-Mostly silent, inaccessible, and hard to understand
More like silent, intimidating, and strange.
-Can wear a childish mask
It's not a mask
This is the definition of introversion.
-Private about their motives
I don't like scheming. I want you to know my motives so you can help me.
-Not inclined to lead, follow or try and impress others
I'm sure I do all three depending on what I want to do.
-Responds to strong emotions with coldness
I respond to strong emotions by looking like a deer in the headlights.
-Intensive feelings rather than extensive, can be very kind in some instances without regard for appropriateness/manners etc.
I'll take kindness when I can get it. I'm not picky.
-Feel sympathy without taking action
Sometimes that's a good thing. I appear to have "sucker" written on my forehead.
-Can feel misunderstood
Are there people who feel that everybody understands them? I would like to meet them so I can totally misunderstand them.
-Under stress can be paranoid about "what others are thinking"
I can be paranoid about what others are feeling. I know what they're thinking.
-Idealistic: continually seeking an image which has no existence in reality, but of which it has had a sort of previous vision.
Sort of like General Relativity?