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10/18/21 COVID › NEWS
Nebraska AG Says Doctors Can Legally Prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ for COVID, Calls Out FDA, CDC, Fauci, Media for ‘Fueling Confusion and Misinformation’
At the request of the Nebraska Department of Health, on Oct. 15, Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson issued a legal opinion that Nebraska healthcare providers can legally prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID, so long as they obtain informed consent from the patient.
My motivation in posting the Times Now article was to point out that the UP protocols included widespread vaccinations, mask wearing and social distancing. All of those actions have been ridiculed by @o2b and @larry806q. They insist that the key to the covid reductions was the use of Ivermectin. Its efficacy can not be determined form the UP protocols because it was not used as the sole prophylactic or intervention once a victim was hospitalized.
There are several very difficult papers posted on whether Ivermectin is an effective agent of protection or treatment, most are inconclusive and many conclude it is statistically insignificant.
But none of that matters to those on this thread who insist that the pandemic is either a politically manufactured hoax curated by big pharma and the tech companies. This is the underlying truth of the motivations of those on this thread who continue to insist that the vaccines are evil and mask wearing is mind control.
I followed that link to the original twitter post (which was only screen shotted onto that gab post) https://gab.com/TitoPuraw/posts/107145427151874314 --> https://twitter.com/R_H_Ebright/status/1451422926763282436 and then to the daily caller article https://dailycaller.com/2021/10/21/nih-denies-funding-gain-of-function-wuhan-anthony-fauci/ and read the article only finding the "gain of function" being a claim thathttps://gab.com/TitoPuraw/posts/107145427151874314
This is just the easiest post to copy.
YES, Fauci and friends were doing gain of function work.
Now we find out big pharma and tech maybe just pawns.
but I can find no where in the article or anywhere else that rWIV1-SHC014 S is "lab created" except in the article which (BTW) is written by Andrew Kerr who apparently continued to push the Pizzagate conspiracy theory even after Edgar Welch was arrested at Comet pizza with a rifle. This whole argument about "gain of function" in viruses is obtuse to say the least. Blatant charges of "lying" when it comes to what it is and if and when it occurred, for what reasons and to what effect is opaque to say the least.EcoHealth Alliance informed the NIH in August that its lab-created rWIV1-SHC014 S coronavirus killed 75% of mice with humanized cells, while the natural WIV1 virus it was based on killed less than 25% of mice with the same humanized cells. The experiments were conducted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology between June 2018 and May 2019.
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/1...in-of-function-research-at-wuhan-lab-1151797/This whole argument about "gain of function" in viruses is obtuse to say the least. Blatant charges of "lying" when it comes to what it is and if and when it occurred, for what reasons and to what effect is opaque to say the least.
The fact that a Pizzagate propagandist is one of the folks pushing this narrative is a bigger red flag for me than anything else I (a layman) can discern from this.
The so-called “gain of function” research has been recently debated in the context of viral research on coronaviruses and whether it is too risky to undertake such experiments. However, the meaning of “gain of function” or “GOF” in a science policy context has changed over time. The term was originally coined to describe two controversial research projects on H5N1 avian influenza virus and was later applied to specific experiments on coronavirus. Subsequent policies and discussions have attempted to define GOF in different ways, but no single definition has been widely accepted by the community. The fuzzy and imprecise nature of the term has led to misunderstandings and has hampered discussions on how to properly assess the benefit of such experiments and biosafety measures.
again, the average deaths by covid per 100,000 people in the ten least vaccinated states is three times higher than the average deaths by covid per 100,000 in the ten most vaccinated states. (that is significant)looking at the 10 most vaccinated states and the ten least vaccinated states and averaging their deaths per 100,000 I get .24 vs .78
WV 1.38 VT 0.23
ID 1.09 WA 0.43
WY 0.96 CT 0.20
MS 0.94 RI 0.08
SD 0.51 ME 0.21
GA 0.80 MA 0.17
ND 0.71 NM 0.42
LA 0.45 NJ 0.21
AK 0.38 NY 0.19
TN 0.56 MD 0.27
AVG 0.78 0.24
Israel has the population of New York City.... as a data point it is dwarfed by the US^
Yes, that is significant though I am highly skeptical of the data as it runs contrary to other data (such as Israel).
Regardless, ivermectin and other treatments would be vastly superior to the jabs especially given the injuries and deaths due to them.
(Oh, and I just retried the link from my post and it still worked.)
I used to oversee upwards of 200 spc (statistical process control) charts and I know stats well. A population size of 28 is sufficient to predict the mean of a population with a correlation coefficient of 95%.Israel has the population of New York City.... as a data point it is dwarfed by the US
Please post the bogus studies which are making this claim because all I am seeing is studies that show no such thing......., pregnant women who had the jab are miscarrying at a high rate, I believe. So some may refuse it out of concern for others, such as the unborn....
Quick internet search:Please post the bogus studies which are making this claim because all I am seeing is studies that show no such thing...
https://twitter.com/TheJohnMach/status/1441473989319221250The study said 1132 women were vaccinated during the 1st trimester of their pregnancy.
The participants were all from December 14, 2020 to February 28, 2021.
The paper was published June 17th. It had to be written and submitted before that If you were in the 1st trimester in February, you wouldn't be expecting due unil possibly November.The fact that there were 96 spontaneous abortions that occurred before 13 weeks out of the 1132 women that were vaccinated in their 1st trimester is meaningless until the remaining 1036 (1132 - 96) pregnancies "complete".
96/1132 = 8.5% 8.5% is not out of the ordinary
It is known that: 10 - 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage before 20 weeks
I will offer that to those mothers they were indeed NOT meningless.The fact that there were 96 spontaneous abortions that occurred before 13 weeks out of the 1132 women that were vaccinated in their 1st trimester is meaningless until the remaining 1036 (1132 - 96) pregnancies "complete".
The point being that the claim of over 80% miscarriages in the first trimester for pregnancies is a blatant mis-characterization of the data. But it is quite normal for anti vaxxers to cherry pick numbers and then push emotional buttons.I will offer that to those mothers they were indeed NOT meningless.
it was really bugging me that this article is the only one that I could find that had that take on the cited study...then I found the article below on Evie Magazine and was like...what kind of world does @o2b live in where he is constantly bombarded with such biased info? does he have a special browser or filter on his browser?
https://medium.com/bigger-picture/b...nspiracy-theories-disinformation-e7aa7c6b3af5Through its aggressive marketing as an “unbiased source of truth,” Evie Magazine tricks people into thinking that it is a factual news site. A quick glance at the magazine’s homepage and a quick read through some of the articles (written at a middle school reading level) show that the authors are clearly pandering to right-wing talking points. From articles spreading disinformation about election fraud to articles cozying up to the QAnon conspiracy theory, Evie Magazine intentionally spreads disinformation to its young, easily impressionable audience. The “health” section has several articles casting doubt on birth control, COVID lockdowns, and mask wearing. Despite their claims of being “fair and balanced,” the authors unashamedly hate on feminism by creating straw-man arguments that paint all feminists as extreme and radical. The authors use internalized misogyny as a weapon to exalt themselves to moral greatness by casting harsh judgment towards other women who may think or act differently than they do (Author’s Note: This will be more thoroughly explained in a later article for brevity.).
Even the fashion section wasn’t completely free from bias, as there were articles that praised Melania Trump’s fashion and promoted body shaming.