By the way, I'm not saying I'm done feuding with anybody. I have problems with both liberals and conservatives because of my principles and I have real issues with absurdities in serious conversations and there's nothing that's ever going to change that. I'm just now aware with what I'm dealing with in this particular case.
By the way, I'm not saying I'm done feuding with anybody. I have problems with both liberals and conservatives because of my principles and I have real issues with absurdities in serious conversations and there's nothing that's ever going to change that. I'm just now aware with what I'm dealing with in this particular case.
i'm the only delicious dessert snack either way.
Oh and there's that veteran INTP member who's avatar is a stack of pancakes smoking a pipe, I guess he counts... although pancakes aren't really dessert they're breakfast.I was the second!
What do you mean by "i'm the only delicious dessert snack"?
; )
Oh and there's that veteran INTP member who's avatar is a stack of pancakes smoking a pipe, I guess he counts... although pancakes aren't really dessert they're breakfast.
You are only about 30% maybe. And that's being generous. It won't turn out they way you are expecting, if your civil war wet dreams do come true. That lunatic fringe would get shut down real quick.You want a civil war? Bring it. Well just get America back that much quicker minus many of those who wish to destroy it.
That or, shut up Holder.
Goodbye Al Franken. I told you at the beginning it was never your choice. As usual I am proven correct. The world is simply tired of the sickness embedded deep and in every corner of your party. This is just the very begining with so much more to come. In the mean time let the door hit you really really hard on the way out. Maybe even enough to loosen some teeth.
Really. Give me some quotes from antifa that sound anything like that.You sound like Antifa
Really. Give me some quotes from antifa that sound anything like that.
Goodbye Al Franken. I told you at the beginning it was never your choice. As usual I am proven correct. The world is simply tired of the sickness embedded deep and in every corner of your party. This is just the very begining with so much more to come. In the mean time let the door hit you really really hard on the way out. Maybe even enough to loosen some teeth.