I agree that immediate prognosis is not pretty but US and the world has been through much more adversity and have survived. In comparison the Spanish flu epidemic killed some 50M worldwide, then there were two world wars and the biggest financial depression ever. And still life went on, democracy has survived...
A smart move now would be to take on long term financial debt and buy some property or gold with it. There's a good chance that you will have to return only half of it.
Democracy does not equal the United States, the difference here is that the United States is tearing the very fabric of its own society apart in conjunction with a financial depression BIGGER than either of those prior to the world wars. There will be no wirtschaftswunder for the U.S. when it's foolishly breaking itself apart under the banner of social justice. Hence, why I think it is exceedingly unwise for people to waste their time and energy to debate the next US president online or slam the current or prior ones when they're facing a very big shit storm. Not to mention just how much of one's internet traffic truly goes into your own personalized file, data that can and will be used against you if it works in the favor of someone with access.
Political alignments and opinions are unwise to make publically known in any country as well as the internet these days. Cancel Culture should have shown anyone that much.
The 'Smart Move' you just mentioned is way past the point that it is smart. If you buy up gold now, you're just burning money.
No. Those only 'now' realizing there is a shit storm coming are too late for that step.
IF you are only starting to "Prepare" at this point, you should start with going over your expenditures, especially your most common needs and start stocking the products you need with as long a shelf life as possible. If for example you use 1 pack of toilet paper a month, get at least 2 years worth if it's on discount. As you say, prices will increase, by buying your necessities now, you're saving yourself a lot of grief for the period that you can avoid buying them.
Naturally, You keep buying and stocking them until the prices rise.
If you have two cars, you TRY to get rid of one. Tough most likely, you're too late for that at this point.
If possible, grow some tomatoes at home as they're rich in nutrients and easy to grow in most circumstances, even in front of your window, or simply a sunny room. Something is always better than nothing.
If you are lucky enough to live in a rural area instead of town, then it will pay off to buy up more land around you. Homes? Aren't worth as much as the land they stand upon. With the land you own, apply for government funding to work it, and try to homestead as much as possible. Housing whilst always needed in cities and bigger towns, is an expenditure that someone without a job can ill afford. It is far more likely to see people move in with their parents and grandparents or the other way around based on the most advantageous location for them.
In addition, you're forgetting that Corona opened a lot of living space worldwide, as temporary expats and foreign students returned to their countries enmasse. These people are usually situated in the bigger student rich cities and capital of a country. That means that whilst buying a place in a top location for rental before, for bottom prices might be advantageous AFTER this blows over. It won't do a damn thing whilst it's ongoing. Not to mention, your renters are likely to become squatters as they lose their jobs and fail to pay the rent.
I could list tons of more things, but honestly, people are better off just checking out prepper websites such as Doomsdaypreppers as those tend to be in full gear right now and spreading their gospel to those starting to wise up and realizing the 'crazy' people actually weren't that crazy after all and were preparing for shit like this all along. Something any person who read through required sociology study literature content could probably point out was a long time coming and actually fairly predictable.
Work wise, if you're looking for something, I recommend finding a job with a local government institution.
If you have something already, consider carefully how business is going and consider whether it will keep going, if not try to get a job at a local government institution.
Failing that, your best bet is agriculture or working for your local town hall.
Failing even that, especially if you're a city dweller, signing up with the military or police will at least see you fed and watered. Tough your home in the worst case scenario will probably be broken into and looted if things get horrible and you're away. So it won't hurt to ditch stuff whilst you can.
(unless you're an American, and they actually do the worst thing in this situation and "Defund" the police, honestly most of their police issues are caused by dumping the work that is normally done by other institution on the police, whilst they're not trained for half the situations they then find themselves in. Which more often than not results in things like mentally ill people escalating to violent crime and being put in jail where they receive no help, when in most countries that delegate better, they are simply taken to a psychiatric institution to get the help they need before things can escalate to that point...)
Your best bet tough is still living out of the way in the countryside with good connections in your nearby small rural town, a bunch of land to work, bees to keep, chickens in the pen, and a digital workplace to attend.
In my case most of my returning clients, primarily from America at that, all had their businesses fail and it's exceedingly hard to get a contract with pretty much every digital professional losing their jobs trying to make ends meet with freelancing. (basically there's an influx of freelancers with the main source of income for a freelancer drying up as small and medium-sized businesses fail)
I don't have chickens, but I got the rest, (chickens and I don't get along together) and I now use most of my spare time either doing necessary repairs and maintenance to my home, or creating stock contents that might not sell until everything blows over, but at least I am productive and instead of binge-watching netflix or something like it and sticking my head in the sand, I use that time to hopefully build up a stock of digital things that will give me a boost when things get back to normal again in the future whilst building up my portfolio with more creative stuff that I otherwise never would have gotten to make. I don't think any stock I make will sell till things get better though.
The whole Corona thing itself hasn't found a single affected person yet in my Municipality so far, my country on the whole is doing rather well on that front and only the influx of tourists actually saw it rise at the coast, but since I am inland, and most people here take preventative measures seriously, including 2 weeks of self-isolation when coming from another country, with police making periodic checks to ensure you keep to it, it's pretty safe.
What I do notice is that like the rest of the world, freelancing which a lot of people do here has taken a hit, and most people are making a run for building a gardening supplies to sure up their homes and expand their vegetable gardens. They've been through a shit hits the fan before and are all closet preppers anyways.
The government where I am at is also spending A LOT in agriculture, where before it was tourism, as they realize that tourism is a fair weather only source of income and the country cannot run just on that. Luckily that was already decided upon earlier in the year before the whole corona thing, and is now seeing a massive acceleration to push through the bureaucratic obstacles.
The capital, which holds the largest population center of the country, is seeing an uptake in its city dwellers moving into nearby towns and village as opposed to the city center. Primarily, believe it or not, by starters and young families.
To me the biggest issue with Corona is not the virus itself, or even the lives it take, in global numbers it doesn't really change THAT much to make a difference. Instead it's the financial fallout it has caused world wide and the reaction people had to it. For example the already long waiting lists for specific hospital treatments getting delayed and a lot of those people dying as a result. Why? Because the hospitals are in virus mode and who goes in or out is HEAVILY restricted in most countries.
Likewise, it's the failed harvests as seasonal workers couldn't come to harvest and thus a years worth of produce was lost, or the civil unrest in some places as people get cagey from countermeasures and taking to 'Protesting' against them, spreading the virus itself along with ruining the last few small business owners who managed to somehow hang on in those places after months of lockdown, only to have their stores burned down and inventory looted in some countries.
The virus itself had done less damage and ruined fewer people than the reactions people had to everything around it, and to me, that is the worst part of it. That a bit of fear and incompetent people in all the vital places brought us to this point in time, with nothing to show for it other than that we as a species suck horrendously when it matters.