Community Member
What are strategies you all use for dealing with particularly STJs. (sorry I don’t mean to single out STJs, it’s just the majority of times I have trouble with those who I feel confident are if this type) who seriously believe in social hierarchy and set out to one up you at the get go and actually derive pleasure from putting you down? Though from a higher vantage it’s evident we are all equal at the soul level and this kind of low behaviour is transparent in a way mud is evident in water, we are also dissolved in this social soup where old and young souls, saints and sinners if you will, every kind of stereotypical person type is set alongside each other with no filter …which is earth reality. Call it 3D or whatnot, what I mean is sometimes it doesn’t just feel tiring to encounter these situations but when I’m less guarded and aware often I actually fall into the game of trying to defend myself from their toxicity wherein on better days I can just offer an antidote and be more immune at the get go by seeing through that they see in these stratified terms and I would rather a warmer more forgiving…higher lens.
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