[INFJ] Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination and the magnetic phenomenon could be explained by Graphene Oxide

@FiftySeven -

Here is the Virology Journal article.

You are outed. You have zero credibility.
Yes but........CNN or Politifact hasn't approved it so this does not count. The truly APPALLING aspect of this is that this was known in *2005*! AND was both bad mouthed as well as prohibited from use. I could see a legitimate DA let alone a Soros funded DA making a case for murder. Further appallingness (no it is not a word) is that the left assails us for trying to be helpful while their side very literally murders people. And yet, someone is going to try and point out how horribly wrong we are on this as well.

Between my last video link, my last article link and this post the case is closed for people interested in original work product data. How long can/will the left hold on to their positions and enable more murders? This will demonstrate CLEARLY how well the schools and media have done their jobs.

I do apologize I thought I had already posted this.

I can certainly appreciate that those of you on the left at best are having a hard time with this. If you are under say 35 what has been offered is 100% contrary to what you have been told AND has been re-enforced your entire life. Orange man bad because he lied ALL the time. What if, as has been documented, he wasn't the one lying?

Orange man bad "lost" Biden "wins" and all is or will be great! Nope....it has ALL gone to shit and is getting worse by the day. We have ALL been played.
Yes you can and probably will continue to believe the left. But try and understand the right is not going to tolerate a lot more of this and then it gets very real.
The Proud Boys/Antifa confrontations are but the foreplay.....it will make this the good times.
@FiftySeven -

You are outed. You have zero credibility.
sez GTD boy
...there are still some die-hard germ theory denialists (GTD) out there who cite Béchamp in much the same way young earth creationists cite the Bible and deny that germs have anything to do with disease whatsoever, claiming instead that microbes appear “because of the terrain” and are an indicator, rather than a cause, of disease. However, most cases of germ theory denialism are of a piece with ID (intelligent design) creationism. Like ID promoters who admit that evolution “does” happen, this variety of germ theory denialist accepts that microbes “can” cause disease, but they argue that microbes can only cause disease if the host is already diseased or debilitated. Using such claims, they argue that the “terrain” is by far the most important determinant of whether or not a person gets sick. As a result, they claim that eating the right diet, doing the right exercises, and taking the right supplements will protect you against disease as well as any vaccine — better, in fact, because supposedly you’re not injecting all those “toxins” from vaccines into your body.
I don't know man, have you dealt with the gov? I spent a month working for the DHS...and have dealings with the IRS...the pay sucks and the folks are kinda overworked.
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Hey Larry , you should read Herbert Marcuse....https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/349650.One_Dimensional_Man

a lot of what you have to say about our inability to access ideas or information outside our "feeds" is discussed at length. it is groundbreaking
I don't know man, have you dealt with the gov? I spent a month working for the DHS...and have dealings with the IRS...the pay sucks and the folks are kinda overworked.
I don't know man, have you dealt with the gov? I spent a month working for the DHS...and have dealings with the IRS...the pay sucks and the folks are kinda overworked.

This has NOTHING as in NOTHING to do with the workers. Obama told the IRS to target the Tea Party so the IRS targets the Tea Party. Biden shuts down pipelines and gas prices go up. The list goes on and on. World Economic Forum says that One World Goverment will be great forever and people believe it. To his credit Bush sold the lie that Iraque had WMD'S.....and off to war we went, for no reason and NO gain. Obama runs guns to the Mexicans and that is swell, Benghazi happened because they were running guns out of there as well.

Talk to an Australian on how swell things are going there since they gave up their guns, the Chinese are less oppressed. But no....orange man bad, everyone on the right is a loon, and Soros & Co. keep destroying America. And for reasons I will never understand the left thinks they are never going to meet any resistance. But hey...enjoy the slide to hell......
@FiftySeven -

You think to debunk an assertion by finding something critical of the person who made it (Zelenko).

Somehow your truth-seeking skills failed to consider merely searching "Journal of Virology hydroxychloroquine." Either you are highly intellectually challenged or you have zero interest in the truth and 100% interest in advocacy of fantasy.

Zelenko made an assertion, it was 100% correct, and you failed a highly simple exam. And the fact that I am the messenger (read: sez GTD boy) has no bearing on the truth, but is just more of your fallacious horsecrap.
[ATTACH=full]84328[/ATTACH]@FiftySeven -

You think to debunk an assertion by finding something critical of the person who made it (Zelenko).
Sorry, anyone who claims that the vaccines are "killing millions" is a moron in my book. A couple of weeks ago a widow I know, whose husband died of cancer and was a first responder on streets of lower Manhattan in the week following Sept 11, was told by some moron that it was the vaccine that killed him.


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Sorry, anyone who claims that the vaccines are "killing millions" is a moron in my book. A couple of weeks ago a widow I know, whose husband died of cancer and was a first responder on streets of lower Manhattan in the week following Sept 11, was told by some moron that it was the vaccine that killed him.
I think you'd do better to consider a more complete background of Zelenko. It appears his protocol for Covid treatment has saved thousands of lives.

Regardless, your point, even if correct, is moot. I referenced him because of what he said, exclusive to my post. It referred to an NIH article on the effectiveness of HCQ on coronavirus.

