Describe Your Musical Essence

I can't exactly even put into words how much this song means to me or how it makes me feel exactly.
It's like my whole body is on fire. Every time. My friend was the biggest RATM fan and the song is featured in The Matrix.
So many memories embedded in this one.
For me, music is like the last frontier. Music and specific forms of handmade art have always seemed to be beyond me somehow. Even though I practiced both to a small degree when I was a kid, I suspect that my orderliness and perfectionist nature always discouraged me from continuing. So now whenever I find an artist who has everything that I like:
  • Amazing yet unique sound
  • Deep idealistic lyrics to dig around in
  • Cover art and metaphors which do not annoy me
  • Someone who is generally overlooked by the public so that they have no cause to create anything, for anyone, except for THEMSELVES or God
Those are the artists that I really like. And here in my twenties, it's been all about the clear sound which reverberates best and describes most fully. The external metaphor representing internal whatever it may be. I am in favor of such expressions.

It's almost like I've been through the springtime of youth phase and my heart is now in the smooth flowing sound of the acoustics. In the clever lines which need not be remixed or remashed.

But what do I know about me? LOL.
Alison Krauss and Yo-Yo Ma were a big part of my musical childhood. This collaboration hits me pretty hard, and when the bagpipes really kick in, well I'm done.

And this one too

Oh my god I never linked any of The Devil Makes Three, I really am an idiot.

This first song's lyrics are about drugs but this song makes me feel a connection more with the price that my maddened obsessions take on me. I don't know if that makes any sense but that's about the only way I can explain it.

Sort of the same feeling I get watching that scene from House M.D. where he cures the famous trumpet player:

Musician: "I know that limp, I know that empty ring finger. The reason why most guys have a wife and kids that love them is that they don't have that one thing that hits them that hard and that true."

House: "I'm in pain"

Musician smirks: "Aren't we all?"
I can't really enjoy music if I can't connect with it emotionally. Music speaks for me when I can't find the words myself. Sharing what song I'm listening to is basically like telling someone what I'm feeling... Which is why I've posted barely any music on here in a long time, because I've been, well, hiding in my shell.

I think it might even make me feel more raw and exposed than writing or art, to share what I'm listening to. It's like opening my heart and soul and saying "here, take a look."
My ESTP bff shames me for it all the time. I... I don't know what's wrong with me.

Nuthin wrong with you except you're an elf hater, obviously.
It's like opening my heart and soul and saying "here, take a look."

But anyway, on topic- this was in essence what I was wanting to get out of people in whatever way they are comfortable with sharing.

This song is another one, really intertwined in my soul, deep down it is always playing. I am very much a romantic at heart but this is an aspect of myself I tend to keep locked up.
I've played this song in my head a million times. There's something about it that I can't let go of. I always come back to this feeling.
But anyway, on topic- this was in essence what I was wanting to get out of people in whatever way they are comfortable with sharing.

This song is another one, really intertwined in my soul, deep down it is always playing. I am very much a romantic at heart but this is an aspect of myself I tend to keep locked up.

Deep down I'm a bit of a sap and far more sensitive than I wish I were. Although after 12k posts you guys might have figured that out already...

I've been listening to this song since I was around 7 and connected with it for some reason ever since I first heard it, so it would appear that I've been a sap for all of my 27 years (don't tell anyone pls).

It's pretty much always playing in the background too, for those I've loved and lost.
