction, but since I am vaguely acquainted with them, there is a good chance that I will get to know them well enough sometime in the future, in which case I would go ahead and confirm the friend requests.

I get really irraitated having any kind of notification just sit there. After I see it (any kind of notification), I have to do something with it. Now and then I will get requests from people I don't know, I just reject them. If its someone I vaugely know sometimes I will ok them, or then remove them a week later. If I strongly dislike the person who adds me. I will deny it, then add them to by blocked list.
I removed all the people from high school I added for the friend count and kept the people I'm actually friends with and want to still keep in touch even though we're going to different colleges. I went from about 170 friends to 50. It was weird.

I refuse to add my mother. Refuse.