It was 100% correct. It matters not if he was right like a broken clock is right twice a day.

You do understand what I am saying, right?
General observation when I see these scuffles: It's amusing AF to me that vaccination has been politicized nowadays.

As far as the "liberal agenda" when it comes to pro-vaxxers, I have some good subjective experience in this realm given that my dad actually did research on viruses for ~35 years of his career... Research, as in he got his B.S., got his M.S., got his Ph.D, worked in a fucking lab and published papers for 50 hours a week to put food on the table. He can explain how viruses work, how they tend to mutate, how vaccines are developed, tested, etc.

Spoiler alert: he fucking hates the Democratic Party. He never fails to mention how he thinks Biden and the left are ruining the country, but yet he's pro-vaxx based on his deep, intuitive understanding of how viruses and vaccination work, likely deeper than what 99% of this forum's membership has (myself included).

Posting links to articles is not research, even if you spend 30 hours a week reading articles that other people published. There are always contradictory studies, outliers, etc. Science is about hundreds and thousands of tests and studies that confirm the same thing with high repeatability and quality (as my more-than-qualified father has explained to me). There will always be something out there that confirms what you want to believe. If you're trying to convince someone online of your contrary stance on something scientific, you're better off convincing your SO to try something new and crazy in the bedroom (or something more equally worthwhile).

I think it's natural to want to know the truth, confirm suspicions, and assuage fears... but the best way to do that is get off the masturbation station in front of your PC, go out and fucking talk to experts. Talk to scientists, talk to people that live in other areas of the world that are experiencing the pandemic in different ways than you, people that don't have the time to give a shit about political parties or power and genuinely strive to make the world a better place. Have an actual dialogue with them, challenge yourself to not accept your own biased viewpoints (everyone has them), and learn about their daily lives. Every honest expert I've talked to about the pandemic has been willing to calmly and honestly answer my questions and ELI5 to me. Every POS power-hungry manipulator has seemed to express some sort of overt anger, had an obvious political affiliation, or charged for their services.

On the note of talking to people in various parts of the world... Much of my family lives in India, so it kills me to see the amount of misinformation about treatments used there. Lots of people there took hydroxychloroquine, lots of them took ivermectin. Some people actually did see an improvement in COVID symptoms, but many did not. I had family members that died that shouldn't have. I feel bad for anyone that wants to learn the hard way by "doing their own research", because you're not a researcher unless you actually are a researcher... and if you're so sure you know more than hundreds of thousands of people that have dedicated their lives to actually discovering the truth, your head is probably jammed a bit too far up your own ass.
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Hey @noisebloom -

My primary take on your thoughtful post is that it leaves out too many facets of the jab versus no jab issue. One can look at VAERS numbers and extrapolate the real numbers based on the evidence of practitioners in terms of actual VAERS entry. One can examine the database for medicare and medicaid vaccine events. Attorney Thomas Rentz did just that and it is sketchy, but I believe the number killed by the jab is ~55,000. Realizing few folks under 65 are part of medicare, medicaid, this is compelling. One can conduct a patent trail. One could observe that these jabs are not even vaccines. Another person contends to have examined jab death data and estimates that for various age groups, 5 or more people die from the jab for every one person saved from it.

Another facet that is crucial for me is the jab's mechanism. Modify the body to manufacture a computer simulated spike protein that we now know is dispersed throughout the body including passing the blood-brain barrier.

Realizing the body is chock full of various biochemical processes all of which have a mechanical nature, what of the potential impact of submitting to something that causes biological processes to be in the presence of spike proteins? Why not put dirt in one's car's gas tank? What's the difference? On this point alone, I would never permit my body to be so modified. By the way, quite a few processes have been found to be harmed by the presence of these never before present mechanical objects.

Wow, that's a shocker. Who'd a thunk it?

Whether one is a creationist or an evolutionist (or both), why in the world subject one's body to such a change?
@noisebloom -

I have a reason to type out a portion of what I consider to be easily Top 3 videos on this issue and that is a patent trail presented by a Dr. David Martin. Here is the video:

It's 1h 22m 47s long and this is a paraphrase of the first 24m.

This Martin dude is way beyond reproach. That becomes obvious very quickly through listening to him speak. The jab may be many things and one is racketeering that is irrefutable.

Kinda long, but here goes...

Patent Trail
A patent trail has been chosen because of the truth it provides and its irrefutable nature.

Dr. David Martin, Chairman of M-CAM International Risk Management, has an extensive knowledge of patents related to the Covid nightmare. M-CAM is the world’s largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries. The underwriting includes the entire corpus of all patents, patent applications, federal grants, procurement records, e-government records, etc.

From the standpoint of this presentation, M-CAM has reviewed the over 4,000 patents that have been issued around the sars coronavirus and have done a very comprehensive review of the financing, of all of the manipulations of coronavirus which gave rise to sars as a subclade of the beta coronavirus family.

