- Enneagram
- 9w1
the problem is ther. e's no consensus by 75%, or 50% of what 'the system' should look like...
Really? Please direct me to that study
the problem is ther. e's no consensus by 75%, or 50% of what 'the system' should look like...
South Park was prophetic in their episode about voting for a new mascot. A giant douche or a turd sandwich. There is no lesser of two evils. How can you justify voting for either? Trump and Cruz are both completely unqualified to be president. This is all moot anyway. The next president will automatically be a democrat. Not because Hillary is a wonderful candidate, but because her competition is a joke. All the Rupublicans needed to do was find someone decent to nominate and they easily could have won. But they blew it. I think Hillary will be president from 2017-2025. That means at least 16 straight years of a democratic White House. If the GOP doesn't do some serious soul searching they won't have another president for a very long time. I am not playing sides, just observing the circus. Personally I dread the notion of Bill Clinton living in the White House again. I do not like dynasties so I would like all of the Bushes and Clintons to disappear. That leaves us with Bernie vs. Trump/Cruz, which means most people will be unhappy. Why can't we find a good independent candidate who appeals to more than half of the citizens of our country? I am tired of both parties. They seem like the flip side of the same coin most days. My favorite thing about Bernie is he is an atheist. He doesn't talk up religion as Hillary, Trump and Cruz do. Keep religion out of politics please. Religion has messed up enough already as it is. As for Trump vs. Cruz, they will both automatically lose so it almost doesn't matter who is nominated. GOP RIP. Let's see if I am right.
As an outsider to America, and therefore taking less interest in the credentials of 'making a good president', I am compelled to want Trump to be president. Why? It'll be the most entertaining spectacle of the century.
He might be entertaining, but what if he becomes president and then bombs your country? That is what I call risky entertainment. I would rather watch a movie.
He might be entertaining, but what if he becomes president and then bombs your country? That is what I call risky entertainment. I would rather watch a movie.
Although she is not an ideal choice, Hillary is the best one. She has the experience and the intelligence for the job an its not likely she will screw things up too much.
If you truly believe that [MENTION=14074]Sinny[/MENTION] then that 5th column has already taken over years ago. There nothing you or I (because we are both foreigners) can do about anyway is there? You've got your own problems over there, like politicians who haven't yet accepted that the sun has set on British Empire.
This thread is just propaganda to get us used to having to pick between two forced choices and reinforcing some people in saying that either Cruz or Trump is the best.
I'm bummed about Ben Carson. I sure wish he made it further along.