I 'know' a couple guys in Franceland and they are brilliant. I think that's mislabeled and is prolly why I even found the song.
I 'know' a guy in Israel and he is brilliant also!mine is french/hebrew
I like it so far! thanks.
For me that was this song back in the day... and still today I thinkI've existed in a state of consciousness where a song was my entire universe. Many times.
Yep, just listened to Burden In My Hand again, left this world.
@infinite dreams put Electric Eye first, you know what that means? He thought of it first! You know what that means?
I love him.
I deeply associate eras of my life by the music I heard at the time.
Some songs I love I have to listen to a buttload to disassociate them from painful times.
HOLY DOGSHIT... I'm gonna have your baby.
ETA: Fun fact, I'm not even sure it's my favorite JP song. This one is right up there:
I am just another random socially awkward idiot metalhead. Each one of these makes every hair on my body stand on end.
These are just the first few I thought of. There are dozens and dozens of others (Ne aux).
The Alcest song is so good (and French). I love it when bands blend metal and shoegaze. Also, have you heard of the band Isis? Ok it's an unfortunate name but they've been around for two decades and their album Oceanic is one of my favorite metal albums. Here's the first track off it: