Milktoast Bandit
Dominate with compassion...
- Enneagram
- 9
Why humanity?
*Spoken like a bridge troll*
The answer you seek lies in what you ask...
Why humanity?
I worry for everyone living in a facility, and even more so for the families who can't do anything to help or even visit their loved ones during this time. The emotional toll is real.Great news errybody! My grandma's nursing home made the national news for having an outbreak and 11 deaths so far! Well, she's in the assisted living part so she's isolated, but she's a bit freaked out.
What?! Oh my! How many are there in here nursing home?Great news errybody! My grandma's nursing home made the national news for having an outbreak and 11 deaths so far! Well, she's in the assisted living part so she's isolated, but she's a bit freaked out.
Spring Break is like a religious experience for kids in the US.
Which is fucking sad, don't get me wrong.
But there ain't nothin' gettin' in the way of that party.
Yup. Pangolins and bats.Right, almost forgot.
So essentially, virus is not man-made, mutation through viral evolution. The actual source is unknown but we all know it's probably this little cretin.
Though I know your being facetious etc about the Old Testament thinking.. I think life is a balance, and so is faith. So I agree with you- it's not good to call people names based on a particular thing that your own faith learns is a sin because calling people names is hateful and mean and we all have sinned, no matter how good we are, period.Also, Sodom was supposedly destroyed because they were thieves.
It wasn't an exclusively homosexual city...take your wacky BS elsewhere.
Posting about an Old Testament wrath-filled, vengeful, hate-filled god.
Ever eaten shrimp - you're going to Hell.
Kill all the non-virgins and stone the witches.
GTFO with all that perpetuation of hate and garbage.
Jesus was about love and loved those who society spit upon.
Card carrying INFJ doesn't make you a good person.
Edit - *Here's your special pat on the back for not calling anyone a Qu**r.
Idk. A bunch. There's a whole section of assisted living apartments where she is and a whole different building that is the nursing home. All entry points are blocked so no one get in or out of the area. It's weirdWhat?! Oh my! How many are there in here nursing home?
You'll have to find a way to forgive yourself for that. In your own time of course. This is a strange time. It's not currently the normal life. Things are a bit different than what we're used to right now, and that means we will handle things differently than we have in the past. It's understandable, reasonable and acceptable that you would feel at least a small sense of relief given the situation. Be well.While my dad is now gone, My stress levels dropped knowing I no longer had to worry about his situation, and I feel guilty for that
Though I know your being facetious etc about the Old Testament thinking.. I think life is a balance, and so is faith. So I agree with you- it's not good to call people names based on a particular thing that your own faith learns is a sin because calling people names is hateful and mean and we all have sinned, no matter how good we are, period.
But on the other hand God is love.. that's true... but he is also our father and we his children. And a good father provides his children with clear rules, boundaries, morals, and ethics. Guidance.. A good father does this not to ruin his child's life & crap on their fun, but rather to save them. Save them from the pitfalls of their own mistakes.. of what peril lays ahead when they don't heed the rules and listen to his life guidance. Not only for themselves, so that they turn out well and kind and good.. and not get themselves arrested or killed, in example, but also so that they go out into the world armed with the ethics and self control so to not harm others by breaking these codes, laws, morals, mores, etc blah. That's where you see God telling his children ( humanity )- hey guys.. 'Don't steal, rape, kill, lie, etc etc'.
But all good parents forgive and have mercy too because we know no one can be perfect and young ones are still learning to control themselves and learning ethics, morals, how to 'life'. So he forgives and forgives and forgives again. But eventually if we keep furkin up on purpose and he sees through us.. that our 'sorry' is just to get out of trouble because we continually go right back to stealing 5 mins later without even trying to do right next time, then no. We will reach a consequential stage eventually.
Most faiths be it Catholicism, Christian, Muslim, or Jewish pretty much learn there are 2 teams. And when you join a team or a club you must abide by its rules, or at least try. That's only normal. God gave all of humanity free will.. the choice is ours to make. God doesn't want any hostages in Heaven. But He isn't tossing people into Hell. He doesn't wish any of his children to perish. But rather he lets each of them choose for themselves where and how they spend their after life.
He doesn't expect perfection because we are incapable of that. But he does expect effort and a genuine sorry when we screw up.. Like any good father he wants to raise us up right and not just let us wile out just so we will stay our of his hair so he can watch Netflix in peace.
And as I recall Sodom and Gomorrah, well, specifically the city of Sodom was destroyed for more than one reason and not just because of sexual sin but also because they were worshipping false idols - golden calfs etc.
But those who mock homosexuals for sinning must also realise that lots of sexual things are deemed sexually immoral according to the text found in the book of mathew, where all is outlined in black & white.