According to the following substantial report (205 pages):

There are over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel coronavirus was actually entirely a fallacy. The patent records date back as far as 1999. Covid can be shown to not be a novel coronavirus for over 20 years. the cv itself as a pathogen of interest wrt the spike protein’s behavior is 22 years old, based on patent filings. So, it is not novel at all. Timothy Miller, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reid, and Elaine Jones on 1-28 filed what ultimately issued as US Patent 6372224 which was the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine coronavirus.

In 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at UNC-Chapel Hill specifically to create an infectious replication defective cv. This comes directly from a patent application filed on April 19, 2002 where the NIAID (The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) built an infectious replication defective cv. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19, 2002, before there was any alleged outbreak in Asia which followed that by several months.

That patent issued as US 7279327 clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing the fact that it is known that the ace receptor, the ace2 binding domain, the s1 spike protein, and other elements of what has come to be known as this scourge pathogen was not only engineered but could be synthetically modified in the laboratory using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies taking computer code and turning it into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen. That technology was funded exclusively in the early days as a means by which we could actually harness cv as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine.

Unfortunately, it gets worse.

M-CAM’s concern was that cv was also very clearly being considered as a biological weapon candidate. M-CAM’s first public reporting on this took place prior to the SARS outbreak in the latter part of 2001. Martin expresses how disappointed he is to be sitting here 20 years later having 20 years earlier pointed that there is a problem looming on the horizon with respect to cv.

There was an alleged coronavirus outbreak in China in 2002 and into 2003. It was not really an outbreak because cv as a circulating pathogen inside of the viral model that we have is actually not new to the human condition and is not new to the last two decades. It’s actually been part of the sequence of protein that circulates for quite a long time.

But the alleged outbreak that took place in China in 2002 into 2003 gave rise to a very problematic April 2003 filing by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This topic is of critical importance to get the nuance very precise. Because in addition to filing the entire gene sequence on what became SARS cv (which is actually a violation of 35 USC Section 101 - you cannot patent a naturally occurring substance), the 35 USC 101 violation was Patent #7220852. Now that patent also had a series of derivative patents associated with it. These are patent applications that were broken apart because they were of multiple patentable subject matter. But these include US patent 46592703p, US Patent 776521. These patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS cv, but also covered the means of detecting it using rtpcr.

This is a problem because if you actually both own the patent on the gene itself and you own the patent on its detection you have a cunning advantage to being able to control 100% of the provenance of not only the virus itself, but also its detection. Meaning you have entire scientific and message control. And this patent, sought by the cdc, was allegedly justified by the public relations team as being sought so that everyone would be free to be able to research cv.

There is a serious problem with that statement because it’s a lie. The reason why it’s a lie is because the patent office not once but twice rejected the patent on the gene sequence as unpatentable because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. In other words, prior to the cdc’s filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9% identity with the already existing cv recorded in the public domain. Also, over the rejection of the patent examiner and after having to pay an appeal fine into 2006 and 2007, the cdc overrode the patent office’s rejection of their patent and ultimately in 2007 got the patent on SARS cv.

So, every public statement the cdc has made that said this was in the public interest is falsifiable by their own paid bribe to the patent office. This is not something that’s subtle and to make matters worse they paid an additional fee to keep their application private. Obviously, nobody trying to make information available for the public research would pay a fee to keep the information private.

All of the above information is available in the public patent archive record which any member of the public can review. The public pair as it’s called at the US patent office has not only the evidence but the actual documents which are in Dr. Martin’s possession. This is critically important because factcheckers have repeatedly stated that the novel cv, designated as SARS cov2, is in fact distinct from the cdc patent. And here’s both the genetic and the patent problem. If you look at the gene sequence that is filed by the cdc in 2003 and again in 2005 and then again in 2006, what you find is identity in somewhere between 95-99% of the sequence overlaps that have been identified in what’s called the novel subclade of SARS cov2. What we know is that the core designation of SARS cv which is actually the clade of the beta cv family and the subclade that has been called SARS cov2 have to overlap from a taxonomic point of view. One cannot have SARS designation on a thing without it first being SARS.

The disingenuous factchecking that has been done saying that somehow or another cdc has nothing to do with this particular patent or this particular pathogen is beyond both the literal credibility of the published sequences and it’s also beyond credulity when it comes to the ictv taxonomy because it very clearly states that this is in fact a subclade of the clade called SARS cv.

The following is extremely concerning. On April 28, 2003, three days after the cdc filed the patent on the SARS cv, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, a company that was set up in Maryland, filed a patent on antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by cv. In other words, the Cdc filed three days earlier and then the treatment was available three days later.

It just so happens that Sequoia Pharmaceuticals became rolled into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crouselle, and J&J!

A simple question begs for an answer. How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented three days earlier?

The patent in question, the April 28th 2003 patent, 7151163, issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, has another problem. The problem is, it was issued and published before the cdc patent on cv was actually allowed. So, the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero. It is not physically possible to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published because cdc had paid to keep it secret.

This is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering, and collusion. This is not a theory, this is evidence. You cannot have information in the future inform a treatment for a thing that did not exist.

This is a RICO case. And the RICO pattern, which was established in April of 2003 for the first cv, was played out to exactly the same schedule when we see the SARS cov2 show up when we have Moderna getting the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research center at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade.

How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?
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