Cultivating Compassion
Exactly What It Says.
How do you do it?
Let us dig a little bit: Why do you want to cultivate compassion?
I listened to a zen lecture once where the students did an exercise that I remember in particular. Students were asked to write a list down of their spiritual ideals - what they wanted to be more like. Here is a list of most of the things that were said:
Compassion, priority on the welfare of others, accepting things as they are, generosity, peacefulness, monetary contentment, enlightenment, radiant inner beauty, unconditional love, daily practice, going on retreats, having good relationships with teachers, being joyful, friendly, wise, help children and the homeless and the elderly.
Then they were asked to look at each of their lists and were asked to describe that person. No surprises on what the answers there were... boring, lame, non-existent, and mum.
Then they were asked to write a second list. The second list was "What do you feel like when you are totally alive?" What were the answers to this? Enthusiastic, energetic, connected, powerful, spontaneous, fearless, creative, generous, joyful, aware, dangerous.
And then they were asked how this second person sounded, and the students laughed. The teacher continued, saying that THIS list is what you're aiming at in Buddhism - the second, and not the first. The spiritual items in the first list are what happen when you are awake in the second. When you actively become what you aspire to (those items in the first list) then you become dead, lifeless, and boring. Buddhism isn't about being a nice person. It's about being awake, which is experiencing everything that is arising.
I paraphrase all that not to say "listen to a buddhist teacher", which is an absurdity - they are simply just people like you and me. I say it because
I have found that it is absolutely true. The person who has learned to be compassionate is only a ruse of compassion. The person who is who they actually are never had to learn anything, and only confused themselves attempting to be someone that they're not. So get off your high horse of aspirations and stop trying to be something you aren't.
In conclusion: FUCK COMPASSION. Let's fight instead. Or lounge.
*sips his courvoisier*