Idk. A bunch. There's a whole section of assisted living apartments where she is and a whole different building that is the nursing home. All entry points are blocked so no one get in or out of the area. It's weird
Bill Withers?Fucking virus. . .took the greatest singer songwriter of my life. . so damn sad I dont know what to do. .
John PrineBill Withers?
My condolences...guess it's time to break out the old records.John Prine
for sure. . I love everything he wrote. .My condolences...guess it's time to break out the old records.
Aww, thanks Skare I already understood your fire.. and why.Thanks for the time you took to write a well thought through post.
My own post was in response to the bigoted vomitus and hate of fellow humans being spewed by certain people who feel that they are "saved" and thus are somehow standing on a step above the rest and don't mind making sure they point that out at every chance given to them.
I know for damn certain that I'm not above anyone else, I don't profess to be, but I also will not accept anyone trying to look down upon me or others because of ideas in their head of their perceived position in life - or beyond.
Personally, I happen to think that many such books have been tainted by evil men with intentions of spreading fear as a means of control.
As for the underlying message, I find most of them to be very worthwhile in nature.
I respect the views and beliefs of all - we don't need to get into semantics or contradictions about why this or that supposed thing occurred in this or that "holy" book or religion or viewpoint.
If that is your faith, then more power to you - I fully and wholeheartedly respect that.
Unfortunately the respect often doesn't go both ways.
If someone comes at me or others in a patronizing or arrogant manner (not you), I will not zip my lip and let them piss on me because they feel superior and justified to do so without reprieve.
My older brother is gay, and I have all the faith of my own that there is absolutely no "Hell" awaiting him.
He is far more compassionate, kind, loving, and a better person than a huge majority of folks claiming to be "saved" or saying they belong to this or that one and only true religion.
We all have our own pathway through this life...I don't expect all to agree with my own.
The only time I will speak out and up is -
A - when someone is putting someone else down (blatantly or passive-aggressively).
B - when their beliefs are causing the spread of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred, etc. (and yes, I understand that is a judgement call I am making)
C - causing harm to other people or infringing upon their rights.
Other than that, have at it, I actually find most religions to have some very healthy and good ways of living one's life and/or raising a family, etc.
I hope you are making it alright through all this crazy stuff going on around us!
Lots of love to you and your own.
Most of all, respect to you.
Aww, thanks Skare I already understood your fire.. and why.It just made me wonder if you knew any faithful people who are different.. who are trying to live the way God shows them.. and not condemning and bullying others. I guess I just feel the other side of the coin.. the side that really wants to share the beauty of the light of faith with people who never considered it. Also speaking up in the hopes that in some way I can come in behind some more unsavory posts and shed a different - positive hue on God & spiritual belief, im general.
I have mad respect for you, Skare and wish you and your family well, as well!And yes.. I do know how it feels to be looked down upon within your own faith by those who think themselves more righteous. Yes, this even happens to the 'faithful'. And it also can go the other way around where people of faith are bullied as well by those without, so I think it's very commendable and mature that you don't mock those with spiritual beliefs that are different from your own.
You're a cool dude. Stay safe in this mad time, my friend.
thank you for writing this. lately there has been some fundamentalism that really gets under my skin. .we're just people trying to make it through this life. I don't try to convert others to my faith, and I don't like others trying to point out that I am wrong for believing what I believe. . they spout their holy book as though it was written by God, and is some eternal truth, when it's just a book, sorry. . I wish I could look the other way, but it grinds on me. .Aww, thanks Skare I already understood your fire.. and why.It just made me wonder if you knew any faithful people who are different.. who are trying to live the way God shows them.. and not condemning and bullying others. I guess I just feel the other side of the coin.. the side that really wants to share the beauty of the light of faith with people who never considered it. Also speaking up in the hopes that in some way I can come in behind some more unsavory posts and shed a different - positive hue on God & spiritual belief, in general.
I have mad respect for you, Skare and wish you and your family well, as well!And yes.. I do know how it feels to be looked down upon within your own faith by those who think themselves more righteous. Yes, this even happens to the 'faithful'. And it also can go the other way around where people of faith are bullied as well by those without, so I think it's very commendable and mature that you don't mock those with spiritual beliefs that are different from your own.
You're a cool dude. Stay safe in this mad time, my friend.
Aww, that's awesome.You are a prime example of someone living the example of Jesus.
I totally do know that there are very good and righteous Christians out there - I have deep respect for those who truly live the words they have faith in.
Thank you for your kind wishes and thoughts.
Believe it or not, I do have faith in God...maybe not in the same way that you do, but nonetheless it is there.
I don't associate the majority with the foul words of the few.
Keep representing what you know is true in your heart.
Keep spreading the love.