The virus is being basically ignored by too many people. Last night, they said they were expecting at least another 50,000 deaths in America.
The human race will survive. It's sad, but that's life. Things like this have happened all throughout humanity- in comparison to the black plague this is extremely mildImagine how many dead in 2 years if we have over 100k dead here in 3 months? My friend lost one of his friends to COVID-19. She was 30 and healthy. Yet my family knows an older lady with lupus and kidney disease who survived it. My aunt has it and seems to be recovering. But she's been very sick. She's not needed to be hospitalized though.
Everybody knows that humans will survive this. It's not the zombie apocalypse. But over 100k dead in the US in 3 months. With no end in sight, really. And it will come to survival of the fittest with opening everything. That's the mentality. But like I said above, you can think you are fit. You can be fit and not make it. There's so much still unknown about the virus.The human race will survive. It's sad, but that's life. Things like this have happened all throughout humanity- in comparison to the black plague this is extremely mild
I'm a spiritual person. I know there is something more than the 3-5 ; 3 dimensions, 5 senses. If my time comes my time comes, you know? Life is a cycle of birth and death, it's never-ending. We can grieve times of death, we all have that right. But nothing anyone can do can control the cycle and there is something very natural about it all.Everybody knows that humans will survive this. It's not the zombie apocalypse. But over 100k dead in the US in 3 months. With no end in sight, really. And it will come to survival of the fittest with opening everything. That's the mentality. But like I said above, you can think you are fit. You can be fit and not make it.
I'm a spiritual person. I know there is something more than the 3-5 ; 3 dimensions, 5 senses. If my time comes my time comes, you know? Life is a cycle of birth and death, it's never-ending. We can grieve times of death, we all have that right. But nothing anyone can do can control the cycle and there is something very natural about it all.
It's interesting to look at the parallels between 1920 and today. Some say there are historical patterns of events that tend to repeat every 100 years and because of the short lifespan of man by the time the cycle repeats itself everyone who was around the last time is not around to remember.
Fear is such a powerful emotion, isn't it? Creating tension in the body, releasing chemicals that make us sick. What will happen is what will happen. We have to trust that the world will keep on turning.. and even if we don't trust it... It'll keep turning in spite of our doubts.
Does it make a difference? None of us have control over whether others live or die. This lack of power to control mortality causes everyone anxiety. When someone is ill or dying that we love it's natural to get upset. But getting upset preemptively, agonizing about future hypothetical deaths that we don't know when or how will happen nor can we control, that's a stressful place to exist in.Lol, you're either extremely wise (Buddha level) or naive/full of shit.
There's a difference between saying things ("it's all circle of life, life and death don't matter", etc.) and actually embodying this mentality when faced with severe adversity/illness.
Does it make a difference? None of us have control over whether others live or die. This lack of power to control mortality causes everyone anxiety. When someone is ill or dying that we love it's natural to get upset. But getting upset preemptively, agonizing about future hypothetical deaths that we don't know when or how will happen nor can we control, that's a stressful place to exist in.
It's all just words. Sound nice on paper.
I can say now I completely accept my mortality. It doesn't mean I would stay calm if a giant poisonous snake crawls into my bed at night.
Makes sense
I feel you. I'm not saying I'm strong or omnipotent, I'm saying, I surrender to what is. I don't know when my time is going to come or how but when it's time is time. That's life!Probably far from the best example.
I am just careful of saying big things. I thought I had live figured out at many points, and then something happens and completely throws me off. It's not even something major. Now I'm humble and I know I am still weak when something unexpected happens. When chaos comes. Hopefully stronger than in the past, but still weak.
The desire to live is inherent in all animals, including us. It's nearly impossible to rationalize your mortality. Probably such state could be achieved, but it would come at a cost - complete rejection of all human life/society etc). Not something I want.
At this point my sense is that a vaccine isn't going to be a realistic solution. This was why from the beginning I've had a problem with the whole series of shut downs until we find a vaccine. Spanish Flu never had a vaccine and it lasted in waves for 2 years. That's likely what we are looking at here. In the grand scheme of things 2 years isn't that long and things will bounce back.
Yeah I don't believe operating in a state of constant fear is personally helpful for me. Elevated cortisol levels have a long of long term impacts on mental and physical health. I choose to rise above the fear and not feed into it. No matter what we do the virus will eventually pass. Unless it's HIV but we have meds now to manage HIV. everything is manageable, we don't need to live in this hypervigilant state of fear. I understand why others do, but unfortunately they want others to follow the same behavior even if it's not right for them.This is very true for quite a few reasons, the top one of which being that it takes so long to create a safe vaccine that the virus will have mutated before millions of doses can be produced and administered.
It's been shown that COVID-19 had 2 strains when it first came to the US, one on the west coast, one on the east. We were only testing for one. Those who experienced what they called influenza-B, but it had symptoms aligned with COVID-19 most likely had the second strain.
Side note: A number of people have shown that having been infected once does not stop one from being reinfected later.
The smartest thing we can do is to educate and practice safe methods of dealing with a viral society. Keeping the fear of the virus front and center helps in giving people cause to use them, and hopefully some of these will become second nature to folk who otherwise did not follow them: social distancing, hand washing, keeping our faces covered when sneezing/coughing. In this case fear is our friend and is serving it's purpose of keeping us alive. It's more than just anxiety.
What we have going against us are the folk who are still calling the virus a hoax (ignorance), and those who are feeling pent up, angry and just drop all precautions.
Yeah I don't believe operating in a state of constant fear is personally helpful for me. Elevated cortisol levels have a long of long term impacts on mental and physical health. I choose to rise above the fear and not feed into it. No matter what we do the virus will eventually pass. Unless it's HIV but we have meds now to manage HIV. everything is manageable, we don't need to live in this hypervigilant state of fear. I understand why others do, but unfortunately they want others to follow the same behavior even if it's not right for them.
I appreciate the empathy. To each their own.I was once like you, and I suppose to a bit I still am. Growing up under my mom's high anxious, suffocating control I learned to have the exact opposite response to risks that she did. "Don't overreact", "Just let it be" and "All will be fine" were my common go-tos. I did not need to adopt her anxiety into my life as I saw no purpose to it other than to restrict life as it was meant to be lived.
I won't bore you with details, it took time to learn the balance (ironically that education I got involves cortisol production in a child). Saying "it's fine, let someone else ring the alarm bells" only goes so far. Ignoring that there is a situation at all is a different issue.