@Wyote What on earth is SSBC? According to Google:
SSBC, a manufacturer of performance brakes (maybe you like those while wheelin'?)
South Shore Baseball Club (no)
Southside Baptist Church (no)
Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium, p2p social network. (are you a scuttlebutt? I do like the sound of that, Mr. Wyote Scuttlebutt. It's like a character from a Dickens novel. Maybe a businessman or a gentle orphan boy determined to make it in a nasty world full of soft soot and hard leather.
"Please take the box of rotten fish with you, Mr. Scuttlebutt," the schoolmaster said without even turning to look at him, "and there might just be a halfpenny in it for you."
(of course we know that Mr. Scuttlebutt never received his halfpenny because of a series of unfortunate accidents involving an albatross, a man threatening to smack him for slipping on the cobblestones, and a scoundrel who had just five minutes ago nicked the purse of Miss Jolanda Picklestream))
(I had Great Expectations on the shelf here so I just now opened it on a random page, here's the first sentence I saw: "Joe laid his hand upon my shoulder with the touch of a woman." (as narrated by Pip) I didn't remember it was
that kind of novel.
