At this point I don't think you are kind, at least not to some people of those who chose to post in your thread.
I didn't ask for prying of my eyes, my eyes are fine, thank you, both physically and metaphorically.
I was interested to hear what you have to say, and expected of you to say something specific being that this is your thread. You are behaving as if you are the only one with eyes wide open, and there is no need for specifics because you are going to discuss things only with people who presumably have their eyes open in the same fashion, and are seeing what you see.
At first I thought I might be wrong, and actually wanted to participate in this discussion, because from a point of view of someone who works in industry, I have a lot to say about environmental problems. Other members are right, you don't want your beliefs and whatever it is that you see, questioned.
I'm one of the people who are concerned and am interested in seeking solutions for problems I or others identified, while working in previous company I actually learned a lot and worked on some issues concerning pollution, but what I'm not interested in is having a discussion with people who use empty words and think they have the right to patronize me or anyone else. And your reply to me was in that fashion.
Seeing what kind of discussion you have had in mind, and being that I'm not interested to participate in that type of discussion, I won't bother you again with my presence in your thread.
I hope you will accept my apology.
I misunderstood your previous post.
Unfortunately, I lost my cool. I was over-heating.
My language was too strong. I did not mean to be insulting.
I do struggle to communicate. It doesn't help when I am stressed or angry.
If you have an experience or insight please don't hesitate to share!
we are just perceiving different sources of information
I am sorry that our interaction ever created tension
honestly, I never sensed respect or kindness coming from you in the first place...
you seemed to think I was all about fear mongering and spreading false information
the nature of my responses to you have been somewhat defensive as a result.
no one likes to be antagonized.
regardless, it was wrong of me to respond in a vengeful way
from my point of view, we need to be collectively deciding to do something different...
this world is filled with human beings living their lives so separate from nature, myself included
I think the whole mass of humanity on earth is essentially disoriented
this is what I see...
Civilizations come and go... history is repeated until we learn the lessons and level-up.
Should I let go of the idea that it is possible to influence others in a positive way?
This is the only solution I can currently see available to us.
If we would only work to help each other instead of hurt each other, this world would be a vastly different place.
Or are we here to fight? Is this just all about fighting?
I can see how negative influences keep us living in fear.
Fear works to separate us from each other.
Also, people are often selfish and lazy.
They don't like to do the work.
I just wonder if there is any solution to the problems we face.
The problem seems to be inherent in human nature.
Perhaps it is in human nature to self-destruct...
or perhaps our true nature is quite different, and we have only been fooled/disoriented.
If only humanity could just upgrade it's software and behave differently...
I suppose the only action I can take is to be the best I can possibly be.
I'd like to help others but I've got to help myself first.
For some reason I tend to think that helping myself should include giving help to others... but I'm not going to force it.
I am beginning to realize that I am never served well by arguing.
I do believe that our actions affect each other,
but my actions affect me first and only I am responsible for myself.
Let's have some peace.
My hope is for people to realize the power of love.
I am not afraid of death. It's this living part that has me confused.
This is why I wanted to discuss the times.
I'm not really sure what to do next, considering the rough road ahead.
I guess we can only keep on moving and take it as it comes.
The annoying part for me is seeing how we only invest in future suffering when we ignore the problems we have in front of us.